The brilliant stars twinkled and danced playfully.

The only flaw is that the originally bright and full moon has become a semicircle.

Looking at it, I always feel a little uncomfortable.

If you want to hypnotize others, first hypnotize yourself. If Liu Xu looks like a full moon at a glance, and then opens and closes his mouth to be full moon or something, others will think that his eyesight is not good!

In the house, Lin Qing'er was wearing a light green gauze dress, sitting in front of the desk, resting her chin on her hands, meditating on something.

Her faint brows trembled, and Lin Qing'er's Feng Yun's fair face was a little gloomy.

Her crystal rainbow lips pursed a few times from time to time, she turned her head to look at Liu Xu who was playing with a thread, and wanted to say something, then she turned back slowly, continuing to hesitate and struggle.

On Lin Qing'er's delicate face, there was a bit of sadness like a young woman...

"Qing'er, what are you thinking, so engrossed?"

After a long time, Liu Xu and Yuan Qing finally ended the silent communication and walked up to Lin Qing'er.

Under the warm yellow light, Lin Qing'er's graceful figure emerged clearly under the light veil, and an exquisite curve outlined a perfect body.

Lin Qing'er, like a mature water yam peach, exudes the demeanor of a dog all the time.

Liu Xu walked over, hugged Lin Qing'er from behind, and asked softly, "Qing'er, what are you thinking?"

"No, nothing..." Lin Qing'er trembled suddenly, and quickly said, "I am, I am just a little sleepy."

"What, your expression, everyone can see that you have something on your mind." Liu Xu rubbed on the light gauze, and it was Lin Qing'er who moved her body just behind the gauze, "Say it! Your husband is heaven and earth, O omnipotent and omniscient envoy! I will definitely help you!"

Lin Qing'er's heart beat faster, and she didn't know why.

Today, it is rare that Liu Xu did not refute Liu Xu's claim of "husband".

Even, after listening to it, there is a trace of sweetness in my heart.

Feeling Liu Xu's mischievous hand, Lin Qing'er felt a sweet feeling in her heart.

This is her Liu Xu.

Liu Xu is the closest to her.

"She..." Lin Qinger plucked up her courage. It was the first time she talked to Liu Xu in such a flustered manner, and said, "Liu Xu, you, do you have any more leads?"

After speaking, his face turned red all of a sudden!

That's too obvious a question!

He glanced at Liu Xu quietly, as if he was afraid that Liu Xu would laugh at her.

Yuan Qing and Liu Xu were connected by a thread before her, and Lin Qing'er felt sour in her heart.

Even, a little overwhelmed.

Liu Xu hugged Lin Qing'er affectionately, and his hands stopped making trouble.

This big beauty is really affectionate, she can't let her down!


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1330 Two Sisters Walking Together, Three Heroes of the Central Plains

Gently blowing in Lin Qing'er's ear, Liu Xu said: "Qing'er, don't be in a hurry. I've always kept your thread for you, and it's not just an ordinary thread."

After speaking, he smiled wretchedly.

The corner of Lin Qing'er's mouth grinned happily, very happy.

It is not ordinary, it must be representative, different and unique.

Lin Qing'er asked: "What is the lead? Is there anything special about it?"

"Uh, you'll know about this later." Liu Xu said with a chuckle, "Qing'er, let's go to bed first. I'll tell you when we get to the bunk."

"Hmph! You perverted child!"

Lin Qing'er smiled coquettishly, but hugged Liu Xu, just like she hugged the baby Liu Xu back then.

Although Liu Xu has grown taller, many habits have not changed.



A scream sounded in the house!

Two people were lying on the bunk, one big and one small, it was Liu Xu and Lin Qing'er.

There are messy clothes on the ground, adults', children's, and a bed sheet...

A woman in a pink dress has a slender waist and is full of resilience. Her agile eyes seem to be able to speak, full of the agility and liveliness of a woman from southern Xinjiang.

Looking at the two people sleeping on the bed, she was short of breath, startled for a long time, quickly closed the door, and ran away quickly.

"Hmm...Yuanqing, Yuanqing saw, um..."

"What are you afraid of? The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge!"




An hour later.

Liu Xu, Lin Qing'er, and Yuan Qing sat together.

The three of them had already explained what had just happened.

"So, he... is really less than one year old?" Yuan Qing pointed at Liu Xu in surprise and asked.

"Yeah, Yuan Qing, didn't I tell you before!" Lin Qing'er blushed slightly, nodded and said: "He was a baby who knew nothing more than half a year ago, you won't forget it! "

Yuanqing looked at Liu Xu with flickering eyes, then at Lin Qing'er, thought for a long time, and said, "So that's the case, Qing'er, you, you, tell me clearly, I thought..."

"Yuanqing! Where do you want to go!"

This time it was Yuan Qing's turn to blush.

After thinking for a while, Yuan Qing raised his head and said softly: "But Qing'er, do you...have that now? Why don't we find a married aunt to feed him?"

"do not want!"

"do not want!"

Lin Qing'er and Liu Xu said in unison.

"I, I still want to raise him by myself." Lin Qing'er blushed slightly, unexpectedly, she lied to her good sister for Liu Xu.

"I only want Qing'er!" Liu Xu pretended to be childish, and said to himself, "The identity of a child is really useful!"

"Then, Qing'er, you, if you don't have milk...milk...tell me, I'll help you find someone." Yuan Qing thought for a while, and said the word with difficulty, thinking: "Anyway, Liu Xu , it’s just a baby less than one year old, it’s fine..."


The two women continued to talk, and slowly, they were relieved from the embarrassing atmosphere not long ago.

Laughter gradually filled the whole room.

It's just that Lin Qing'er's handsome face was blushing from time to time.

Liu Xu, who was staying at the side, stretched out his hand, and gently hooked it with one hand.

Lin Qing'er's butt twisted, as if she was sitting on something, very uncomfortable.

Liu Xu hooked his fingers again, and Lin Qing'er's body trembled again.

His fingers shook violently.


"Qing'er, what's the matter, aren't you feeling well?"

"No, nothing!"

"Qing'er, your complexion is not very good, you need to rest more, it is not easy to take care of children."


Liu Xu's face was filled with displeasure.

Hey, who said that a string must be tied to your finger!

After staying in southern Xinjiang for a few days, Liu Xu and the two girls set off again.

That's right, Yuan Qing also followed the two of them.

Because of Lin Qing'er's delicate and dying expression from time to time, Yuan Qing thought she was taking care of a child and was overworked.

So enthusiastically, I followed this good sister.

As a holy aunt, her duty is to protect Nuwa's descendants.

As everyone knows, there is another reason for Lin Qing'er's strangeness.


Lin Qing'er and Yuan Qing were good sisters, and Liu Xu was also very enthusiastic about this slender and lively young girl. After a few days, the three of them got used to it without distinction.

Along the scenic spots and mountains and rivers along the way, Liu Xu and the two daughters played while doing chivalrous things.

Two years passed in the blink of an eye.

Liu Xu's cultivation has finally broken through the Void Returning Realm and reached the peak of the Empty Light Realm.

It is only one step away from the legendary Hedao Realm.

The Dao state means comprehending one's own way, possessing one's own persistence and persistence, and one's own will.

The most difficult part of this step is comprehension.

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