It was useless for the people around to shout, until someone pushed them lightly, only to find that the two of them had died...

Bai Yue shook his head sadly: "Life is so fragile, what is eternity?"

After finishing speaking, as if everything had nothing to do with him, he continued to walk forward.

Step by step.

Calm down.

Under the plain face, exuded an irresistible, pervasive and powerful aura.

The many guards in front of them could no longer bear this enormous mental pressure. At this moment, a man in a yellow robe walked out of the palace, waved his hands and said, "Stand back! I have something to discuss with the Moon Worshiper. No one is allowed to come near!"

A group of guards rustled and quickly disappeared in front of them.

Baiyue bowed to the Witch King and said, "Thank you Witch King."

The Witch King stared at Baiyue, his fists were clenched tightly, and his veins were protruding.

After holding back for a long time, the Witch King slowly opened his mouth and said, "You don't need to be polite, I don't know if the leader is here, so why?"

"My lord, why did you release the water monster?" Baiyue looked up with a puzzled expression.

The Witch King took a deep breath, suppressing his anger.

He naturally knew who released the water monster, but facing this terrifying person, he still had to bow his head and said in a deep voice, "The water monster has nothing to do with this king!"

"Does Your Majesty insist on making excuses?"

"Pray to the moon! Don't be presumptuous!"

roared the Witch King, finally losing control.

The palace was besieged, the enemy forced him to come to his door, and he added these trumped-up charges, how could he bear it?

"Baiyue, what do you want to do, just say it! It's just the two of us here, there's no need to hide it! You and I know who summoned the water monster!"

Although the Witch King is useless, he is also the king of southern border.

Some things can still be seen.

It's just that sometimes, in the face of too much power, not any resourcefulness can be useful.

Baiyue folded her hands, a green finger gleaming on her hand.

After looking at the Witch King suspiciously for a while, Baiyue said, "The reason why the water monsters appear is indeed caused by the Witch King."

"A few months ago, hundreds of missionaries I taught suddenly left Southern Border and broke away from the Moon Worship Sect."

"In the past few months, there have been intermittent people leaving one after another."

"Witch King, isn't this what you did? It was what the Witch King did that offended the wrath of the sky. Therefore, the water monster was triggered. The Witch King, I, the people of Nanzhao Kingdom, need an explanation. "

Bai Yue seemed to be stating a fact that had nothing to do with him, with a calm tone.

After finishing speaking, he waited for the Witch King's answer.

The Witch King took a deep breath, and suddenly sighed: "Whether you believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me. I have no reason to do that..."

He looked tired, as if he didn't care about anything.

The Witch King raised his head high, closed his eyes, and didn't want to think about anything, so he kept himself silent for a moment.

Baiyue's brows were tightly wrinkled for the first time.

Listening to the Witch King's words doesn't sound like a lie, but apart from the Witch King, Baiyue really can't think of another person with this motivation and ability!

Various deduction methods, astrology techniques, and moon worship have been tried one by one.

But the traces of that person were not counted at all!

There are only three types of people who can do this!

One is a detached person, a person who has attained the Tao.

The second is certain special groups of people, such as the descendants of Nuwa, or some strange things in heaven and earth.

Three, it is the ruler of a country, with imperial aura added to his body, ghosts and evils will not invade, and his calculations are unpredictable!

The Witch King in front of him is one of them!

However, among the first two categories, it is impossible for someone to do such a thing. The only person Bai Yue can think of is the Witch King in front of him!

But the Witch King actually denied it?

Bai Yue's eyes were a little dull, every time he was thinking heavily, he always did this.

In the daze, Baiyue murmured softly: "Who is it? Who is it? In this world, there are such things that I don't understand. What is it?"

Baiyue is confused, and in the confusion is a contradictory and strong thirst for knowledge...


At the same time, in different places, Liu Xu was also thinking about an important philosophy of life.

Chunlan Qiuju, two beauties with their own characteristics, Liu Xu was thinking which one should be accepted first.

Yuan Qing, also known as the holy aunt, was wearing a pink dress and sitting quietly on a chair, exuding a faint aura of daffodils, a charm different from Lin Qing'er.

The figure is absolutely proud, although it is much lower than Lin Qinger's terrifying level, but it is already quite impressive among ordinary women.

The slender willow waist is tightly bound by a ribbon, which is full of toughness and vitality.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1325 Chunlan Qiuju, a weapon for picking up girls

Yuanqing's skin was not as white and dazzling as Lin Qinger's, but rosy in color, exuding a youthful and healthy atmosphere.

The beautiful hair is hung in two bunches in front of the moon, hanging on the bank of the snow peak, fresh and lively.

Especially Yuan Qing's big eyes, bright and shining, seemed to be holding a faint smile, and a touching aura emanated from her body.

"Qing'er, the power of the Moon Worship Sect is too terrifying. I didn't pay attention to it before, but now I know that his power can actually hinder the decision of the Witch King." Yuan Qing said softly, with a very cautious tone, " The people of the entire Nanzhao Kingdom are almost under his control."

"And I didn't expect that he could actually summon an ancient monster like a water monster. The power is too terrifying."

"The strength of Baiyue, I am afraid, is higher than we imagined. It can even be said that it is unfathomable."

"This time worshiping the moon, he sent three of his subordinates..."


Yuan Qing and Lin Qing'er talked about the general situation of the incident, they were organized and calm.

Even the voice of the narration is full of magnetism and full of strong exotic feelings.

After listening to Liu Xu, he also had a vague idea about this incident.

In short, because of unknown reasons, Baiyue summoned water monsters, launched floods, and then shifted the responsibility to the barbarian king.

Then he led a bunch of ignorant people to surround the palace...

Liu Xu also really admired Baiyue.

Ming Ming's heart is higher than the sky, even thinking of destroying the world and recreating human beings, but always entangled in these trivial matters.

Just like in the original book, he was always hesitant, looked forward and backward, and decided to be unfeeling. In the original book, he used so-called experiments to verify love many times, obviously because he didn't believe in himself enough.

In comparison, the Juggernaut walked resolutely and thoroughly!

"However, do you know why Baiyue would do that? What is the reason?" Liu Xu couldn't help asking.

There are situations that are different from the original work, and it is still necessary to figure it out.

Yuan Qing shook his head lightly, and said, "I'm not very clear about this yet."

After speaking, he fell into thought again.

Lin Qing'er grabbed her friend's hand and said, "Yuanqing, don't think too much. We can't do it, but there are people who can do it. This time, I brought a very powerful person!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qing'er showed a somewhat proud smile on his face.

"A powerful person? Qing'er, you didn't come with this kid this time, could it be him?" Yuan Qing pointed at Liu Xu with suspicion in his eyes.

"That's right, it's him!"

Therefore, Lin Qing'er changed Liu Xu from an ordinary person who knew nothing to a Void Returning Realm expert whose cultivation base surpassed hers in less than a year.

There are also some strange Taoism skills of Liu Xu, including the terrifying shrinking of the land that came to the southern border in an instant, and the incomparable and incredible all kinds of incomparable and incredible things when teasing her...

Talking about Liu Xu's various interests, Lin Qing'er was very sweet in her heart.

Even, she was even happier than she herself received this honor, a kind of love in her heart.

This change, unknowingly, unknowingly...

After listening to Lin Qing'er's talk about Liu Xu's monstrous talent, Yuan Qing finally looked at Liu Xu squarely.

It never occurred to me just now that this ten-year-old boy is actually... a Void Return Realm master?

Most of the masters of Shu Mountain in the past have cultivated in the Void Returning Realm!

As for the Kongming Realm, only a few people can reach it!

The sect leader who reached the peak of the Kongming Realm has become an unsurpassable legend!

Yuan Qing never imagined that a child was actually a top human being?

"You, can you really help us?" Yuan Qing said to Liu Xu, with hope shining in his crystal eyes.

"Of course! Qing'er's business is my business! Oh, by the way, Yuan Qing, can I ask you for something!" Liu Xu leaned forward with a lecherous expression on his face.


"One thread leads!" Liu Xu said excitedly.

Liu Xu was already very interested in the principle of ties, and this thing is really a convenient thing to communicate with beauties.

It's equivalent to...Wechat...but it's a one-line contact, so you need a few more, and it's good to add more fun when picking up girls in the future!

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