However, Liu Xu did not use these energies to improve his cultivation, but instead used them to temper his body and continuously increase the strength of his physical body.

After all, for Liu Xu, all aspects go hand in hand to exert the greatest power.

In every cell of Liu Xu, the golden energy is being tempered...

As the tempering was going on, Liu Xu turned his head and looked at the fat emperor with dull eyes.

The spiritual power was constantly intertwined, and a deep imprint was engraved in the fat emperor's mind.

"I am loyal to the Rising Sun Cult, and to the leader!"

"Sacrifice everything for the Rising Sun Cult!"

"Believe in God's Messenger, and you will have eternal life!"


The fat emperor lost the body protection of the real dragon energy, and his mental power easily tampered with his thinking.

When he came back to his senses, he seemed to have known Liu Xu for a long time. He kowtowed loudly one after another, and his head was bruised on the ground.

From before, they are different people.

"See the leader! See the leader! The leader is here, the villain is rude! He deserves death, he deserves death!" Liu Xu lifted the fat emperor's forehead with mental strength, thinking: "Don't really hit him to death , that would be a tragedy.”

"Okay, don't be verbose. Next, I have something important to tell you to do." Liu Xu said.

"Even if the leader is there!"

"Well, vigorously develop the Rising Sun Sect. Needless to say, in detail, you make your own plan."

"After half a year, the Temple of God's Envoy will be built soon. In terms of engineering, I must do it well!"

"And yourself, join the Rising Sun Sect as a low-level believer, and let the world know about it."


After ordering a few important things, Liu Xu walked out of the imperial study room in front, followed by the fat emperor respectfully...

Rising Sun Cult, it's time to rise up!

A series of imperial edicts went directly from the imperial palace to all parts of the Tang Dynasty.

The Rising Sun Sect's development has officially entered a high stage. Under the vigorous publicity of both the imperial court and the Rising Sun Sect, almost everyone knows about it.

The Rising Sun Sect has become the highest belief center in the Tang Dynasty.

After half a year, God made the temple enter the construction period.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one God Envoy Halls are located in various parts of the Tang Dynasty.

Shushan sent people to help, the imperial court sent people to help, and there were also countless believers of the Rising Sun Sect, who also unconditionally helped with the construction.

The authority of the Rising Sun Sect was gradually established with the establishment of the Temple of Gods.

In contrast, imperial power has gradually faded out of people's sight, and gradually, no one will pay attention to it...


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1337 Both Pregnant, Linger Anu

years later.


People come and go, and the streets are full of traffic.

Compared with Chang'an a few years ago, it is much more prosperous now.

A tall and large hall, piercing the sky, stands in the center of Chang'an City.

The exterior of the main hall exudes a golden light, as if the gods have descended.

Everyone who approaches it will involuntarily feel a little admiration and worship.

The main hall is called the God Envoy Hall, which is one of the eighty-one temples and the earliest God Envoy Hall built.

The majestic and towering Temple of the Gods is in stark contrast to the small and dilapidated imperial palace opposite.

Everyone felt that under the glory of the envoy, the emperor was just a small character.

I would rather be a member of the Rising Sun Cult than an emperor, this is everyone's mind.

Because it is said that not long ago, the emperor made a big mistake and was deprived of his membership by the Rising Sun Sect.

The emperor knelt in front of the God's Envoy Hall, howling in pain for seven days and seven nights, ignoring the wind and rain, and finally issued an edict, dismissed all civil and military officials, beauties in the harem, and subsidized the disaster area, and a series of actions. For sympathy, a probationary period is given.

In front of the envoy, the emperor is just a person who can't even be considered a believer.

From then on, all the officials went to court, and instead of going to the palace, they prayed in the square in front of the God's Envoy Hall.

Scholars and literati not only have to take part in the imperial examination, but also have to become a devout believer and accept the test of the God Envoy if they want to successfully embark on an official career.

The harem draft is also gone, and instead, the God Envoy lord is lenient, broadcasting favors, and allowing a thousand "House of God Envoy Ladies" to serve each year.

There is also the law of the Tang Dynasty. Anything that is contrary to the dogma of the Rising Sun Sect will be amended or abolished.

as well as……


In short, within a few years, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Almost ninety-nine percent of the people in Datang have become followers of the Rising Sun Sect.


high in the air.

God's Hall, the main hall.

Liu Xu was looking down at the lower realm from the window.

The main hall of the envoy is the most majestic place in the legend, surpassing the eighty-one branch hall.

Located in the sky thousands of miles above Chang'an City, suspended above the clouds, it is an existence that is beyond everyone's reach.

They can kneel down in front of the God's Envoy Hall, but they are not even qualified to pay their respects to the God's Envoy Main Hall.

No one ever knew what it looked like or where it was located.

That is just a legendary existence.

Only a very small number of high-level people, or powerful monks in the world probably know about it.

The main hall of the envoy is suspended above the city of Chang'an.

However, no one dared to investigate.

Because within ten thousand miles around the temple, there are countless prohibition formations, which cannot be explored.

Once, a daring Void Returning cultivator was out of curiosity. It is said that he just touched the outermost restriction and was wiped out...

Since then, no one dared to probe into the secrets of the main hall of the envoy.

In fact, it's nothing, it's just that Liu Xu has set up the Eight Desolation Xuanhuo Formation.

Even the Beast God was burned by the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon, a mere Void Returning cultivator, hehe...

Liu Xu, standing on the cloud, enjoys the feeling of overlooking the earth.

There is no fairyland in this world, so Liu Xu built a main hall of the god envoy himself, standing above the human world.

As for the eighty-one branch halls, in fact, the real purpose is Liu Xu's palace when he is playing in the world.

In the branch hall, except for the female officials of the temple, no one can set foot.

The worship of believers is only in the external square.

Liu Xu didn't want anyone to disturb his leisurely life.

Liu Xu, who was planning where to go first, was suddenly interrupted by a soft voice...

"Brother Xu, I, I have a stomachache."

A beautiful woman with a plump figure and a strong noble lady's love came yingly behind Liu Xu.

She has long hair, black and shiny.

The woman's skin is crystal clear and moist, as if it is about to ooze honey juice, and it will break with a blow.

On her noble face, the corners of her eyes are full of affection, and her rainbow lips are bright, like flowers that have just been watered, fertile and full.

"Qing'er? What's the matter, she kicked you again?" Liu Xu walked in front of Lin Qing'er and hugged him gently.

The big hand was on Lin Qing'er's lower abdomen, gently lifted the tulle, stretched it in, rubbed up and down the lower abdomen, and slowly poured in one after another spiritual energy.

Lin Qing'er's abdomen was already swollen high.

Her skin was as soft as cotton, and Liu Xu stroked it slowly, enjoying it.

"Well, the baby is very healthy, and it is estimated to be born in three months." Liu Xu said.

He pressed against Lin Qing'er's fair face, rubbing and telling warm jokes.


"Huh? Brother Xu, you are here, I finally found you!" Another beautiful woman came.

Her lower abdomen is also slightly bulging, although it is not as obvious as Lin Qing'er, but because the woman's figure is relatively slender and resilient, it can be seen at a glance.

The woman's eyes are vivid, a few strands of hair hang in front of the moon, her willow waist is slender, and her long and narrow arms are exposed to the air. She is graceful and moving, and her whole body is full of fresh and wild southern Xinjiang flavor.

Lin Qing'er is plump, plump, and as beautiful as a mature woman.

Yuan Qing is agile, energetic, and full of girlish beauty.

"Yuanqing, you come too, let me see my good daughter!"

With a move of Liu Xu's hand, Yuan Qing came to his arms, stretched it into the red clothes, rubbed Yuan Qing's lower abdomen up and down, and slowly poured in one after another spiritual energy...

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