At the same time, they also publicized the idea of ​​worshiping the moon to each guest, and distributed various books and materials. After finishing, they left in a hurry and rushed to the next house.


This is missionary!

Liu Xu realized it immediately!

Worshiping the Moon is expanding its believers!

This is the border between the Central Plains and Southern Xinjiang. Although it nominally belongs to the territory of the Tang Dynasty, the influence of Moon Worship Sect in this area is already very large.

Some of the deeds of these moon worshipers, even the local parents dare not say anything.

"Bastard! You pass on your teachings, and you actually disturb the good things of the young master and Qing'er. I'm really tired!" Liu Xu said angrily.

"Little, little Liu Xu, the ordinary people of the Moon Worship Sect, um... also, just be, um... bewitched. We, we can't hurt them, um..." Lin Qinger's eyes were full of affection, Panting, under Liu Xu's claw skills, it almost turned into a puddle of mud, but he still worked hard to educate Liu Xu to be kind.

This is Qing'er, the descendant of Nuwa, the mother of the earth.

No matter who you are, you are full of compassion and love.

Liu Xu is also a little admired, she is such a virtuous and gentle woman!

"Qing'er, I know. Wait for me for a while, I'll go and 'influence' them with love!"

Liu Xu gave Lin Qing'er a smack on the face, jumped off, and quickly walked out of the inn.

Lin Qing'er was so soft that she couldn't stop her in time. Looking at Liu Xu's leaving figure, she suddenly became very anxious, as if she was afraid of losing something...

Liu Xu's avatar technique was running, and his whole body was as transparent as running on the street without anyone noticing.

After the believers of the Moon Worship Sect finished preaching, they quickly left the small town and started the moon worship ceremony in the distant woods.

In short, it is to bow down to the place where the moon is.

It was already evening, and the moon in the sky had just emerged a little.

The believers of the Moon Worship Sect bowed to the moon once, bowed twice, and prayed again, while chanting strange scriptures in their mouths, messy, and even added messy movements.


More than a dozen people looked at the moon in the sky devoutly, as if it was the only belief in their lives.

Originally, he planned to kill these guys, but now, Liu Xu suddenly had another idea.

Pray to the moon to teach!

Do you want to start a sect yourself?

It seems that it is still fun!

Liu Xu appeared, and suddenly appeared in front of more than a dozen Moon Worshipers, shaking his head and said, "Hey! Moon Worshipers are nothing more than evil heretics. Why do you believe so?"

More than a dozen Moon Worshipers who were kneeling suddenly raised their heads and saw that the person who insulted was a two-year-old baby. Without even frowning, they picked up their weapons and slashed at Liu Xu.


regardless of costs!

Those who can take on the task of preaching are all fanatical believers of the Moon Worship Sect.

In their hearts, the Moon Worship Sect is above all else, and this concept allows them to ignore all the old, weak, sick and disabled.

More than a dozen axes quickly slashed at Liu Xu, Liu Xu shook his head, he was too weak.

Comparing Moon Worship Sect to Shushan, it is a scumbag.

Except for the leader, there are not many people with a little strength.

"It's been a long time since I did anything, let's get active today!"

In Liu Xu's short body, saying such words can't help but make people laugh and cry.

But after he shot, the few Moon Worshipers no longer had any intention of resisting.

"Fire Curse!"

"Water Curse!"

"Mysterious Ice Curse!"

"Wind and snow!"


Dozens of Five Spirit Immortal Techniques were used one after another in a short moment. They were extremely fancy, and at the same time, they were also extremely accurate. Every blow hit everyone's weapons accurately.

More than a dozen axes were shattered into dust under the attack of Wuling Xianshu.

"Soil binding!"

Liu Xufa twirled, and the soil on the ground seemed to come to life, climbing up one by one.

Several disciples of the Moon Worship Sect were entangled one after another.

No matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape.

The most powerful person among them is only at the level of Qi Refining.

Even if you only look at Dao Xing, you are still two levels behind Liu Xu.

Liu Xu walked over, raised his foot and kicked on no one's body a dozen times.

Every time I stepped down, there was a crunching sound of bones breaking.

Although his body is only two years old, he has been cultivating for some time, and his physical body is stronger than those barbarians at the stage of transformation.

The tempering of heaven and earth aura is very effective.

A dozen or so Moon Worshipers were staggering to and fro, bound by the earth and could only be beaten.

They screamed and cursed loudly: "Who are you? How dare you insult my Moon Worship Sect!"

"The Lord of Worshiping the Moon will punish you!"

"You can't escape!"


Liu Xu kicked hundreds of feet one after another, expressing the anger in his heart, and then stopped.

He is the son of time travel, how dare you offend yourself with just a few believers?

He's so tired of living!


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1321 Worship the moon and turn it into the sun, and preaching into a pyramid scheme

Looking at the more than ten people who fell on the ground, Liu Xu looked down on him, and said in the tone of a superior: "You are kept because it is useful, otherwise, with your ability, would you still want to survive? What a dream!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu let out a cold snort, and powerful mental power roared out, blasting one of them to death with a bang.

Not even blood flowed down, just disappeared out of thin air.

The rest of the Moon Worshipers were all dumbfounded. No matter how much they worshiped the Moon Worshiper, they didn't dare to talk nonsense when they saw this terrifying person.

Liu Xu glanced at them one by one, and nodded with satisfaction.

A master should have the majesty of a master.

Liu Xu stretched out his hand, hooked his fingers lightly, and a strange charm emerged from his body.

A force completely different from this world suddenly emerged.

Nine Yin Scriptures, Fascinating Dafa.

Liu Xu took the means of the martial arts world and materialized them in the fairy tale world.

"What's your name?"

"Since your name is Baiyue...then I might as well be called Rising Sun..."

An unalterable will was branded in the hearts of more than a dozen people.

"Worshiping the Moon Sect is an evil heretic. You have been wrong all along."

"The Rising Sun Sect is the orthodoxy in the world!"

"Liu Xu is the reincarnation of an envoy from the gods to save the world! The Rising Sun Cult is immortal!"

"For the Rising Sun Cult, dedicate everything!"


A series of deep traces that can never be tampered with have been left in the minds of more than a dozen people through spiritual power.

More than a dozen people struggled to open their eyes from the pain, and the way they looked at Liu Xu was completely different from before.

"Greetings, Master God Envoy!"

"Long live the envoy of God!"

"Eliminate the Moon Worship Sect!"


Worship is no longer enough to describe their madness, for Liu Xu, for the Rising Sun Cult, they can even give up everything.

Liu Xu is very confident in his own methods.

Mental power is really convenient, killing people invisible.

After loosening the soil bondage, a recovery technique eliminated all the injuries on everyone. Liu Xu said in a high-pitched voice with endless bewitchment: "Go! Let the people of the whole world be bathed in the light of the Rising Sun Sect."

A dozen or so Moon Worshipers who had been brainwashed by Liu Xu underwent a complete makeover and became the first batch of followers of the Rising Sun Sect.

Dozens of people did not stop for half a second, and rushed to the Central Plains according to Liu Xu's instructions.

In that more populous land, to publicize their great Rising Sun Cult...

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