This Yin Ruozhuo is really...

"He's sharpening his Dao heart." Liu Xu thought suddenly.

This woman's current appearance will inevitably take off her clothes in the future, and what Yin Ruozhuo has to do is to control himself after the woman takes off her clothes; or even if the woman throws herself into her arms, he will rein in the precipice.

This is his way, the way he honed his Dao Xin.

A man who is crazy for Tao!

"If that's the case, the way to hit him couldn't be simpler." A wretched smile flashed in Liu Xu's eyes, he reached into his arms, and took out something.

A small bottle filled with pink powder.

Needless to say, the ability of the medicine powder.

People who practice Taoism have firm beliefs. Normally speaking, ordinary toon medicines are definitely useless.

However, Liu Xu's bottle of toon medicine is a method specially developed to deal with monks based on the South Xinjiang witchcraft technique as the research object.

Love Gu, Heartbreak Gu, Worry Gu, etc., Liu Xu has carefully studied all these Gu techniques, and then crudely made this bottle of "Immortals Are Crazy".

Liu Xu spent more time on these things than on training!

The red medicinal powder escaped from the bottle, Liu Xu wrapped it up with his mental strength, and quietly, taking advantage of Yin Ruozhuo's drinking tea, quickly handed it to Yin Ruozhuo's mouth.

Yin Ruozhuo swallowed it in one gulp, mixed the tea and medicine powder into his stomach, and continued talking with Miss Yihonglou.

Yin Ruozhuo was talking with Miss Yihonglou, his eyes were a little straight, and he stared at each other closely.

The effect of the medicine was so strong that Yin Ruozhuo's breathing became hasty and intense.

His face seemed to be on fire, scorching hot.

Not long after, Yin Ruozhuo couldn't hold on any longer, and quickly jumped on the woman opposite.

There was no way in Yin Ruozhuo's mind, so he went straight to the other way.


"Not suitable for children, not suitable for children." Liu Xu muttered a few words and left quickly.

This time, Yin Ruozhuo's Dao heart was broken, and his self and his own Dao would be greatly shaken.

However, Yin Ruozhuo probably never imagined that his so-called "failure of Dao heart" was just Liu Xu's plan.

This is the most deceitful.

When Liu Xu walked to the door of Yihong Building, he suddenly thought of something, took out a piece of gold from his pocket, and handed it to a well-worn handyman: "This beautiful lady, the guest in Room [-] in the inner courtyard invited You spend a good night together, this is the reward."

"Really, really?!"

"It's absolutely true, if you don't believe me, go and see it! If something goes wrong, I'll be responsible!"

"My old lady has been in the mountains for many years, but this time she made an exception and came back out of the rivers and lakes..."

Regardless of why it was a child who came to pass the message, the aunt twisted the waist of the bucket and walked towards the inner courtyard in three steps.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1318 This idea is plagiarized from X-Men!

The plan was successful, and Liu Xu hurriedly left Yihong Courtyard.

In the future, I'm sure I'll have to play tricks on him a few more times. If I'm found out, it won't be fun at that time.

Today's is just an appetizer.

Overshadowed a big person, and he is still the leading master in the world of fairy sword.

In Liu Xu's heart, he still had a sense of accomplishment.

He walked on the street with light steps and a warm body.

After walking around the street for a long time and enjoying all kinds of delicacies, Liu Xu continued to observe to see if there was anything interesting.

One mile, ten miles, one hundred miles...

Liu Xu felt that his mental strength had reached its limit, but in his consciousness space, the Zhuxian Sword suspended in the void suddenly let out a sword cry.

Liu Xu's mental strength suddenly began to skyrocket, and the range expanded infinitely, one thousand miles, ten thousand miles...

This idea is plagiarized from X-Men!

Zhu Xianjian is like an amplifier, just like the brain wave amplifier of Professor Charles in X-Men.

The scope of mental power is constantly expanding, and everything is in Liu Xu's mind, and even if he wants to cover the whole world, it is no problem.

A tall pagoda Liu Xu is in Liu Xu's perception.

The tower was full of evil spirits, and Liu Xu felt that huge and strong resentment.

The Demon Lock Tower, where countless demon spirits are imprisoned, is one of the scariest places in the world of Sword and Sword.

Thinking that he was still going to learn some mountain Taoism, Liu Xu decided to go to Shushan.

"Come back before night, it should be fine!" Liu Xu murmured.

Immediately, a huge, terrifyingly pure spiritual power gushed out from Liu Xu's body, and the spiritual power continued to condense under Liu Xu's feet, finally forming the appearance of a flying sword.

Taoism is not enough, but spiritual power is enough to replace it.

"go with!"

Accompanied by Liu Xu's voice, the sharp sword formed by mental power galloped quickly. Under the control of Liu Xu's terrifying spiritual power, the speed was faster than any imperial sword.

Go straight, Shushan!

The rushing wind whizzed past, and Liu Xu's sword of spiritual power swept across the sky like lightning.

One after another clouds were dragged out in the shape of a long tail.

In the blink of an eye, I came to Shushan.

Landing quietly at the foot of Mount Shu, Liu Xu's avatar technique was performed again.

The huge spiritual power background allows Liu Xu's clone technique to be used almost without restriction.

Changing into Yin Ruozhuo's appearance, Liu Xu swaggered and walked up the mountain.


"Hey, brother, you're back!"

"Senior brother, you are finally back!"

"Senior Brother Yin is back!"


Shushan disciples lined the road to see him off, Yin Ruozhuo was very popular in Shushan, all the Shushan disciples were very close to him.

Especially among the crowd, the most conspicuous person...

Liu Xu saw him immediately.

With a long sword on his back and a wine gourd tied around his waist, he smelled strongly of alcohol, but his whole body didn't feel the slightest sense of depression because of it, he was full of energy and his eyes were bright.

Under Liu Xu's spiritual exploration, it is clear at a glance, but in terms of physical aptitude, even, it is still above Yin Ruozhu, the sword master!

"Senior brother, long time no see, here it is!" Jiu Jianxian threw the wine pot, unrestrained and unrestrained.

Liu Xu also admired this refreshing man, took the jug, and gulped it down.


In fact, Yin Ruozhuo, the phantom, was facing the position where his mouth was still on top of Liu Xu's head.

Liu Xu could only spare a wisp of mental power and sent all the wine down the mountain.

After drinking, Liu Xu pretended to be authentic: "Thank you, brother, it's really good wine!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu threw the flagon back.

At the same time, add something to it.

Liu Xu's self-refined invisible murderous intent... Heartless Gu.

Unfeeling Gu is not really unfeeling.

What it cuts off is only the love between men and women.

If it is true to cut off all affection, Liu Xu's current level cannot handle this kind of horrible Gu poison.

"Wine Sword Immortal, don't blame me, it's good that you didn't cheat like the Sword Master of Pit." Liu Xu murmured in his heart.

"Junior brother, you have a bite too!" Liu Xu said.

"Senior brother has already drank it, so a junior must drink it! Haha!" Jiu Jianxian raised the gourd, gurgled, and swallowed the remaining wine together with the unfeeling Gu.

One of Liu Xu's goals was finally achieved.

Wine Sword Immortal and Holy Aunt, it's over!

And then I... Heh heh heh!


During the past few days with Lin Qing'er, she made insinuations in many ways, and knew that the holy aunt was also as beautiful as her, so Liu Xu naturally would not let it go.

In this case, we must cut off all possibilities of Jiu Jianxian.

Although Unfeeling Gu is not an irremediable Gu poison, but with Jiu Jianxian's sloppy temperament, I'm afraid he won't notice it!

Moreover, without the trouble of love, with the aptitude of the Jiu Sword Immortal, maybe there will be another master of the sword master level in Shushan.

The plot will not be so boring.

"By the way, brother, why did you come back so soon? Didn't you just go down the mountain not long ago?" Jiu Jianxian asked.

"I encountered something in my practice, and I didn't figure it out. I'm going to go back to the Sutra Library to see if I can get any inspiration. Hey, the avenues are endless, and manpower is limited. How can I achieve enlightenment!" Liu Xu shook his head and sighed, acting Has been perfected.

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