In half a year, Lin Qing'er completely changed from a young and elegant girl to a mysterious girl with Fengyun charm.

Under Liu Xu's claw skills, it became even more protruding and backward, with a radiant demeanor, smooth, white and rosy skin, which can be broken with a flick, and there is infinite vitality in health.

At first glance, outsiders will definitely think it is a mature young woman!

And Liu Xu's changes were also great.

Because of his cultivation, Liu Xu grew up very quickly, from the size of about two years old, to the size of ten years old in half a year.

He was [-] meters tall, and he was a different person from a few months ago.

Cultivation has not fallen behind. In half a year, Liu Xu has broken through from the stage of transformation to the state of mind, and then to the state of returning to the void.

Even in terms of cultivation in this world alone, Liu Xu is still a top expert.

Liu Xu also browsed through the more than [-] cheat books in Shushan.

Learn all kinds of Taoism among them.


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Chapter 1323 Leading by a thread, water monster

"Qing'er, where are we going next?" Liu Xu and Lin Qing'er leaned against the big tree to enjoy the shade.

Although Liu Xu has grown up in stature, he still shamelessly occupies Lin Qing'er's Yuexiong's arms.

Lying in Lin Qing'er's arms, both hands are going to make trouble from time to time.

Lin Qing'er's pretty face flushed slightly.

Looking at such a big boy as Liu Xu, he still clings to him very intimately.

Even every night, naked into her arms, salivating and saying that she wants to breastfeed...

Lin Qing'er felt that she couldn't treat Liu Xu like a child anymore.

However, while not treating him as a child, another emotion gradually grew in Lin Qing'er's heart.

Every time Lin Qing'er saw Liu Xu's naked body, she found that her heartbeat would suddenly speed up.

When they first saw Liu Xu, he was a baby, but that was only physically, not really a baby, so they didn't think it was strange that he had grown to ten years old in half a year, and they even felt that he was a little too big. slow.

Gently brushing the grass clippings on Liu Xu's forehead, Lin Qing'er thought for a while and said, "It's up to you! I'll follow wherever you go."

Lin Qing'er didn't realize that when she blurted out the words, she became more and more dependent on Liu Xu when they first met.

"Okay, that's what you said, then let's go to the palace!" Liu Xu said lazily: "The old man invited me to go, but I have never agreed to him, and I feel very embarrassed."

Lin Qing'er smiled softly: "You, there is a limit to bragging! How could the emperor have anything to do with you?"

"Why not? My strength has reached the point where he can't ignore it! He is afraid of me!"

"Can't be ignored? Could it be that Liu Xu, you are the leader of Moon Worship Sect?"

"That's right! That's right, that's the truth! Alright Qing'er, don't doubt it, let's go to the palace! I heard that there are many beauties there!"

"Liu Xu, you really..." Lin Qing'er's voice stopped abruptly, as if interrupted by something.

Liu Xu lay in Lin Qing'er's arms and said, "What's wrong, Qing'er? Qing'er?"

After several calls and no response, Liu Xu turned his head and found Lin Qing'er's finger pointing to the south, shaking slowly in the air, as if there was an invisible thread pulling it.

This is a mysterious power.

Liu Xu stared at it for a long while, and then said, "Is this 'leading by a thread'?"

Lin Qing'er nodded lightly, and said, "Nanjiang, something seems to be wrong. This is Yuan Qing's signal."

Raising her head, Lin Qing'er looked at the south worriedly.

She can feel the power of Mother Earth, what happened there...

Liu Xu's mental power spread rapidly, instantly bringing the entire Southern Xinjiang into the observation range.

The flood was overwhelming and rolling in, houses collapsed rapidly in the torrent, and the people on the street were submerged by the torrential water even before they had time to escape.

A gigantic, oblate giant beast roared in the distance.

Liu Xu felt a very strong water attribute power from it, it should be a water monster.

The flood was caused by it.

However, Liu Xu couldn't figure it out, the timing was obviously wrong!

In the original book, the water monster obviously didn't come out at this time.

Baiyue, what kind of plane are you doing?

Liu Xu and Lin Qing'er's play was interrupted by him unexpectedly.

"What a bastard!" Liu Xu gritted his teeth.

"Qing'er, let's go, I'll take you to southern Xinjiang!" An angry Liu Xu grabbed Lin Qing'er's jade hand, and the aura surged all over his body. one point.

Liu Xu stepped into...

Shrink to the ground!

This is not an upgraded version of Qinggong, but a real Taoist supernatural power, which shrinks to an inch.

As if in a strange space, although Lin Qing'er knew that Liu Xu had reached the Void Returning Realm, she never expected that it would be so powerful.

Thousands of miles away, the moment is about to arrive.

However, shrinking the ground into an inch is only half done, and the bodies of the two are in a mysterious state.

One step further can reach southern Xinjiang, and one step back can go back.

Liu Xu took Lin Qing'er's hand and felt it. The fluctuation of the string was clearly felt during Liu Xu's investigation.

Yuan Qing's position was determined in a blink of an eye.

Liu Xu's eyes suddenly turned to a place in southern Xinjiang, and said, "Let's go, Qing'er, Yuanqing is there, let's go and have a look."

The two people in a strange state, like a long jump in mid-air, suddenly turned and switched directions instantly.

Lin Qing'er felt the not-so-big hand holding her, but felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

Liu Xu is very powerful.

This apprentice taught by himself can already solve all difficulties.

As long as he's around, everything's fine.

This is a self-confidence for no reason, and Lin Qing'er doesn't know why.

But looking at Liu Xu's cynical expression as if he didn't even care about the sky, Lin Qing'er felt that there was nothing wrong!


Southern Xinjiang.

Royal Palace.

Surrounded by layers of guards in gold and iron armor, the shiny broadsword shone fragilely in the sun.

The guards stepped back step by step, as if they were afraid of some terrible things.

However, opposite them, there was only one person.

The expression is a little demented, but it is not accurate to say that he is demented, and there is a bit of depth in the dementia, as if he is thinking about the philosophy of life all the time.

Either a philosopher or a mentally retarded child, anyone who saw him would have such an idea.

Dressed in white, his gait is calm.

He is the leader of the Moon Worship Sect in Nanzhao Kingdom, worshiping the moon.

Every time Baiyue took a step forward, the guards took a step back.

The guards looked at him one by one, not daring to use their knives, nor could they...


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1324 Worshiping the moon and forcing the palace, the holy aunt Yuanqing

Although the Lord of Worshiping the Moon has never made a move in front of people, the rumors about his strength have never stopped.

What's more, the imperial palace at this time has been surrounded by believers of the Moon Worship Sect.

Groups of Moon Worshipers can conquer the palace as long as the Moon Worships give an order!

Don't be impulsive!

Baiyue's face was calm, and said: "Please step aside, I want to meet the Witch King, and I want to ask him, why did he summon the water monster? Is he turning a blind eye to the tens of thousands of people in our Nanzhao Kingdom?"

"I have no hostility, I just want to talk to the Witch King."

Lang Lang's voice covered several miles around, and everyone heard the voice of worshiping the moon.

Before the flood broke out, there was a rumor among the Moon Worshipers that the Witch King summoned a water monster.

At that time, everyone thought it was a rumor, but now that the water monsters really came out, their omnipotent Moon Worshiper even spoke up in person.

Everyone felt that it was the Witch King who released the water monster!

"Witch King, please accept my audience..."

Bless the moon and walk forward.

The two impulsively pretended to move forward, trying to dissuade them, but suddenly stopped inexplicably.

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