"Well, Qing'er, it's so early, let me sleep a little longer, sleep a little longer." Liu Xu's lazy voice was full of sleepiness.

"We are leaving for the Central Plains today, so we have to go early. Little Liu Xu, if we don't hurry up, we won't be able to catch up with the inn."

"What? Go to the Central Plains!" Liu Xu raised his head abruptly, and his sleepiness disappeared.

Staying in this forest these days, Liu Xu would have gone crazy if he hadn't been accompanied by a beautiful woman like Lin Qing'er.

Now that I finally go to the Central Plains, it is interesting there!

"Okay! Qing'er, make way for my husband."


The big beauty hugged the little Zhengtai, and she walked out of the edge of southern Xinjiang with a smile.

The bloody storm in the Central Plains kicked off quietly like this.

When they came to the Central Plains, Liu Xu and Lin Qing'er traveled around the mountains and rivers all the way, and the time passed quickly.

Originally, Lin Qing'er planned to experience some experience, take care of the injustices in the world, and carry forward the traditions of the Nuwa clan for thousands of years.

However, not long ago, Liu Xu's cultivation had broken through to the realm of transforming gods, and Lin Qing'er had another idea in her heart.

The mission of the Nuwa clan is to protect the earth.

However, if Liu Xu, a monstrous character, is properly cultivated, it will be more important than her doing a hundred good deeds to become a hero in the future.

At such a young age, his cultivation is on par with himself.

If he grows up, even if he is not invincible, he must be a top expert in the world.

As long as Liu Xu walks on the right path, then at that time, his role will be even greater than that of her descendant, Nuwa.

Lin Qing'er realized that she had a heavy burden on her shoulders.

So Lin Qing'er put down all her thoughts and focused on Liu Xu.

Teach Liu Xu the principles of life.

Teach Liu Xu the culture of this world.

Teach Liu Xu how to be sympathetic to the people, care about the weak, and not to use his power recklessly.


Liu Xu was of course perfunctory, with his left ear coming in and his right ear coming out, but Lin Qing'er talked tirelessly every day, and he really couldn't take it anymore.

In the end, there was no other way. Comrade Liu Xu made up his mind and racked his brains. After spending more than ten days, he created his first Taoism since he came to this world...


It is a bit of a misnomer to say that it is Taoism, but in fact, [-]% of it is supported by Liu Xu's huge spiritual power.

Liu Xu now has too little understanding of this world.

This trick is a talent, and others can't learn it.

Right now, Lin Qing'er was walking in the mountains with Liu Xu in his arms.

As she walked, she explained to Liu Xu about nature and Tao...

"Little Liu Xu, you have to remember. Everything has a spirit, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, and life is equal. Only with a heart of great love can you..."

Liu Xu scratched his head and was about to run away, but before running away, he had to enjoy himself.

With her plump little hand, she grabbed Lin Qing'er's Yue Xiong fiercely.


Lin Qing's son and daughter Qiao Qu trembled suddenly, his face was blushing, his mouth was small, and he opened and closed his mouth lightly.

Liu Xu chuckled, this big beauty, if she keeps going on like this, sooner or later it will be hers, don't worry.

Taking advantage of Lin Qing'er's trance-like expression, Liu Xu hurriedly performed the first Taoist technique he created.


Mental power intertwined and outlined, one by one, a substitute version of "Illusion Liu Xu" appeared in front of Lin Qing'er's eyes, while the real Liu Xu quickly jumped out of her arms and left.

This is a false person formed by pure spiritual power, just a false phantom.

However, compared to ordinary Taoism, Liu Xu's phantom can be controlled remotely, which is of course due to his huge mental power.

In this way, she can adapt to the situation, no matter what happens, Lin Qing'er will not see through this false illusion.

Moreover, when something is about to penetrate the phantom, Liu Xu can adjust the distribution of mental power and concentrate it in one place so that the phantom will not be penetrated by a flying fly...

This is also based on the huge spiritual power.

The only flaw is that at the moment when the real person and the phantom switch bags, the change in the sense of touch is too obvious and easy to be noticed.

That's why Liu Xu boldly attacked Yuexiong once, taking advantage of Lin Qing'er's trance, and ran away quickly...

Using this method, Liu Xu finally escaped Lin Qinger's "teaching".

Then, Liu Xu started his shopping.

Taking advantage of the situation, Liu Xu started to wander the streets after getting some capital from the streets.

The whole street is bustling with people coming and going, and there are as many stalls and hawkers as a cow's hair.

When he came to Yihonglou, Liu Xu walked over in a big way.

As soon as he reached the door, a big man stopped him.

Although he had a vicious look on his face, when he saw Liu Xu, the big man's voice was like a good person, with a look of earnest teaching: "Little friend, you can't come to this place. You are still young, and there are some things that you don't want." Look."

Being small is really a flaw, why can't you even enter the Yihong Mansion, which has always been rich, Liu Xu said: "I go in to find someone to talk to, can you control it?"

As he spoke, he threw out a piece of gold.

The big man stared dumbfounded at the gold in his hand, wanted to speak but couldn't open his mouth, watched Liu Xu helplessly, and walked into this man's paradise.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1317 Immortals are also crazy, and the sword master loses his heart

Conscience of heaven and earth, Liu Xu really didn't come to prostitute.

The little Liu Xu walked into the Yihong Building, quickly shuttled through the crowd, and immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

The men showed him admiration one by one, secretly thinking that children can be taught.

Liu Xu was really annoyed, no matter if he was exposed or not, his body suddenly swayed and disappeared in front of everyone.

How can an ordinary person's eyesight catch a master at the transformation stage.

Liu Xu climbed over several high walls and came to a side room in the inner courtyard.

Wherever the mind reaches, nothing escapes observation.

Standing outside, the movement inside the house is clear.

In the room, a young man with a handsome face was having a heart-to-heart conversation with the lady from Yihonglou, looking very elegant.

The man had a sword on his back, a folding fan in his hand, and a crystal pendant hanging on his waist!

A pair of pendants with Lin Qinger!

This is Liu Xu's purpose for coming to Yihonglou!

This man is naturally an outstanding disciple of Shushan, Yin Ruozhuo.

That is, the future head of Shushan, the sword master.

In order to experience Dao Xin, experience love and hatred in the world, wealth, status, beauties, everything, use this extreme method, and finally achieve Dao.

This kind of perseverance, Liu Xu really convinced him.

However, this has nothing to do with Liu Xu. If he goes his own way, Liu Xu will naturally ignore him.

But Grandma Te's, Lin Qing'er's pendant, happened to be a pair with his.

Based on this alone, Liu Xu must not make him feel better.

There is no doubt that the pendant must be taken away, but it will not end here. Even if it is a one in ten thousand possibility, Liu Xu will completely kill it.

The beautiful Lin Qing'er, after chasing her for so long, how could she let others get her hands on her?

A spiritual force quietly and slowly moved to Yin Ruozhu's side.

Although Taoism cultivation is still very average; but Liu Xu's spiritual cultivation surpasses everyone in this world.

It can be said that Liu Xu can walk sideways in this world even with a brutal attack of mental power alone.

The only flaw is that the physical body is not strong enough.

The mental power drew a subtle arc, and quietly cut off the thin thread of the pendant. Liu Xu wrapped the pendant layer by layer with mental power, and the avatar technique transformed into a transparent color, slowly moved the pendant to the window, and then Pass it out through the gap.

Liu Xu grabbed it.

Pendant, held firmly in the hand.

Finally got it.

The crystal-clear pendant glows in the sunlight, and a strange charm emanates from it.

Liu Xu put the pendant away, and then continued to observe the movement in the house.

Yin Ruozhuo waved his white fan lightly, chatting and laughing freely, a scholar's refined temperament gradually exuded from him.

The girl from Yihonglou saw stars in her eyes, so she almost took off her clothes and agreed with her body.

Liu Xu really convinced him.

Is it interesting to pretend to be aggressive in front of this kind of brothel girl?

His literary talents can only be shown off here.

Liu Xu thinks that although he is pretending to be aggressive, he always pretends to be tasteful and stylish, and the targets are all pure, peerless beauties and the like.

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