Everyone who has come to this point is a person of great wisdom and great perseverance.

However, Liu Xu's Dao realm has long been higher than the He Dao realm by a long time, and the thing of refining the mind is simply superfluous for him.

As long as you continue to practice, you will have a smooth journey without any bottlenecks.

Moreover, Liu Xu spent a lot of time on other things. Although he insisted on practicing every day, it was only half an hour at most.

Otherwise, he would have already broken through to the Dao Harmonious Realm.

In addition, Lin Qing'er and Yuan Qing, under the guidance of Liu Xu, also made rapid progress.

The cultivation bases of the two women have both broken through to the early stage of returning to the void.

After all, these later realms are mainly about refining the mind and enlightening the Tao.

In terms of understanding of Tao, even this world is not as good as Liu Xu, who has the experience of traveling through multiple dimensional worlds.

Among them, especially Lin Qing'er, if she uses the power of the Nuwa clan, after transforming, she can even reach the state of emptiness in an instant!

It can be said that in the current world, there are monks who can compare with her, counting on one hand!

The three gods blocked and killed the gods and Buddhas, all the way down, and earned the title of "Three Heroes of the Central Plains".

Hearing about it, black and white, they avoided it one after another, and no one dared to touch the bad luck!


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

Chapter 1331 Hugging left and right, Juggernaut Proving the Way

On this day, Liu Xu hugged the two girls and took a boat ride.

With beautiful mountains and clear waters and vast expanses of blue waves, this is a good place.

Liu Xu hugged left and right, so happy.

From time to time, he kissed the two girls back and forth on the cheeks and told a few jokes, making them giggle.

For two years, Liu Xu dragged Yuan Qing into his "breastfeeding activity".

Although Liu Xu is now taller than the two girls, he still shamelessly defends his baby rights...

Just like that, dragged on, dragged to the back, the two women also forgot about breastfeeding, it was more like... a fun game between husband and wife.

Did everything except the last step.

"Brother Xu, why do you want to play here! Although the scenery here is very good, it is still a bit worse than Huangshan and Jiuzhaigou." Yuan Qing leaned on Liu Xu, and said with some resentment: "You use the land to shrink into an inch I came here in a hurry, I thought what a beautiful scenery!"

Two years later, she called Liu Xu from Liu Xu to Brother Xu.

The change in address coincides with the change in heart.

"Of course I'm watching a show! Let me tell you, there's a big show ahead, I'll take you to see it."

"What big show?" Lin Qing'er on the side turned her head and asked.

She leaned against Liu Xu's chest, and he took a long breath, feeling refreshed.

Now, Lin Qing'er's clothes need to be ordered now.

This is the fruitful result of Liu Xu's unremitting efforts!

Liu Xu squeezed a few hands presumptuously, and said with a smirk: "It's a big show. It's a Shushan disciple named Yin Ruozhuo who enlightened in front of him. It seems that he is about to break through. It's really not easy."

"Yin Ruozhuo? Is it the disciple who was rumored to have stolen the Sutra Pavilion in Shushan not long ago?" Lin Qing'er asked.

"That's right, it's him!"


Yuan Qing leaned on Liu Xu's shoulder, looked down at herself, but couldn't raise a trace of pride.

She is actually not too young, but compared with Lin Qing'er, she is so ashamed that she is ashamed.

Liu Xu almost formed a strong obsession with Lin Qing'er, and he couldn't put it down.

Yuan Qing could only see it in his eyes, and felt sour in his heart.

Fortunately, Liu Xu said that she has a slender waist and agile body, and can do various difficult movements.

Although I don't know how these things make Liu Xu so satisfied, Yuan Qing kept it in his heart and exercised his body every day, doing all kinds of strange and difficult movements according to Liu Xu's gymnastics book.

For example, Yizima, Zheng Banqiao...


The three of them took a boat and soon arrived at Yin Ruozhuo's breakthrough site.

Yin Ruozhuo was standing on the water, and the waves on the lake were boiling, just like his state of mind at the moment.

Fluttering in white clothes, handsome and ecstatic.

Yin Ruozhuo is also considered a handsome man, although he is [-] light-years behind Liu Xu.

Yin Ruozhuo kept muttering something, shook his head, danced with his arms and legs, went crazy on the lake, and fell into a struggling inner struggle.

"Why! Why! Why can't I let it go, why is this happening!?"

"Why? What is my Tao? What is the Tao? How can I let go? How can I detach myself?"

"No! Not..."


A Taoist priest with a wine jug and a sharp sword on his back stood by the lake, looking at Yin Ruozhu who was constantly struggling in the lake, his brows were full of worry.

The Sword Immortal of Wine had excellent aptitude in the first place. In the original book, the Sword Saint himself admitted that his aptitude was even higher than him.

However, because of love, because of the witch queen, he fell into confusion instead, and it was difficult to improve his cultivation.

But Liu Xu's "Unfeeling Gu" completely made Jiu Jianxian forget the love between men and women.

On the road of cultivating the Tao, it is far less bumpy than the original book.

The current Jiu Sword Immortal's cultivation is far higher than Yin Ruozhuo's!

Liu Xu has created a master for Shushan who can rival the moon worship!

"Senior brother! Don't worry about it! Life is in this world, do what you want. Do what you should do, don't do what you shouldn't do, be happy when you are right, and repent if you are wrong. It's very simple. Why bother so much?" Jiu Jianxian took a sip of wine, and said to Yin Ruozhuo on the lake.

Everyone has his own way, and he can only order from the side, but cannot help.

Yin Ruozhuo roared: "No! No! I killed her! I killed her! I got everything, but why can't I let it go! What I did was right or wrong! I..."

Lin Qing'er on the boat suddenly asked: "Brother Xu, who did this Yin Ruozhuo kill?"

Liu Xu coughed a few times, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lowering his voice, he whispered, "He killed a [-]-year-old fat aunt."

"What! How can there be such a person! A cultivator actually attacks ordinary people!" Yuan Qing on the side said angrily.

Liu Xu was a little embarrassed, and thought: "This Yin Ruozhuo's psychological quality is too bad. After being pushed back, he killed people. It is definitely not material for success!"

"Actually, the cause of this is very complicated, you better not know..." Liu Xu said, suddenly raised his head to look at the shore.

Liu Xu had a vague impression of a beautifully dressed woman on the shore, the one who shared the same room with Yin Ruozhuo in Honghualou that day.

She was holding a baby in her arms, crying, and ran over: "Father! Do you have the heart! Do you have the heart to leave our mother and daughter behind! Ruozhuo..."

Liu Xu stared blankly at this dramatic scene, his eyes burned with excitement.

People with advanced cultivation can control their own fertility.

But Liu Xu used the bodiless voodoo technique "Immortals Are Crazy" at that time, and the medicinal effect was strong. During the sex, Yin Ruozhuo had long forgotten everything, how could he control so much!

Thus, the scene in front of me was born.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1332 Goodness is like water, let's have a good fight

The woman held the baby and cried loudly.

Jiu Jianxian twitched his eyebrows, although he was dissatisfied with his senior brother's unfeeling and unyielding, but he also didn't like this delicate woman.

A lady from the Yihong Building actually wanted to get close to the big tree of Shushan, and the reputation of Shushan for thousands of years would not be completely ruined.

Walked over and pulled the woman, but the woman cried even more terribly, lying on the ground crying loudly, crying bitterly, screaming...

"Get out! Get out! Get out of here..."

"Don't mess with my Dao heart! Don't force me!"


Yin Ruozhuo clenched his fists tightly, scenes of the past, temptations, kept drifting in his mind...

Struggling fiercely, feeling intensely...

The turbulence of the lake became more and more intense, more and more turbulent, just like Yin Ruozhu's current state of mind, it was about to collapse at any time.

The crying of the baby kept disturbing his thinking.

The surge of water waves became more and more intense!


"If this continues, either he will succeed in enlightenment, or he will go mad and become a lunatic." Liu Xu looked at Yin Ruozhuo, seeing his current situation clearly.

"Brother Xu, you seem to care about this person?" Lin Qing'er raised her head and asked.

"Well, I don't care about it, it's just a playful attitude!" Liu Xu sighed and said, "You don't know, your husband used to be a good-for-nothing, this time it's rare to meet Long Aotian, control a It's awesome to have someone on screen that you couldn't touch before!"


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