However, Liu Xu's preparations were not that simple.

To establish a sect, it only depends on a dozen people to promote it, and it is not known that it will be propagated until the year of the monkey.

Must, have more helpers.

Moreover, Liu Xu is a modern person. In a place where pyramid schemes are spread all over the world, he is self-taught when it comes to preaching (pyramid schemes).

Liu Xu's mental power expanded, spread, spread, and stretched towards the south.

Soon, the entire southern border area was covered by Liu Xu's spiritual power.

No one could escape Liu Xu's detection.

One by one, people are writing fast and writing articles about worshiping the Moon Worship Sect.

One by one, people who shouted everywhere and publicized the ideals of Moon Worship Sect.

There are also leaflets in hand and pasted in the streets and alleys; or they go to battle in person, with a lot of tongue, and draw one person after another into the Moon Worship Sect.


Liu Xu's target is all those who are in charge of promoting the teachings of the Moon Worship Sect.

These people have profound propaganda experience, know how to infect people, or are good at writing, or good at persuasion...

In short, they are all a group of suitable missionaries.

For ordinary people, even if Liu Xu controls a hundred of them, he may only be able to win over a few members of the Rising Sun Cult in ten days; Huge groups.

This is what Liu Xu needs.

The spiritual power was intertwined and dispersed, engraving a firm and untransferable will in everyone's mind.

"Loyal to the Rising Sun Cult!"

"Loyal to Lord Liu Xu!"

"For the Rising Sun Cult, I am willing to sacrifice everything!"

"Master God Envoy, omnipotent!"


These Moon Worshipers were stunned for a while, and after a while, they suddenly understood something, as if they saw the light of truth.

They put down all the work at hand, hurriedly packed their luggage and rushed to the Central Plains overnight.

Their envoys said through voice transmission that they would broadcast the rain and dew of the envoys in the Central Plains, so that the light of the envoys would shine on the earth.

This is the second batch of missionaries...


In just a few minutes, a group of people who were not of high status in the Moon Worship Sect, but who had a huge influence left one after another.

And Liu Xu finally succeeded in injecting the first batch of fresh blood into the Rising Sun Sect, which he started temporarily.

Subsequent preaching, just leave it to them.

Just check yourself once in a while.

Liu Xu took a deep breath and withdrew all his energy.

Because of such a big action scene, Liu Xu's brain was heavy for a while and light for a while, feeling that the world was shaking.

He staggered a few steps, still feeling a little uncomfortable.

"That's right, using such a huge range of mental power and tampering with the will of hundreds of people, how can the side effects be small?" Liu Xu muttered to himself.

There was no damage at all, just a little dizziness, such a small backlash of mental power, compared to the fruitful results of tampering with the will of hundreds of people, it is almost negligible.

Liu Xu continued to walk a few more steps, staggering, and the ground was shaking slightly.

This not-so-good backlash of mental power gave him a headache.

Mentally checked the inn, Lin Qing'er was anxiously walking back and forth in the inn room, ready to open the door several times to go out.

It seemed that he was worried that Liu Xu would not see her when he went back, so after struggling for a long time, he let go of the hand that opened the door.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1322 Shrinking the ground into an inch, thunder and fire combo

Lin Qing'er was very anxious. She didn't even realize her feelings for Liu Xu. Before she knew it, she had reached the stage where she couldn't give up.

"Sister, how can I keep the beauty waiting for so long?" Liu Xu pointed at the night sky and said contemptuously, "Hmph! The backlash of mental power is huge, but I can't only use mental power!"

Then, with spiritual power surging in his body, he stepped out lightly, fast and slow, an ungraspable rhythm.

He performed the lightness kung fu of the ancient tomb sect, and under the blessing of spiritual power, he felt like "shrinking the ground into an inch".

Soon, Liu Xu returned to the inn, and with a slight sway, he appeared in the room.


With a "da", following the sound of footsteps, Liu Xu's figure suddenly appeared in the inn.

Lin Qing'er, who was still worried just now, was shocked.

Looking at Liu Xu with beautiful eyes, Lin Qing'er looked at him several times before she was sure that it was indeed Liu Xu.

However, the Taoism that suddenly appeared in this hand really surprised her.

"Little Liu Xu, what are you..." Lin Qing'er asked suspiciously.

"This is your husband's unique secret technique! Haha..." Liu Xu smiled happily.

All kinds of fancy Taoism can be used, and it is more convenient when picking up girls and pretending to be aggressive. It is not that Liu Xu has no experience in the world of Xianxia, ​​but the world of Zhuxian is too serious. It may have something to do with the background. The world is much more cheerful, and it also carries many beautiful memories of Liu Xu's childhood.

Stretching out his arms, Liu Xu made a gesture of wanting to be hugged. The privilege of a child is not in vain.

Without waiting for Lin Qinger's response, Liu Xu jumped lightly into Lin Qinger's arms, and his two chubby little hands quickly attached to her Yuexiong.

Lin Qing'er had long acquiesced to Liu Xu's behavior and did not stop it.

Short of breath, she walked slowly to the bed, hugged the little boy who gave her a strange feeling, and lay down gently on the bed.

Slowly closing her eyes, Lin Qing'er felt the strange feeling of Yuexiongbu, and thought of the sudden tension when Liu Xu disappeared.

Suddenly, Lin Qing'er was a little confused.

"Qing'er, I'll bring you a more comfortable one, would you like it?" There was a trace of excitement in Liu Xu's voice.

"More, more comfortable?" Lin Qing'er panted lightly, a little moved, but fortunately, it was only a baby who did this, and she didn't feel shy, so she hesitated for a while, and said softly: "Yes .”

A silver light emerged from Liu Xu's fingertips.

Lin Qing'er glanced, and found that there were lightning bolts in Liu Xu's hands, very faint and small, but different from any lightning spells she had come into contact with.

In the thunder light, there is still a scorching, fire breath, slowly emerging.

"Qing'er, look at my thunder and fire combo!"

Liu Xu attacked with both hands at the same time!

Lin Qing'er seems to have fallen into a state that cannot be described in words...

Liu Xu smiled wretchedly. It is good to have a strong mental strength, and all kinds of elements are at your fingertips.


In the blink of an eye.

The morning light shines through the windows of the inn.

Liu Xu lay in Lin Qing'er's arms, breathing deeply.

A soft blanket wrapped the two of them, and Lin Qing'er's smooth and round shoulders were exposed, seductive and moving.

On her delicate face, there is a touch of Fengyun.

Under the bed, there are several light blue upper body clothes, and a pink, women's obscene clothes...

Liu Xu suddenly pushed his head into the bed sheet, and the bed sheet moved slowly.

Lin Qing'er opened her eyes, with a blush on her clear face, stretched out her jade arms, flicked Liu Xu's head through the bed sheet, and said angrily, "Little Liu Xu, how many times have I said it... Unmarried women, Yes, yes, without that...that..."

After finishing speaking, she looked ashamed.


Unable to do anything, Liu Xu could only eat all the tofu he could eat.

Last night, I tried my best and took advantage of Lin Qing'er's unpreparedness, and finally succeeded in sneak attack.

Since then, the revolution has embarked on a broad road, and zero-distance contact is no longer a problem.

Under Liu Xu's disturbance, it took Lin Qing'er an hour to put on her clothes.

Feeling the tension before Yuexiong, Lin Qing'er found that her part seemed to be getting bigger again...

"Qing'er, your skin is so good!" Liu Xu continued to scurry around on Lin Qing'er.

"Spoof! Little Liu Xu, if you do this again, you will never be allowed to do that again."

"I don't know who shouted hard last night..."



The two packed up for a while and set off again.

There are countless scenic spots in the Central Plains. In the following days, Liu Xu and Lin Qing'er spent [-]% of their time in these beautiful mountains and rivers.

There is only a very small amount of time to do a few good deeds of chivalry.

Lin Qing'er and Liu Xu giggled, feeling more relaxed than ever before, and even forgot about Nuwa's duties as successors.

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

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