"By the way, how did you come back? Lord Yan Wang knows that you sneaked back to see me, will he punish you?" Suddenly Bao Xiruo raised his head and said nervously.

"No, didn't I say that, I was appointed as the judge of the underworld by Lord Hades. Every month, the judge can return to the sun world in human form, so I don't count as sneaking back. From now on, I will return every month. I can come back to see you once, but I am afraid that you will be wronged by waiting for one day every month." Liu Xu continued to lie, anyway, if he visits her once a month, he can still find the time, let alone a month here, maybe other dimensions It will take years or even decades, so I am not afraid of this lie being exposed.

"Really? It's great to be able to come back one day a month. You see, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl can only meet once a year. I can wait." Bao Xiruo said happily.

She didn't even wipe away the tears hanging on her cheeks. From Bao Xiruo's point of view, Yang Tiexin could come back to see her once a month, which was already half of his resurrection.

"That's good, go and eat your food, or you'll starve to death, and you won't feel sorry for me to death." Liu Xu took the opportunity to say.

After learning that her husband can come back from the underworld once a month... Bao Xiruo was in a good mood, and it turned out that life would be worse than death if she didn't come back again. The tears in the corners of the eyes make people feel pity no matter how they look.

Liu Xu didn't dare to look at it after a few more glances, or else he would be miserable, so he was going to run away.

Suddenly, Bao Xiruo put down the bowl and chopsticks, and rushed towards Liu Xu, a pair of jade hands tightly wrapped around his neck, and his hot lips kissed him on the face.

Liu Xu was taken aback and said anxiously, "Yue... oh, no... sorry for being weak, what are you doing?"

"Tie Xin, you are leaving tomorrow, and you will come back next month to see Xiruo. How about having a good time with Xiruo tonight? I know, this is not something a woman should say, but Kanger is dead. , I just want to give birth to another child for you, the Yang family can't have no children."

Bao Xiruo burst into tears as he spoke, Liu Xu hesitated to speak, he really wanted to say that even if he gave birth to a child, it would be Liu, not Yang, but when the words came to his lips, he would say no matter what. Not exported.

While Liu Xu was hesitating, Bao Xiruo had already started tearing his clothes.

"Forget it, Lao Yang! I'm really sorry, I'm doing a good deed to help you take care of your wife! You've already died, so you shouldn't mind it! Otherwise, seeing your wife as a helpless widow, you probably won't be able to die if you die. Wouldn't you be happy!"

After Liu Xu shamelessly deceived himself for a while, he felt that he had found a good reason not to be polite to his mother-in-law in his arms.


It's not without reason that Bao Xiruo can fascinate King Jin Wanyan Honglie so much. She is indeed worthy of the title of the best in the world. The feeling of it can only be felt and cannot be expressed in words. Only those who have truly experienced it will know.

Liu Xu lay on Bao Xiruo's soft body, gently stroking her white body, screaming in his heart, he was really powerless to women, and he had agreed to abstain from sexual intercourse for three days before his father-in-law left for the funeral, but now he Put his wife on.

"Forget it, just get on it, what's the use of regretting."

Liu Xu sighed, kissed his mother-in-law who had passed out, got up, dressed and left.

The next morning.

Bao Xiruo stretched her waist, rubbed her spring-like eyes, and suddenly realized that there was no one beside the bed, so she hurriedly looked around nervously.

"How did this happen, Tie Xin, where are you?"

"Oh, by the way, it's dawn now. Tie Xin is a soul, of course he has to go back to the underworld, and he will come to see me next month." Bao Xiruo said to himself.

Suddenly, she became nervous again. Could it be that yesterday was just a dream?

However, seeing the wet sheets on the bed, Bao Xiruo no longer doubted that her husband really came back yesterday.

She blushed, and then a happy shame appeared on her face.

"How did he suddenly become so powerful yesterday? Is it because he became a god in the local area?"

With a low moan, Bao Xiruo discovered Han Xiaoying, the Seventh Heroine of the Seven Heroes of the South of the Yangtze River on the ground.

"Why did I suddenly fall asleep? Too bad, sister-in-law Yang, don't do something stupid!" Han Xiaoying jumped up from the ground.

She didn't relax until she saw Bao Xiruo who was looking at her and smiling.

"Strange, what are you doing?" Han Xiaoying said suspiciously.

Before she fell asleep, Bao Xiruo still looked as if she would rather die than to live, but after she woke up from sleep, she changed into a look full of spring joy.

"Sister Han, thank you for taking care of my sister yesterday. Don't worry, my sister won't do anything stupid. Yesterday Tiexin gave my sister a dream, so that my sister can live well... My sister will not let him down."

Bao Xiruo is a smart person, so she naturally knew what Han Xiaoying was thinking, walked over to help her younger sister who had been lying on the ground most of the night, and then found an excuse to get by.

Yang Tiexin became an official of the underworld and came back to see her. Bao Xiruo decided it was better not to let anyone know.

"Oh my God! Is this true? Brother Yang gave Sister Yang a dream for you?" Han Xiaoying said.

"Of course it's true, otherwise how would I be happy, sister?" Bao Xiruo said.

Looking at Bao Xiruo's heartfelt happiness, as if she had hit a pie in the sky, Han Xiaoying nodded.

Three days later, Yang Tiexin's funeral was over, and Bao Xiruo didn't show too much sadness, which made everyone feel strange for a while.

It wasn't until Han Xiaoying told them about Yang Tiexin's dream, that everyone was relieved.

Today Liu Xu was ready to go back, said goodbye to everyone, and said that he would go out for about a month.

On this day, Liu Xu was planning to rush to the girls' room to have a big fight with Yinggu Huazheng and the girls, and have a passionate scene before parting, and when he was leaving, the door was kicked open.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1312 The heroine Han Xiaoying breaks through the void in one step

A murderous beautiful young woman appeared at his door, pointing a long sword at him.

"Hey, Seventh Master sister beauty, what are you doing? What are you doing kicking my door?" Liu Xu looked at Guo Jing's Seventh Master Han Xiaoying strangely.

"What do you think? You perverted thief? What did you do to Princess Huazheng?" Han Xiaoying said.

Today she accidentally saw that Hua Zheng was also in Quanzhen, so she asked Guo Jing about it.

Guo Jing told the truth about Hua Zheng and Liu Xu, but the other five monsters didn't say anything. After all, although Hua Zheng was Guo Jing's fiancée, they all knew his attitude towards her.

He was talking about if Liu Xu didn't take Hua Zheng away, would Guo Jing's character dare to be with Zhao Yanran?

They like Zhao Yanran very much, how can Zhengchou help Guo Jing get rid of his marriage with Hua Zheng?

Right now.

But Han Xiaoying was on the list. She didn't know what was going on. When she heard that Liu Xu had robbed her apprentice's fiancée, she was so angry that she rushed to Liu Xu to settle the score.

It's just that she doesn't know whether she is angry at Liu Xu for stealing her apprentice's fiancée, or whether she sees more and more wives but keeps ignoring her.

"What did you do? Huazheng is my wife, what can I do to her?" Liu Xu said inexplicably.

"You bastard, isn't Jing'er your second younger brother? Why don't you even let his fiancée go, you're just as good as a beast, it's not right." Han Xiaoying glared at him, and Gao Ting's Su Yuexiong went up and down. ups and downs.

"Tch, I thought what were you talking about! My second brother himself blessed us, why are you messing around? I can't stand you meddling woman, get out of the way, get out of the way, I'm going out." Liu Xu Gave her a blank stare.

"You are shameless, you are mean, you are not human..."

Han Xiaoying was irritated by his attitude. She was a woman in her thirties, and she was teary like a little girl.

She was furious and cursed, and then raised her long sword and slashed at Liu Xu.

"Hey, hey, you think I, Liu Xu, have a good temper, don't you? Or do you think that you are my second brother's master, so I won't do anything to you? I want to say something." Liu Xu easily dodged Jian, feeling slightly angry, why did Han Xiaoying transform into Guo Jing's eldest daughter, Guo Fu?

Han Xiaoying didn't seem to hear what he said, but kept slashing at him with her sword.

Liu Xu knocked out the long sword in the crazy woman's hand and pressed her against the wall.

"If you do this again, don't blame me for being merciless."

As soon as Liu Xu pressed his body, he felt the stimulation from Han Xiaoying's mouth.

"Let me go, let me go."

Han Xiaoying was pressed so tightly by Liu Xu, it really made her whole body burn, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

"Is this the body of a man?" Han Xiaoying's heart twitched.

She, who had never been in close contact with a man before, blushed, but did not admit defeat.

Seeing that there was still a gap under his legs, he bent his knees and bumped into Liu Xu's.

"Damn, you're so cruel, you want me to be unable to have a son! But don't think about it, if you beat me like this, am I still the number one expert in the eagle shooting?"

Han Xiaoying's legs were completely separated when Liu Xu stretched his legs lightly to block them.

"Hehe, beauty, what are you doing with your legs so far apart? Don't tell me you want it?" Liu Xu pushed his body forward, "That's right! It's normal for an old maid in her thirties to want a man. "

Embarrassed by Liu Xu's old maid, Han Xiaoying struggled hard.

"Let go of me, you bastard. Can't I be wrong?"

Now she really regrets her recklessness, knowing that Liu Xu's martial arts are unfathomable, and she still comes to find him.

But she didn't expect that her legs are separated now, and Liu Xu is pressing her down. Her twisting like this will immediately provoke the men's Jedi to fight back.

At this moment, Han Xiaoying finally knew what happened, and she couldn't help sobbing: "No, don't move!"

Liu Xu also realized something was wrong at this time, he smiled wickedly, and said, "Now I know I'm afraid, what did you do just now?"

"I... I was wrong, let me go, you... you bastard, don't move?" Han Xiaoying called.

Liu Xu moved closer to her little earlobe and said, "Do you like me?"

"Nonsense, who likes you?" Han Xiaoying was in a turmoil, as if she had been told something, "How old are you!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Seeing him like that, Han Xiaoying panicked and felt wronged, and even started to cry.

"Okay, don't cry, you can go now! I have something to go out, you have to figure it out for yourself, whether you like me or not." Liu Xu let her go after finishing speaking.

Han Xiaoying quickly turned around and ran out, not even daring to look back, but her heart kept beating violently.

Liu Xu looked down at his body, smiled wryly, and then went as fast as he could.He rushed into the room of Ying Gu and his daughters.

"Wife, let's get down to business!" Liu Xu closed the door and shattered his clothes in an instant.

"You...what are you doing? It's still broad daylight...you, ah..." Ying Gu exclaimed, her clothes were looted.

"I'm going back to my own world tomorrow, so you can have fun with your husband now!" Liu Xu said with a smile.

The girls fell silent when they heard his words, then looked at each other tacitly, and threw themselves into his arms.


Wake up early in the morning.

Liu Xu kissed every woman on the face, got up and left.

He went to the ancient tomb. In the ancient tomb, Liu Xu came into contact with the suppression of his own strength by the Zhu Xianjian, fully revealing his absolute strength as a broken void-level powerhouse, and took that last step.

"I, Hu Hansan, are back again."

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