No wonder Lin Qing'er in the original book couldn't kill it, he could only suppress it.

The emptiness state, or the emptiness state of monsters, is very difficult to deal with.

Compared with humans who specialize in aura, monsters focus differently.

In terms of physical cultivation, every time it advances, there will be a terrifying improvement. People who are two levels lower than it can't even break its defense!

"That's right, this is the qualification to be a mount!" Liu Xu praised condescendingly.

There are many kinds of animals in this world.

However, the phoenix, the unicorn, and the like are all related to the Nuwa clan. Liu Xu can't beat them to death in front of Lin Qing'er, and then surrender, right?

Water monsters are not bad!In terms of strength, it is even higher.


The water monster saw the person standing on his head and roared angrily. A thousand-foot-long torrent flew out of its mouth, mixed with strong water-attribute spiritual energy. a hole!

Liu Xu didn't dodge or dodge, standing in the air.

The huge thick water column rushed straight at Liu Xu, and when it was about to reach his body, suddenly, it seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall.

The water column hit the invisible wall, splashing violently, Liu Xu was safe and sound.

The water monster is angry!

The attack is actually ineffective? !

There was a bang, the aura was overwhelming, and the water monster attacked again!

Dozens of water jets erupted from the ground, and dozens of huge water jets, surrounded by dozens of people, crashed into the sky, crashing into Liu Xu from different directions from front, back, left, and right!This time, the water monster almost went all out!

"Clap! Clap!"

It was that sound of hitting the wall again.

The water dissipated, but Liu Xu was still standing intact.

The clothes fluttered, and the water didn't even splash.

There seemed to be invisible walls all around, blocking all attacks.

The water monster couldn't even touch Liu Xu's body!

Flicking its tail in the flood, the water monster seemed to have seen something, and took a few steps back slightly, feeling a little timid.

Ancient warcraft, even if they speak different languages, they still have the most basic wisdom!

With a quick twist of the body, the water monster suddenly dived.Just as he was about to escape, Liu Xu from above spoke!

"Well, the strength just now is barely passable, you have passed my mount test!"

Liu Xu didn't even move, and his mental power roared out, forming invisible walls around the water monster. The water monster rushed over and bumped into something.

To the right……






Changing its position constantly, the water monster couldn't get out no matter what.

Under the confinement of Liu Xu's invincible mental power, the water monster couldn't even escape!

Step by step, walking down from the air, Liu Xu looked at the water monster for a while, and said to himself: "It looks a bit ugly."

The water monster roared in a low voice, but didn't reply.

"Well, the strength is too bad." Liu Xu said again.

The water monster didn't even bother to roar this time.

Its life and death are almost in the hands of this person, no matter how hard it struggles, it is useless.

"However, the most important thing is that you may not be able to be loyal!" Liu Xu said for the third time.

Suddenly, there was an ominous premonition in the heart of the water monster.

Liu Xu stood in the air, pointed in the air, and a halo of light flowed quickly, accompanied by strong spiritual power, and rushed into the head of the water monster.

The water monster staggered and struggled for a while, when a voice came out slowly in its mind.

"Lord Liu Xu is my master."

"I am a docile water monster, I don't eat people, I don't fight, I care about hygiene and civilization."

"I want to be the most qualified mount in the world."


In an instant, the mind of the water monster changed drastically.

Looking up at Liu Xu in the air, the water monster let out a docile cry, as docile as a cat.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Go to the Central Plains to lurk first, don't stay here, let's go!"

With a thought, the cage of spiritual power disappeared, and the water monster happily bowed to Liu Xu, then slipped into the water...


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1329 Nuwa worships the moon, the question is too obvious

Turning around, Liu Xu was in a good mood. His Rising Sun Sect would definitely develop a lot this time, and he even took a barely passable mount.

All of this is thanks to that guy Baiyue, I have to thank him very much!

Liu Xu's mental power spread out again, covering a large area of ​​land around him.

Looking for worshiping the moon.

Hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, ten thousand miles...

Liu Xu's frown became tighter and tighter!

"Worshiping the moon, you can't detect it? Grandma, how could it be like this?"

Liu Xu cursed and shouted, and took out the Zhuxian Sword again.

"I remember, probably in this direction!"

"Okay, you worship the moon, I just wanted to beat you up."

"Okay, you're not coming out, are you?"

"I cut off all of this piece, I don't believe I can't kill you!"

Liu Xu raised the Immortal Execution Sword high and high. The sword intent was strong and hot, as if it wanted to cut off the whole world.

He aimed at a large piece of land in the distance, moved the long sword slowly...


On the edge of the blade, space is broken, time is broken, and indescribable energy swings above the tip of the sword!

Although it is impossible to cut off the moon, it is not a problem to cut off the land in front of you.

Just as he was about to unleash this shocking sword, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind Liu Xu, light and sweet, generous and elegant: "Liu Xu, where is the water monster? Is it alright?"

Liu Xu hastily withdrew the sword, and his mental power intertwined and intertwined, offsetting all the energy.

The long sword flashed and entered Liu Xu's body.

Lin Qing'er is from southern Xinjiang, she almost forgot, it would be unwise to destroy her hometown in front of her future wife!

Even if you do it, you have to do it secretly!

"Forget it, worship the moon, you won't be so lucky next time."

Liu Xu's voice fluttered and spread throughout the southern border, and anyone with a sufficient level of cultivation could hear it.


In a certain dilapidated temple, the look of horror on Baiyue's face finally receded.

Drenched cold sweat covered his forehead densely, his back was also icy cold, and his clothes were soaked through.

After standing there for a long time, Bai Yue was relieved from this fear.

Turning around, Bai Yue looked at the ancient statue.

This is a statue of a woman, vicissitudes, ancient, exuding the inviolable aura of the gods.

Baiyue stared at it for a long time, with a look of doubt in his eyes, and said, "Why, why do you help me?"

The statue was silent for a long time before a long and helpless voice came out, as if it came from another world.

"He is not from this world, I can't see through it."

The light flickered away, and the statue returned to silence again, without any more agility.

Baiyue pondered for a long time, and then walked out of the dilapidated temple step by step.

Looking back, on the plaque in front of the temple, there are three ancient characters full of majesty and kindness.

Nuwa Temple.


After finishing the water monster, Liu Xu took Lin Qing'er's hand, and the two went back together.

Without the ravages of water monsters in the southern border, it is peaceful and quiet.

The night wind blew gently, making the grass tremble.

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