Liu Xu could feel the rejection of him from the Condor World, and the will of the world couldn't tolerate him, a powerhouse at the Shattered Void level.

The next moment, a huge black hole appeared in the ancient tomb, and Liu Xu stepped in. When he disappeared, the black hole and the entire ancient tomb disappeared.


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Chapter 1313 In the last world, Lao Tzu wore it for nothing?

Liu Xu, who has experienced time-traveling several times, is not worried about anything at all. He knows that when he travels back, he must meet Liu Yifei's eyes, affectionately...

As a result, there is a word called "everything is impermanent".


The gentle breeze blows from the mountains, and the land is lush and full of vitality.

Smart birds are jumping among the branches, and the green grass exudes a faint, warm earthy smell.

This is the early spring season, on the bank of southern Xinjiang.

A young girl was walking in the mountains, her bright eyes moved around, shining with life-like light. It seemed that she had walked out of this land for the first time. No matter what she saw, she was full of interest, so she went to have a look.

The girl was wearing light green clothes, exuding a watery and pure temperament, brimming with youthful vitality.Man's waist was so full that he couldn't hold it, it was so soft that it looked like a dancing snake. A cyan ribbon was gently wrapped around Man's waist, forming a stark contrast with Xuefeng's upturned buttocks.

The young girl has the vigor and charm of women from southern Xinjiang, as well as the gentleness and tranquility of women from Jiangnan.

The fluttering cyan skirt swayed gently in the wind, occasionally revealing a touch of snow-white ankles, as if illuminating the entire mountain.

The beauty is soul-stirring, not like a woman in the world.

The girl walked, laughing like silver bells, and was about to bend down to pick up a small grass on the ground.

Suddenly, an explosion in the sky diverted her attention.

A large black hole suddenly appeared with the sound.

The space fell piece by piece, as if it was burning. In the depths of the big hole, there was a strange and powerful force that had never been seen before and that the girl had never experienced, and it was constantly transmitted.




Amidst the violent roar, the animals in the mountains and fields fled in all directions, but the girl was rarely flustered, and her fingers danced lightly, drawing strange marks one after another.

A powerful spiritual power suddenly emerged from her body, and an ancient snake staff full of vitality was tightly held in Yu's hand.

Looking at the big black hole in the sky, the girl's face showed a look of eagerness to try.

Suddenly, a funny sound came from the dark hole.

It's funny, because the voice is angry and domineering, but the voice itself is as cute as a baby.

"Fuck! Mad! You're playing with me!"

Then, a small, naked baby in the sky fell rapidly from a high altitude, falling very fast.

As the baby fell, it cursed and said strange things.

"FUCK! Where is this wearing again?"

"Could it be because I didn't find Liu Yifei, did I wear it for nothing in the last world?"

"Fuck, you didn't make it clear in advance!"


The baby fell down quickly, and the woman stood there in amazement for a while, before her body flew forward quickly.

Waves of spiritual energy surrounded her, and the girl's figure drew a blurred shadow in the air, and quickly reached the sky.

The baby was embraced by the white and crystal jade hands, and the girl embraced the little baby in her arms with a look of love.

It is a bit inaccurate to say that it is a baby, because the body of this child is similar to that of a two- or three-year-old child.

However, what is strange is his body!

Even more tender than a baby, but also thinner, crystal clear and full of luster.

"This is..." The girl looked at the baby's body, and suddenly froze.

Pure and flawless, like a piece of natural jade, the fit between the body and the aura of heaven and earth is frighteningly high. Even if this child has never practiced or done anything, the aura of heaven and earth is still constantly accumulating around him, the concentration is extremely high, slowly Moisturizing his body...

This is perfect flesh!

Holding the baby, the girl flicked the baby's face with her crystal jade fingers, and said with a smile, "What a lovely child!"

The baby in his arms was still cursing, when he suddenly heard a voice ringing in his ears, he quickly turned his head and was stunned.

Then, he stood up nimbly and pinched the girl's breast with his hand, but his childish face was full of old-fashioned and teasing tone: "Yo! You are a nice girl, what's your name?" ?”

"You, you..." The girl stared at the child dumbfounded.

The child's hands are still moving, as if they are playing.

An unprecedented feeling spread throughout the girl's body. She couldn't help but groaned, and then shyly knocked off the baby's arm: "You, whose child are you! Why are you so, so ..."

The girl couldn't find words to describe it.

To be attacked by a child, I am so ashamed!

The child clasped his fists in a very dignified manner, and said: "Hello, beauty, my name is Liu Xu. Since I saw you for the first time, I have been deeply attracted by your temperament. I decided that from now on, it is not you Do not marry, accept my sincere and warm love!"

Looking at this strange child who fell from the sky, the girl suddenly felt that her past ten years of life experience were all in vain...

An hour later.

Liu Xuguang was lying in the girl's arms, his little head was deeply buried in the girl's mouth, breathing deeply, almost drunk to death.

"That is to say, you are born with spiritual intelligence, and you are not a thousand-year-old monster?" The girl's soft voice was beautiful and moving, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"You have asked twenty times, big beauty, look at me, I am so weak, so pure, with such delicate skin, and no energy in my body, how could it be an old monster? Beauty, you are so suspicious of a lonely Children, there will be retribution!" Liu Xu said childishly, sincerely and righteously.

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu lowered his head and arched and arched in front of the girl Yuexiong, pretending to be looking for a comfortable place to rest.

"But I've never seen a child like you." The girl muttered suspiciously.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1314 Zhao Linger in Xianyili was played by Liu Yifei

However, despite her doubts, the girl still curiously stretched out her green and white jade fingers, and flicked Liu Xu's body once, twice, and three times.

Occasionally, he glanced under Liu Xu's belly, took a curious look, a second look, a third look, and then blushed and turned his head quickly.

"That's because you don't know much!" Liu Xu said, tilting his head, and continued to enjoy the girl's moonlight.

The girl looked at this strange child, her delicate eyebrows were slightly frowned, thinking about something.

Glancing at the place where the space exploded just now, the terrifying coercion still remains deep in the girl's memory, and then touched Liu Xu's crystal clear skin. The degree of fit between this body and the aura of heaven and earth is terrifying.

His status is extraordinary.

This is a person who was born to practice Taoism.

This is a real genius.

The girl's face suddenly showed a bit of playfulness and excitement, as if she had discovered a new world.

"Hey, little Liu Xu, are you interested in learning witchcraft from my sister? Our southern Xinjiang's witchcraft is very powerful." The girl asked hopefully.

"Witchcraft? Cut! I don't bother to learn it, it's too outdated." Liu Xu pouted.

"Why?" The girl looked at Liu Xu in surprise and asked.

"Because witchcraft is really not popular in the outside world! Fighting qi is popular now, and even magic has disappeared... I want to become the Hokage of One Piece, so naturally I have to learn the most trendy things... such as domineering and chakra. It's..." With a loud tone, Liu Xu stood upright, pretending to be aggressive but showing arrogance.

In front of beautiful women, you must always act aggressive, this is a must.

Seeing the girl's suspicious expression, Liu Xu cleared his throat, continued to move towards the beauty's arms, lay down comfortably, and said in a [-]-degree turn: "Of course, beauty, don't be disappointed, you want me to It’s not impossible to learn witchcraft, but there are two conditions! First of all, please tell me your name, such a beautiful lady, if I don’t know her name, I will sleep with guilt. And, beauty , please give me a chance to pursue you! My fair lady, a gentleman is so good. You girl, I’m in love with you, young master!”


Lin Qing'er's face was full of laughter and helplessness.

"Beauty, what do you mean! Do you look down on children? Tell you! I will grow up very quickly, as long as the words 'ten years later' can grow up, do you believe it?"

"Ahem, and love has no boundaries. Don't look at my appearance, but I have a mature and stable heart. Beauty, you have to establish a correct view of love. Age should not be a fetter that binds us."



The girl's face was very strange, and she looked Liu Xu up and down several times. Those strange remarks opened her eyes. What's even more ridiculous is that this kid actually wants to pursue her?

too exaggerated!

The girl thought for a while, and felt that this child was just a whim. A child, even if he was born with enlightened intelligence, how much can he understand?

Promise him today, maybe forget it tomorrow!

Moreover, she shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting the common people in the world!

"Okay, sister, I'll give you this chance." The girl smiled coquettishly, her mischievous eyes shining brightly.

She suddenly realized that this seemed to be fun!

"Little brother, brother, remember! My sister is Lin Qing'er, a native of southern Xinjiang, and a high priest of the Baimiao nationality..."

"Lin Qing'er? The High Priest of the Bai Miao Nationality in Southern Xinjiang? You're playing with me..."

This time it was Liu Xu who was speechless, he was such a capable person, but facing Lin Qing'er who claimed to be from his family at this time, he also felt a throbbing pain in his head.

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