Being able to get Liu Xu's help is not a precious thing.

Yuan Qing took out a few red threads from his bosom, and just as he was about to be said something, Liu Xu snatched them all in a hurry.

"Don't worry, big beauty! Baiyuejiao, leave it to me!"

Liu Xu set the time of action at night.

Lin Qing'er and Yuan Qing couldn't figure out what Liu Xu was thinking, but when they saw his mysterious and confident smile, they believed him.

Today happens to be the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, and the full moon is shining brightly.

The three of them were walking on the street, and they could see moon worshipers worshiping the moon devoutly everywhere.

Ordinary people kneel down and kowtow, while those who are truly fanatical Lunaticians, core elements, have a series of weird rituals.

This kind of ceremony is actually a method of cultivation, devouring moonlight and cultivating spiritual power.

However, this is just a means of worshiping the moon to win people's hearts and establish authority. The level of the practice is very ordinary.

The more pious a person is, the purer his mind will be without distracting thoughts, and his cultivation will naturally be faster.

This also gave everyone an illusion: believe in the Moon Worship Sect, and you will be blessed by the Moon Worship Sect Master.

"It's a good idea, but we can learn from it." Liu Xu said with a dismissive tone.

"The fifteenth day of every month is the most important day of the Moon Worship Sect. On this day, all the people in the whole religion will hold the Moon Worship Ceremony. I remember that in the past few years, there were not many people worshiping the Moon, but now, the streets are almost full." Yuan Qing said worriedly.

After speaking, he glanced at Liu Xu again.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1326 Unlimited Monthly Reading

Liu Xu, who looked like a child, sometimes said such mature words, Yuan Qing still found it difficult to accept for a while.

"Don't worry, beauty Yuanqing, after tonight, the situation will be different." Liu Xu said proudly, "Even if the Moon Worship Sect is not disbanded, all limbs will be disabled!"

"Liu Xu, please be polite and call me sister Yuanqing." Lin Qing'er on the side corrected me gently.

"Forget it, kid, it doesn't matter." Yuan Qing smiled and didn't mind.

"Yuanqing still understands me, haha!"



Taking advantage of the darkness, several people quickly arrived at the headquarters of the Moon Worship Sect.

The situation at the headquarters of the Moon Worship Sect is even more exaggerated than outside.

The eyes of those believers were demented, as if they were imitating the expression of their great leader when he was worshiping the moon and thinking.

Staring blankly at the moon in the sky, their mouths subconsciously hummed strange spells, their fingers trembled like cramp, and they bowed to the moon from time to time.

In the entire headquarters of the Moon Worship Sect, there was hardly an open space.

All places are crowded with people, bowing down to the moon.

Liu Xu and the two women stayed on a high ground. The three of them were highly cultivated, but none of them noticed.

Liu Xu looked around and said, "Okay, it's here! It's a good place to be condescending. It's only effective if you amplify your moves here!"

Seeing Lin Qing'er and Yuan Qing's puzzled looks, Liu Xu finally stopped being a fool.

The aura surged rapidly, and under the clone technique, his body turned into a man, which was exactly what Liu Xu would look like when he grew up.

Then, slowly lift off in full view of everyone.

Slowly, approach the moon in the sky.

Fierce streams of air are constantly flowing, the light is distorted, and the vision you see is inadvertently clear.

Liu Xu slowly ascended into the sky and rose slowly. The Moon Worshipers below did not pay attention at first, and were immersed in the great ceremony of worshiping the Moon; but Liu Xu's body rose higher and higher, and in the end, it was almost the same as the whole The moon overlapped.

When everyone worships the moon, they can see Liu Xu when they raise their heads!

Liu Xu's figure blocked the moon they worshiped!

It was originally kneeling to worship the moon, but it turned out to be kneeling to Liu Xu!

The moon worshipers below are on fire!

Even said, crazy!

In the blink of an eye, dozens of axes flew up into the sky and smashed towards Liu Xu.

It's just that Liu Xu flew so high that all the weapons couldn't even touch his clothes.

"Where is the evildoer! How dare you desecrate our great moon worship ceremony!"

"The Moon Worshipers listen to the order and take down this person!"

"Those who blaspheme the leader will be killed without mercy!"

"Come down! Come down!"


The crazy Moon Worshipers roared and screamed, but Liu Xu didn't seem to hear it at all, and continued to rise and rise.

In the end, all the people in Nanzhao Kingdom, all the Moon Worshipers, could see a shadow when they looked up, overlapping with the moon.

The Moon Worshipers in the entire Nanzhao Kingdom are crazy!

This is exactly what Liu Xu wanted!

In the midst of madness, suppress everyone's beliefs!

Let them fall from the peak to the bottom!

Completely, lose faith!

The establishment of a building requires protracted efforts, but it only takes a moment to fall!

"Parents of the Moon Worship Sect, your Moon Worship Sect is just a mirror image!"

"Get out of the dream, only the envoy is the supreme master of this world!"

Liu Xu's voice was loud and clear, spreading throughout the entire southern border.

In his palm, an ancient sword suddenly appeared.

Execution Sword.

The whole world seemed to tremble in an instant.

"Your belief, from now on, no longer exists!"

"My lord envoy said that any evil spirits and heretics must be eradicated!"

"Believe in the rising sun, and you will have eternal life!"

Liu Xu turned his head and slashed at the moon with a sword.

The red sword energy seemed to tear everything apart, running towards the distant moon.

The narrow and imperceptible sword energy suddenly became extremely dazzling when it approached the moon.

The bright and shining full moon seemed to dim for an instant.

All the Moon Worshipers couldn't help but stop insulting, and stared blankly at the thin red thread cutting towards the moon, a sudden fear surged in their hearts.


The dull and loud voice spread throughout the land, and the entire southern border, the entire Tang Dynasty, and even all the people on the entire land stopped breathing.

The moon trembled slightly, and then, a trace like a landslide appeared on the moon.

About a third of the moon, slowly slipping, slipping, completely, separated from the moon...

The moon, only two thirds left!

But at this moment, the few people who were standing nearby seemed to have heard something like "cut it crooked".

Then everyone saw that Liu Xu raised the sword in his hand again, and cut it down with a red glow...

It is setting in the middle of the moon!

Another small part was chopped off!

The fifteenth moon became a semicircle!

From now on, the roundest moon will only be half round!

The Lunar worshipers went crazy one after another!

"How could it be! How could it be!"

"The Lord of Worshiping the Moon is invincible! The Lord of Worshiping the Moon is the strongest!"

"The moon is ruined! The moon is ruined!"


The Moon Worshipers roared and screamed, and the whole southern border was boiling!

Liu Xu, speak out again at this time!

In the voice, the endless bewitchment spread throughout the mainland of China.

"My lord envoy is the only god in this world!"

"The Rising Sun Sect is the orthodoxy in the world!"

"The rise and fall of the moon violates the will of the envoy, so cut off half of it as punishment!"

"Believe in the rising sun, and you will have eternal life!"

Of course, Liu Xu didn't really cut down the moon. To be able to pick up the stars and take the moon is the way of an immortal, and he is the strongest immortal. He is still far behind!

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