The girl I'm looking at now is actually the descendant of Nuwa, the mother of Zhao Ling'er in Legend of Sword and Fairy?

Too pit!

If Lin Qing'er is taken in, Zhao Ling'er will be gone; but letting Lin Qing'er go is even more impossible, absolutely impossible. Liu Xu is someone that even Lin Qing'er's mother, Zixuan, doesn't want to let go, let alone Lin Qing'er. Lin Qinger?

But thinking of Zhao Linger...

In my last world, because I lost the little dragon girl, I didn't travel back to the original world, but jumped directly to the world of Legend of Sword and Love. It seems that I should look for Liu Yifei again...

By the way, in Legend of Sword and Fairy, Zhao Linger is played by Liu Yifei!

If Zhao Linger is lost again, where will he go back in the next world?

Tianlong Babu or the family of gold fans?

Really tangled.

After struggling for a long time, Liu Xu thought, let's take a step forward!

It's still far from the plot!

To be honest, Liu Xu was tricked this time and turned into the child he is now.

Even if it's a teenager!

Liu Xu was very depressed. Fortunately, this sentence is crystal clear, purer than any elixir, and full of potential. The huge potential can support Liu Xu to go further.

Moreover, not only that, Liu Xu found that although his physical strength was basically wiped out, his mental strength was huge. This is why after he came out of the black hole, he fell from the sky without any injuries. I thought it was Lin Qing'er who caught him with his hands!

Mental strength!

Liu Xu stared at a towering ancient tree a few miles away, staring at it closely, and then, with a slight movement of mind, he did not launch a too strong attack, but just flicked it slightly.

The big tree suddenly broke, twisted, and changed, and the whole tree quickly turned into powder and completely dissipated...

The spiritual power of nothingness can attack real objects.

Moreover, this was because Liu Xu didn't know the way of spiritual cultivation in this world.

"Qing'er, teach me how to practice!" Liu Xu stuck in Lin Qing'er's arms and said, "I can't wait."

"Call me Sister Qing'er, children must be polite." Lin Qing'er talked on Liu Xu's forehead.

"Okay, Qing'er." Liu Xu said solemnly: "Qing'er, there is a straw on your head, I will remove it for you."

"Unbehaved child, I, Lin Qing'er, a descendant of the Nuwa clan, will definitely lead you to the right path." Lin Qing'er angrily said.


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Chapter 1315 Is he the illegitimate son of Empress Nuwa?

Liu Xu finally started to practice cultivation.

Lin Qing'er's explanation gave Liu Xu a general understanding of the cultivation system in this world.

Swordsmanship, five-spirit spells, witchcraft, etc., all the things that exist in the fairy sword world exist here.

The level of cultivation in this world is divided into eight realms: Foundation Establishment Realm, Aperture Opening Realm, Qi Refining Realm, God Transformation Realm, Heart Connecting Realm, Void Return Realm, Empty Light Realm, and Dao Harmonious Realm.

The gap between each realm is naturally self-evident.

It is said that the strongest master of the Dao realm can call wind and rain, fly into the sky and hide from the ground, and even move mountains and seas with a wave of his hand.

The means are unexpected.

Legend has it that Empress Nuwa, who made people out of clay, was a master at the peak of the Dao realm.

It's a pity that after so many years, there have been almost no masters in the Dao realm.

It is rumored that the strongest person in history is the former head of Shu Mountain, who has reached the peak of Kongming Realm.

But even so, he still couldn't escape the erosion of the years, and finally died.

"Of course, no matter how low an immortal is, he will definitely surpass Gao Wu." Liu Xu came to this conclusion after thinking for a while.


"Then, Qing'er, what level are you?" Liu Xu asked after thinking for a while.

"I am now a master of the God Transformation Realm." Lin Qing'er patted Liu Xu's forehead affectionately, "Amazing! Little Liu Xu, you have to work hard!"

"God-transformation state? I know, to pass through the state of mind, you must experience the experience of the world! The improvement of the state of mind is also very important." Liu Xu said in the tone of a little adult: "Pure cultivation is useless, so Qing'er You just walked out of Miaojiang!"

Looking at Lin Qing'er's speechless expression, Liu Xu felt even more frightened.

It's very simple to understand this, you can guess it, you can't become a real master by working behind closed doors.

"Qing'er, hurry up and teach me!" Liu Xu bared his teeth and claws and said, "It's slow, you're going to lose your temper as a husband."

"Little kid!" Lin Qing'er said angrily


Among all kinds of Taoism and supernatural powers, Liu Xu first chose Southern Xinjiang witchcraft.

The Southern Xinjiang witchcraft sword took a slant, but it also stepped out of its own world.

Weird, strange, unexpected, these are the characteristics of witchcraft in southern Xinjiang.

In particular, the various "Gu poisons" among them made Liu Xu's heart ecstatic. There were various kinds of "Love Gu", "Worry Gu", and "Same Fate Gu". In Liu Xu's view, they were full of fun.

As a man, Liu Xu is very interested in such things, not only useful for beauties, but also especially convenient when you are in a bad mood.

As a time traveler, Liu Xu must have a dark person. Those decent villains, no matter who they are, who block his way, must not let them go.

The second thing to learn is naturally the Five Spirits Immortal Art.

The potential of Liu Xu's physical body now has undergone the transformation of time travel, leaving behind the so-called "genius" by hundreds of thousands of light years.

With such a good qualification, it is easy to learn fairy arts.

As for swordsmanship, Lin Qing'er is not good at it, but Liu Xu doesn't care. When the time comes, he will directly find someone from Shushan, and torture will come out.


Time flies, and two months go by in the blink of an eye.

In the past two months, Liu Xu's powerful cultivation talent almost caused Lin Qing'er to collapse.

As a descendant of Nuwa, she is very talented. She has reached the stage of transformation at a very young age. Among human monks, her potential can at least rank in the top ten.Lin Qing'er has always been very confident in herself.

However, compared with Liu Xu...

On the first day of practice, the speed at which Liu Xu drew the aura into his body formed a sunken air field, and the aura of heaven and earth seemed to be attracted by Liu Xu, rushing towards Liu Xu one after another.

As the mother of the earth, Lin Qing'er's affinity for spiritual energy is far inferior to this little doll.

Then entered the foundation building realm that day...

Three days later, he broke through again and reached the state of Tongqiao.

One month later, he reached the state of refining Qi.

Now, Liu Xu is already at the peak of Qi training. He can break through to the state of transforming gods at any time.

Lin Qing'er, who is gentle and generous, couldn't help being jealous of Liu Xu's monstrous cultivation speed.

She knows that Liu Xu's work and rest schedule is very standard, and he spends a lot of time chatting with himself every day, and then "figures out" the principles of Taoism...

What principles can a child understand?

Lin Qing'er felt that he was just being lazy.

In other words, the actual training time may not even be ten days...

Are you going to catch up with your own cultivation so quickly?

Could it be that he is the illegitimate son of Empress Nuwa?

"Bah, bah, empress Nuwa, I didn't mean to slander you..."

Lin Qing'er shook her head, throwing all the wild thoughts in her head to the sky. The only thing that can comfort her is that she has become the object of pursuit and counseling of the most monstrous monk in history, especially the identity of the former, Lin Qinger Every time Qing'er thinks of it, after laughing and laughing, there will always be a trace of pride.

Children don't lie. As a woman, there is always a bit of maternal joy and pride in the clinginess of children...


The first ray of morning light spilled from the valleys to the east.

Lin Qing'er was lying on the grass, her long eyelashes fluttering and opened gently.

On her pretty face, there is still a bit of tiredness, and the lazy and mysterious curves are full of quiet beauty under the sunlight.

Practitioners don't pay attention to food and lodging at all, let alone the mother of the earth who is close to nature, the descendant of Nuwa.

These days, Lin Qing'er and Liu Xu are instructing and practicing together in the woods.

In the past two months, we have gotten to know each other a lot.

Feeling the numbness in front of Yuexiong, Lin Qing'er looked down, and couldn't help blushing. Even though Liu Xu fell asleep, he still didn't forget to free a hand and put it on her Yuexiong's mouth, and fell asleep peacefully. Move your little head and rub her cheeks.


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Chapter 1316 Clone Technique, Yihonglou

Regarding Liu Xu's presumptuousness, what Lin Qing'er thought was that he was a child, so she didn't care at all.

Moreover, some of Liu Xu's tricks seemed to be very skillful, and it actually made her... very comfortable...

Therefore, every time Liu Xu made some small moves, Lin Qing'er would feel very guilty, pretending not to notice, and let him go...

"Little Liu Xu, don't snooze, it's time to get up." Lin Qing'er froze for a while, then patted Liu Xu's tender face, and smiled.

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