"Well, the condition is also very good!"

Lin Qing'er said softly: "By the way, Brother Xu, what's the name of our child?"

Under Liu Xu's big hands, it was a bit overwhelming.

"Well, well, actually, I've thought about it a long time ago. Ahem, Qing'er, your daughter should be called Ling'er! Yuanqing's daughter is called Anu. How about it?"

"Well, listen to Brother Xu!"


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Chapter 1338 Zhao Linger, Liu Yifei

A few months later, Ling'er and Anu were born one after another.

In order to take good care of the two babies, the main hall of the envoy of God ushered in the first batch of people from the lower realm...

Hundreds of stunning female officials selected from various branch halls, after a series of selections, were wrapped in a rosy cloud and flew into the sky in the eyes of everyone.

Since then, it has become a huge nanny group for two little girls...

Under the care of so many people, the two little girls live a more nourishing life than the princess.

Lin Qing'er and Anu finally agreed with Liu Xu's original decision of the beauty pageant.

Of course, in fact, the role of the female officer was originally to satisfy Liu Xu's dirty thoughts. What will happen after a long time is unknown...

Time flies like an arrow.

In a blink of an eye, it was several years.


A room in the main hall of the God Envoy is decorated like a fairy tale world.

The cute dolls are piled up like a hill in a corner of the house; on the walls of the house, there are various warm colors such as warm yellow and pink, and there are many lovely fairy tale wooden figures...

Here is one of the ten game rooms of Linger and Anu.

The two little girls are already six years old. They look juicy, lively and cute, and have fully inherited the good genes of Liu Xu and their mother.

The white knee-length dresses were worn on the bodies of the two little girls, pure and agile.

The smooth arms are exposed, crystal clear and delicate, white and lustrous, and the shining and shining eyes are touching.

When the two little girls grow up, they will probably be even more beautiful than their mother.

When Linger was born, Liu Xu confirmed that she was the Liu Yifei he was looking for, but if she was Liu Yifei, then Xiaolongnv must not be, or it used to be, but it is not now.

But Lin Yu and the others definitely won't know, anyway, Xiaolongnv is still a baby now, and she just hopes that when she grows up, she will not be a Xiaolongbao.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Anu ran over first and fell into Liu Xu's arms.

"Daddy, I want to hug, I want to hug!" Anu straddled one of Liu Xu's big legs, with two arms wrapped around Liu Xu's arms, her smiling eyes were lively and moving.

Anu bounced up and down on Liu Xu's body, moving up and down.

"Riding a big horse! Walking a big horse! Anu loves riding a horse!"

"Anu is good, Anu is clever, Anu's father loves it!"


Liu Xu was sweating profusely, how could this little girl be so smart, maybe she even inherited her intelligence quotient, she uttered a catchy nursery rhyme in the blink of an eye.

Even if it's a feeling, the child, it's a little scary, right?

After pinching Anu's face, Liu Xu told a few jokes, which made the little girl giggle.

Silver bell-like laughter, brighter than the sun.

Looking at the smiling face of his good daughter, Liu Xu felt that he, the big villain, actually had the illusion of being purified...

After reading Lian Xiaoren's book for a while, Ling'er came softly from a distance.

Exquisite small nose, bright eyes, delicate skin, and smooth and long hair.

Xiao Ling'er and Anu's brows are somewhat similar, but their temperaments are completely different.

The same white sleeveless dress, worn on Anu's body, looked lively; worn on Linger's body, it became beautiful and quiet again.

The slender jade arm stepped forward gently, Ling'er hugged Liu Xu's other leg, and Anu was on the side.

Ling'er's fair and tender face rubbed against Liu Xu's big hand, like a little tabby cat.

"Daddy, Daddy, I want to hug too." Ling'er said stickily, looking at Anu who was "riding the horse" on Liu Xu's lap, her bright eyes flickered, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Okay! Ling'er is good, daddy is here to hug, daddy is here!" Liu Xu said with a smile, with a light hook of his finger, a soft aura sent Ling'er up, and sat on Liu Xu's other big .on the legs.

Ling'er's two white, tender and smooth hands, like white jade, grabbed Liu Xu's big hand, kneaded and squeezed, and smiled softly.


The door opened, and there were a few thin footsteps.

"See your lord."

More than a dozen maids came in and said respectfully.

"Well, you..." Liu Xu opened his eyes and looked, and suddenly, he stopped speaking halfway.

More than a dozen maids were dressed in sexy and seductive clothes, as if they were preparing for some kind of exercise.

They are wearing three-point bikinis, vacuum gauze garments, and strappy leather garments...

There are not only animal skins in this world, but also animal skins, and there are many more patterns than the modern world.

One by one, they are all gorgeous, and their sex is shocking.

Why did he come in like this, and his daughter is still there!

Just about to speak and tell the girls to leave, Anu said during the event: "Riding a horse, walking a horse...Daddy, I want to wear that too!"

After speaking, Shen showed out the lovely white jade arm of little loli, and Anu pointed to a bundled black leather jacket.

Her eyes were shining brightly, and she looked like her heart was beating.

"Um, daughter, this..."

"Daddy, I, I want to wear that!"

Halfway through the conversation, Linger also spoke.

She stretched out her hand, pointing at the close-fitting gauze that was as thin as a cicada's wings.

Ling'er licked her lips, and even leaned closer to suck a few mouthfuls on Liu Xu's finger...

Xiao Ling'er was also moved!

Liu Xu was instantly stunned!

It was as if he had become the most hateful devil, actually teaching his daughter badly!

Such a pure daughter actually saw such a thing!

Innocent Anu, pure Linger!

Liu Xu took a deep breath and said to the maids, "You guys, why are you here?"

"Back, back to my lord! My lord said that I came to see you today. Last night, you agreed last night..." The maid's voice gradually faded. Seeing that Liu Xu was a little unhappy, she didn't dare to continue.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1339 If Ling'er and Anu become lilies...

"I asked you to come?" Liu Xu searched his memory. It seems that after the battle yesterday, he did say so!

Waving his hand, Liu Xu hurriedly said, "Go down first, my daughters and I have something to discuss."

"Yes, my lord!"

The girls bowed back with some disappointment in their respect.


"Riding a big horse, Anu loves riding a horse!..."

"Ziz, Zizi, Daddy, is Linger doing well?"

"Anu wants new clothes!"

"Daddy, Ling'er needs to dress up beautifully."


The sticky and pure voices of the two well-behaved daughters rang in Liu Xu's ears, but what they were doing now, Liu Xu looked at and felt that...

horse riding……


Liu Xu stared at it for a long time, and then he regained his composure and asked, "Ling'er, Anu, did you... peek?"

After speaking, his old face turned red.

The result of the inquiry proved that Liu Xu's vigilance needs to be strengthened.

Once I was happy, I forgot to observe, and my two daughters actually peeped at me.

The two little lolita looked at Liu Xu with cute eyes, how could he have the heart to reprimand him?

It is common sense that children will subconsciously imitate strange things when they see them.

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