"Er... Senior brother, you should go to the Sutra Pavilion first, goodbye!" Jiu Jianxian ran away in a hurry, it seemed that Duodao was having a headache!

The elders of the Sutra Pavilion knew "Yin Ruozhuo", so they let Liu Xu in without even the simplest inspection...

The Buddhist scriptures pavilion in Shushan has a rich collection. There are no less than [-] volumes of books on each floor of the three-story Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

Liu Xu looked around slowly, quickly searching every corner of the Sutra Pavilion where his spiritual power spread, and found all the secret books of Taoism in the Sutra Pavilion.


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Chapter 1319 The Sutra Pavilion was stolen, and Yin Ruozhuo took the blame

A total of more than [-] volumes of secret books related to Taoism.

Swordsmanship, body skills, kung fu techniques, formation techniques, etc., and even many unorthodox resurrection techniques and hypnotism techniques are all available.

Almost as long as it is the type you want, you can find it from it.

Liu Xu was so excited that he scanned quickly with his mental power. In almost ten seconds, he finished reading one book, and then rushed to the next one.

As long as you keep it in your mind temporarily, you can study it slowly later.

Book after book of cheats passed through Liu Xu's hands...

The elders in the Sutra Pavilion didn't know that outsiders had read thousands of volumes of Shushan's Taoism.

The sun gradually went down, and the night slowly fell.

However, there are too many books, and it is impossible to read them before dark, at least there are about [-] books left.

Liu Xu couldn't help thinking of Lin Qing'er's proud Xuefeng, which was full of maple love in southern Xinjiang. How could there be less Xiyuexiong lessons every night?

Go back quickly!

As for the books?

Liu Xu felt that running back and forth was too troublesome, so he just packed it up and took it away.

Anyway, he appeared in the image of Yin Ruozhuo, even if he was unlucky, it was also unlucky for the future sword master!

The mental power covered the pile of books and put them all into the space of Zhu Xianjian. Liu Xu walked out very calmly, and the guarding elders didn't realize it.

Liu Xu gathered his mind into a sword, turned his mental strength into a sword, and hurried back.


After half an hour.

In the Sutra Pavilion in Shushan, a mournful roar suddenly erupted: "The Sutra Pavilion... The Sutra Pavilion has been stolen!"

The entire Shu Mountain was alarmed, and everyone started to investigate the theft of the scriptures.

After multiple eliminations and investigations, the final suspect was locked on Shushan disciple Yin Ruozhuo.

Hehe, Yin Ruozhuo should take the blame for this!

"Hey! Blame me, blame me! I am a sinner in Shushan!" The elder guarding the scripture pavilion burst into tears under the comfort of everyone.

As for Yin Ruozhuo, he didn't know that Shu Shan already had great doubts about his character.

They sent a few elders who were good at scouting down the mountain to find out about Yin Ruozhuo's situation.

See if you are forced, tempted, or...

The difficult growth path of the future Juggernaut has begun.


The mountains are green and the water is far away.

Lin Qing'er and Liu Xu stayed at an inn in a small town.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, the scenery is pleasant.

When she returned to the inn, Lin Qing'er finally finished her ideological education course, called Xiaoer, and carried Liu Xu downstairs for dinner.

Liu Xu found an opportunity to eliminate the phantom. He jumped on top of himself and fell into Lin Qing'er's arms. Under the thin clothes, the delicate skin could almost be felt.

Lin Qing'er is originally from southern Xinjiang, full of the hearty atmosphere of a foreign woman; plus the half-human snake, there is a coquettish and seductive atmosphere in it.

So she looks gentle and demure, but the occasional touch of love is touching.

When Lin Qing'er carried Liu Xu downstairs for dinner, everyone in the inn was stunned.

Such a beautiful woman, the people who watched the hall could not stop swallowing.

It's a pity, married and had children!

Everyone sighed in their hearts.

A doll as small as Liu Xu is naturally considered to be Lin Qing'er's child.

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, and went to eat on their own.

Lin Qing'er heard everyone's occasional drizzle, smiled lightly, and didn't take it seriously.

"Little Liu Xu, how is your study today?" Lin Qing'er asked.

Now her focus is on Liu Xu, the future "savior", and she can't care about anything else.

Liu Xu nodded, and said seriously: "Qing'er, I realized that I was too narrow-minded before. Hey, the world is so beautiful. Wonderful, but I am so irritable. This is not good, not good."

"This is..." Lin Qing'er touched Liu Xu's cheek, but didn't want to understand.

"It means that I, Liu Xu, am the envoy of justice, the incarnation of righteousness, and all things that destroy the peace and beauty of the world must be swept away... Oh, no, that's too superficial, I should use love to influence them, put down the butcher knife, Instantly become a Buddha! Qing'er, do you think so?"

"You came up with this yourself?" Qing'er asked.

"No, it was Qing'er who told me! I finally understand that love is the greatest thing in the world..."


Liu Xu broke his throat and portrayed himself as a perfect and righteous person.

In order to maintain the peace of the world, he is willing to sacrifice everything and give up everything. Even Liu Xu himself thinks it is too great.

Lin Qing'er was even more moved.

Although the final ideal effect was not achieved, Lin Qinger finally showed mercy and changed the teaching time from daily to once every three days...

Only then did Liu Xu stop his performance with satisfaction, and then began to eat as a baby.


Liu Xu's stature is only about two years old. Even though his morals are not low, Lin Qing'er still treats him like a child in life.

As gentle as a little wife, she picked up vegetables for Liu Xu and wiped off the oil stains around her mouth.

Looking at Liu Xu with warm and tranquil eyes, the two joked and talked about Taoism.

Liu Xu's tongue was spluttered occasionally, and Qing'er's wife and Qing'er's beautiful woman yelled, but Lin Qing'er just laughed it off.

"En! It's really comfortable!"

Liu Xu was lying in the arms of the beautiful Lin Qing'er. He finally experienced the benefits of being a baby.

Talking provocatively, groping, or sometimes giving Lin Qing'er a slap on Lin Qing'er's handsome face viciously, Lin Qing'er is not angry, just let him make trouble.

Simply the best life!

The salty pig's hand was draped in front of Lin Qing'er's Yuexiong, which seemed very casual, but there was nothing wrong with it.

"Qing'er, is my massage comfortable?" Liu Xu asked.

"Little Liu Xu, you, where did you come up with so many bad ideas?" Lin Qing'er's face was slightly rosy.

"You don't like Qing'er? All right! Then I will stop."

"Wait...wait a minute!"


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Chapter 1320 Influence with Love, Educate with Fists

"Qing'er?" Liu Xu was slightly taken aback.

"Little Liu Xu, you, your massage is very comfortable... Continue, continue." Lin Qing'er whispered softly, her eyes glanced at the people in the inn from time to time, and found that no one was paying attention, so she slowly relaxed Take a breath.

"That's good!" Liu Xu said with a smile, a faint aura trembled slightly in his palm.

Lin Qing'er thought to herself, it's just a child anyway, it's fine.

As long as it's not touched by a man, it's fine.

I am still so comfortable, why, why can't I do it!

In this way, under the tutelage of a thousand-year-old monster wearing a baby coat, the girl gradually sank...


Just when Liu Xu was satisfied and was about to stop, there was a sudden explosion, which startled Liu Xu and Lin Qing'er.


"Pay attention to me! Pay attention!"

"The envoy of the Moon Worship Sect is here! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"


A Moon Worshiper broke in aggressively, followed by dozens of minions.

Everyone held a stack of leaflets, which were densely pasted on the most conspicuous place on the wall.

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