Chapter 1335 Forcing the emperor, true dragon spirit

"The emperor hit our sect so hard?" Liu Xu said displeased, frowning.

"Return, report to the leader! On the surface, the imperial court did not do anything to us, but in the dark, our Rising Sun Church will always be attacked by unknown people. Moreover, everyone is as indifferent as a killer and well-trained! The subordinates did many investigations to find out, This is a royally trained dead soldier!"

"Also, the recent decrees issued by the imperial court are slowly weakening our strength. A curfew is imposed, the city's population circulation inspection is also strict, and there are various other measures. The recent development of the Rising Sun Sect is very fast. But Compared with a few months ago... only [-]% of the speed!"

Seeing Liu Xu's displeasure, the believer hurriedly added: "However, fortunately, among the officials of the imperial court, there are also many believers of ours. They are trying their best to turn the tide and increase the influence of our religion through various means. Among them, Minister of the Ministry of War, Minister of the Ministry of Households, and Prime Minister Zuo...they are all supporters of my teaching!"


Listening to the reports from his subordinates, Liu Xu had a general understanding of the current situation of the Rising Sun Sect.

In short, one sentence: too powerful, affecting the interests of the royal family of the court.

In the final analysis, all kinds of disputes are still caused by interests.

Liu Xu didn't bother to engage in power struggles slowly. To capture the thief, first capture the king, take down the leader, everything will be easy to handle.

Under the illusion, Liu Xu and several of his subordinates drove straight in without anyone in the palace blocking them.

Several people walked around luxurious corridors and gardens, and finally came to the place where the current emperor is resting.

A faint coercion hovered above the palace.

This is a kind of energy that greatly restrains evil things and all kinds of ghosts.Even a powerful monk will still be strongly suppressed in front of this force.

Mystical, a kind of spiritual emptiness energy.

However, if it is an ordinary person, it will not be affected.

Liu Xu stood and watched for a while, and said to himself: "This, is the so-called real dragon's spirit? It's really an interesting world. Keep up! Come with me to meet this so-called nine-five supreme being."

The illusion was withdrawn, and Liu Xu walked in with a few people swaggeringly.





Dozens of guards were just about to make a move when they froze in place, motionless, as if they had been frozen by something.

Liu Xu drove straight in all the way, and the places he passed were filled with people who were immobilized, or people who were directly wiped out...

Walking to the inner hall, a slightly fat and bloated figure was sitting at his desk meditating.

The yellow dragon robe is a bit too big to wear on her body.

"What an...ugly fat emperor!" Liu Xu said with a smile.The emperor, who was in deep thought, shook his body, slowly raised his head, and looked at Liu Xu and the others suspiciously.

The fat emperor's round eyes stared at Liu Xu and the others, and slowly, he reached under the table and grabbed a golden sword.

With a calm face, he looked at Liu Xu and the others.

There was no notification from the guards, and the clothes of several people did not meet the standards for an audience, so the visitors were not kind.

Assassins, assassinations, poisoning, these tricks, as the emperor, he has seen a lot.

There are many ways to deal with it. The emperor cherishes his own life more than anyone else.

"I don't know how many Qing families, how to call them?"

The fat emperor said with full emperor majesty, without revealing his feet, quietly drew out the sword again, with a calm face.

Liu Xu continued to walk forward, looking at the environment of the imperial study while walking.

Although compared with his former palace, it is much worse, but for mortals, it is indeed remarkable.

Barely...let's get by!

Liu Xu looked at it for a long time, then turned his head to look at the fat emperor and said, "Don't pretend, your broken sword is useless. It can only restrain evil spirits and ghosts. It is indeed a precious sword. What's its name?"

The fat emperor was startled, unexpectedly someone else would have discovered his little trick, grabbed the sword, and said calmly, "This sword is called the Emperor's Heavenly Sword."

"Good name!" Liu Xu clapped his hands.

Walking to the fat emperor's desk, he said, "Stop talking nonsense. Obedience or death, the choice is yours!"

Liu Xu glanced at the screen behind the emperor, and invisible spiritual power roared out. The bodies of more than a dozen hidden masters suddenly exploded, and before they could roar, blood splashed all over the screen.

The fat emperor's face turned white and red. He never expected that such a powerful killer would be discovered, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

Then, the last hole card left is...

The fat emperor raised his head, and there was nothing strange in his eyes.

Those who are emperors are all masters of acting.

"Sir, I don't know what you mean by obedience..."

Halfway through the sentence, the fat emperor suddenly exploded!

With a groan, the sword came out of its sheath and slashed out from bottom to top. The table was cut in half like tofu. The golden sword shone brightly and slashed at Liu Xu!

Great power!

On the fat emperor's body, streaks of golden aura surged, intertwined with the emperor's heavenly sword, and their power doubled!

Although he doesn't have any aura in his body and is just an ordinary person, the strength of the Fat Emperor is already at the peak of this world!

This is, the spirit of a real dragon!

Liu Xu did not underestimate this precious sword. It seems that it has a history of millions of years, and it must have been handed down from ancient times.

Although I have a high level of morality, I haven't put in a lot of effort to temper my physical body, and I don't have much confidence in taking over.

Therefore, he directly used his best strength, mental power.

Liu Xu shouted in a low voice: "Boot!"

Intangible, formless, and elusive huge mental power bound this golden sword in an instant.


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Chapter 1336 The emperor's surrender, the rising sun teaches promotion

The fat emperor's ferocious sword stopped abruptly, and he could no longer advance an inch.

But the fat emperor didn't hesitate, he made a decisive decision, and instantly dropped the magical weapon, and the golden light on his palms shone at Liu Xu.

Under the coercion of the emperor, the few subordinates brought by Liu Xu were unable to move.

A trace of pity flashed in Liu Xu's eyes.

Stretching out his hand, one after another aura intertwined, with a light flick, a sharp little sword rushed out quickly, piercing the fat emperor's palm, piercing the fat emperor's shoulder, and hitting a blow on the screen and wall behind him. Invisible hole.


As soon as Liu Xu pointed out, the fat emperor's body really froze instantly.

Not only him, but even the majestic real dragon aura hovering around his body seemed to be suppressed, and he resisted fiercely, but to no avail.

"Sir! Sir! I was wrong! I just wanted to test your strength just now! Sir, I..."

Liu Xu interrupted: "The reaction is fast enough, the person is clever enough, and shameless enough, he is the material to be an emperor! What a pity!"

When the fat emperor heard this, his face turned pale.

How could he have imagined that there were such terrifying people in the world?

His own strength is ranked among the best in the world, yet he was suppressed so easily! ?

As an emperor, he is now at the mercy of others.

"It's a pity that you have the aura of a real dragon, but you don't know how to use it. Your sword is also a good sword, but it doesn't have a good swordsmanship. The experience is even more messy. The first surprise attack was good, and the rest..." Liu Xuyao Shaking his head, he stopped talking, obviously disappointed.

"Sir! Sir, I don't know what to order? As long as I can do it... no, even if I can't, I will do my best to help you complete it! You are so talented, I have never heard of it, and I don't know your name?"

Liu Xu looked at the fat emperor, smiled and shook his head and said, "Don't play with these vain things. I am the leader of the Rising Sun Sect. If you fall into my hands, you will never want to escape again."

Liu Xu stretched out his hand, and a huge suction force between his five fingers continuously sucked something from the fat emperor's body.

"Sir! Your Excellency! Hierarch! Forgive me, forgive me..." The fat emperor wailed, feeling weaker and weaker.

The golden, majestic and majestic aura of the real dragon was continuously peeled off from the fat emperor's body.

As if seeing hell, the fat emperor roared in panic.

This kind of true dragon spirit can be deprived?

The fat emperor didn't even dare to think about it.

Waves of golden energy gathered in Liu Xu's palm, getting thicker and thicker.

On the top of the fat emperor's head, the auspicious and majestic golden aura became darker and darker, and soon, it was all absorbed by Liu Xu...

The fat emperor has become a real powerless person.

When the immobilization technique was lifted, the fat emperor's legs went limp, and he fell into the sawdust of the collapsed tables and chairs, his eyes glazed over, and his arms trembled.

The members of the Rising Sun Sect are so powerful that the Fat Emperor has no hope of surviving.

If it were him, he would not let the enemy go.

All the superiors are like this.

Liu Xu seemed to see through the fat emperor's mind, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's useful to keep you temporarily. I'm not you, I want to kill the grass and roots. Making full use of it is my standard of conduct."

Liu Xu swallowed the real dragon's energy in one gulp, and it flowed quickly in his body, turning into a steady stream of energy to nourish himself.

Spiritual energy can be absorbed, so can the real dragon's energy.

Yin and Yang change, whether it is extreme or not, the type of energy, for Liu Xu, is only different in appearance.

Essentially, they are all the same.

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