However, with the increase of Zhu Xianjian, Liu Xu expanded his mental power to the maximum, hypnotizing the whole world.

It is equivalent to the possession of Lord Liu Xuban, who launched the "Eye of the Moon" project and performed "Infinite Monthly Reading".


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

Chapter 1327 Moon Eye Project, Hypnotizing the World

The moon was cut in half?

Wife, come out and see God!

It almost broke the common sense in the minds of everyone, even all monks, that such an impossible thing happened today.

Even the legendary gods may not be able to do this easily!

However, it does happen...

The more impossible it is, the more frightening it is.

This unbelievable thing appeared vividly before their eyes.

Well, the only explanation is...

"My lord made God! My lord made me appear!"

"Master Divine Envoy is a unique deity in the world!"

"I want to join the Rising Sun Cult, I want to join!"

"Believe in God's Messenger, and you will have eternal life!"


It's boiling!

The entire mainland of China is boiling!

The missionaries of the Rising Sun Sect sent by Liu Xu to the Central Plains just encountered resistance from the imperial court.

At this time, the Rising Sun Sect is in a difficult period of development!

However, Liu Xu's sword completely solved the plight of the Rising Sun Sect.

All public opinion is on the side of the Rising Sun Sect.

Facts are more effective than any persuasion!

Although it is not the real truth, even if there is real power to see through the clues, how can it be explained to the whole world?

It's like, proposing the heliocentric theory that Copernicus knew that the earth is not the center of the universe, but the sun is, but the result!

Copernicus was burned.

Therefore, even if someone sees through the mystery, the most sensible thing to do is to shut up and say nothing.

The Rising Sun Sect movement in the Central Plains swept through like a forest fire!

On the southern border, even if those believers of the Moon Worship Sect did not immediately join the Rising Sun Sect and pay homage to them, at least their belief in the Moon Worship Sect was greatly reduced.

The moon is the most sacred thing in the hearts of all Moon Worshipers.

You can tell a thing or two from the name Baiyuejiao.

But now, even the kneeling moon has been cut off, and this belief has been shaken violently!

The Moon Worship Sect in southern Xinjiang suffered the biggest blow ever!

The believers either stood there in a daze, staring at the half-moon in the sky, dazed; or kept scratching their eyes, hoping that it was an illusion; some simply fell to the ground, half dead, completely desperate.

Apparently, believing this fact that isn't really true...

Worshiping the moon teaching, the vitality is greatly hurt!

Liu Xu smiled in satisfaction, Yang Jian disappeared and submerged into his body in an instant.

With a light flash under his feet, the two women appeared in front of them.

"Hey! Beauties, have you been impressed by my handsome posture!" Liu Xu said triumphantly.

Lin Qing'er's breasts fluctuated up and down, and her eyes were full of joy and joy.

He didn't ask Liu Xu's reason for that sword, or how it was so powerful, or even about the Rising Sun Cult.

She just hugged Liu Xu tightly, full of joy.

"Little Liu Xu, you have grown up and are stronger than me!" Lin Qing'er said happily, happy for Liu Xu.

The attack on the Moon Worship Sect was a blessing to Southern Xinjiang, but Lin Qing'er cared more about Liu Xu in comparison.

Seeing Liu Xu's growing strength made her even happier.

As long as Liu Xu is fine, she will be fine.

Liu Xu's height can reach Lin Qing'er's Yuexiong mouth. In the past, Lin Qing'er had to hold it to enjoy it, but now he can touch it just by standing. It's really refreshing.

Of course Liu Xu felt the beauty's deep affection.

He arched his head and scratched Lin Qing'er's body with his paws, which made Lin Qing'er immediately smile coquettishly.

After a long while of warmth, Liu Xu turned his head and said to Yuan Qing: "Hey! Big beauty, why don't you show it? I did a good deed for Nanjiang!"

Yuan Qing looked at the intimate Liu Xu and Lin Qing'er, thinking that this was a simple hug between master and apprentice, how could he know that there was something tricky in it.

Withdrawing the shock in his eyes, Yuan Qing gave Liu Xu a look that made you feel cheap.

Taking out a sachet from his bosom, Yuan Qing said: "This is my magic weapon for self-defense. Even a master of the Kongming Realm can block it for a moment. However, it is useless for me to keep it. Liu Xu is just right for you." ..."

"No!" Liu Xu immediately refused.

Yuan Qing chuckled, beautiful and charming, and said: "Then what do you want, little Liu Xu? Except for this, I don't have any treasures that you like here!"

Liu Xu grabbed Lin Qing'er vigorously, left her embrace, ran to Yuan Qing, grabbed her jade hand, and said, "I want this!"

After speaking, he took out a thin silk thread from his bosom, wrapped it around his index finger a few times, and looped the other end around Yuan Qing's crystal jade finger, twisted out a spell, and the thin thread disappeared out of thin air.

Liu Xu smiled, hooked his fingers slightly, and Yuan Qing's fingers moved involuntarily, as if a thread connected the two together.

Thousands of miles of marriage lead by a thread.

Leading by a thread, the first beauty, Yuan Qing!

Now, it is finally possible to harass Yuan Qing while soaking in Lin Qing'er!

"Is that all right?"

"Yeah, how about it, am I interesting enough?"

Yuan Qing nodded with a smile, thinking that Liu Xu was just a child with a temper.

Yuan Qing's other middle finger trembled, and he looked at Lin Qing'er.

Two good sisters are also linked by a thread.

Only the closest people will use this kind of thing to connect.

Liu Xu glanced at Yuanqing's slender waist, and was about to act cute and eat tofu, when a loud roar rang out from a certain city in Nanzhao Kingdom!

Earth-shattering and imposing.

A snake-like monster with a green body and an oblate shape is swallowing the flood.

The huge spiritual power summoned endless water and rushed towards the city of Nanzhao Kingdom!

Water monsters, come out again!


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1328 Marriage leads by a thread, subduing the water monster

Liu Xu looked towards the flood and said with a smile: "Baiyue, is this your temptation? Really, you dare not show your face, you coward!"

Lin Qing'er stepped forward and said, "Liu Xu, are you going? With that sword strike just now, you now..."

"Small meaning! I was relying on weapons just now, but I didn't waste a bit of it! And this water monster seems to be obedient, I don't know how it feels to catch it as a mount? Qing'er, wait, I will come as soon as I go! "

Liu Xu stepped forward and arrived at the location of the water monster in the blink of an eye!


Yuan Qing came up and stood side by side with Lin Qing'er.

The two held hands, talked and laughed.

With Liu Xu here, the two of them felt relieved.

"Heck! This little Liu Xu is not stable now, and he is pulling me with a thread!" Yuan Qing laughed softly, and stretched out his trembling index finger to show Lin Qing'er.

"He, that's the way, no matter how big or small, he just likes to mess around!"

Lin Qing'er suddenly thought of something, her cheeks were slightly red, and she held her good sister's hand.

Suddenly, she had a strange feeling in her heart.

Lin Qing'er was a little unhappy.

Obviously, he and Liu Xu knew each other first, but in the end, Liu Xu's ties were connected with Yuan Qing first.

A faint smell of vinegar, sour, spread in Lin Qing'er's heart...

Liu Xu's body shrank into an inch, and he was in front of the water monster in an instant.

Water Monster Beast, the best among water attribute monsters.

Liu Xu took a general look at it, and it was incredible that his cultivation had actually stepped into the realm of emptiness.

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