"Xiulan, I have already decided that I must participate in the female officer election in the future and serve the leader!"

"I'll go too! Panlan, I won't lose to you!"


The two little lolis were talking while walking.

Liu Xu heard the content of the conversation clearly.

I really didn't expect that these two little lolitas are actually Xianglan and Xiulan at the beginning of Xianjian!

She was originally the girl that Li Xiaoyao flirted with when she was bored, but now, it seems that because of the Rising Sun Sect, she has expectations for him as the "leader".

Now that the little lolis are all delivered to the door, Liu Xu will not have the slightest psychological burden.

Liu Xu walked out of the alley gracefully, with his hand waving at his waist, a token of the head of the branch of the Rising Sun Sect, hanging on his waist, and then walked towards the two little lolis very calmly.

When he was about to approach, the token on Liu Xu's waist suddenly "accidentally" fell off.

It fell to the ground with a "clang", and the sound was crisp and jingling.

Wearing pink clothes, Xianglan said, "Brother, your things have been dropped!"

She lowered her body and stretched out her white and tender hands. Just as Xianglan picked up the token and was about to return it to Liu Xu, she suddenly stopped.

Little Lolita Xianglan has a big mouth and wide eyes, staring at the token in her hand, looking very surprised.

"Xianglan, what are you looking at, you are..." Xiulan ran over and said.

However, when she saw the token in Xianglan's hand, Xiulan also opened her eyes wide in surprise.

She covered her mouth with her little hand and almost screamed.

Although the two girls couldn't read, some tokens and signs of the Temple of God's Envoy were widely circulated among the common people, and almost everyone could recognize them at a glance.

There are even people who make a career out of drawing these pictures.

The influence of the Temple of God's Envoy is too great.

The two little lolis recognized this token one after another. This is a token that can only be owned by the hall master of the God Envoy Hall.

Above the hall master is the bishop!

Under the hall master, there are the rudder master, incense master, and ordinary believers in order!

Hall Master is already an extremely high-end position in the Rising Sun Sect!In the entire Yuhang Town, the highest position is only the incense master, and there are only two people!

I actually met a hall master today!


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1341 Abduction of Xianglan Xiulan, Yuhang Li Xiaoyao

The two little lolitas were flustered, and they were very happy in the panic. They handed the token to Liu Xu excitedly, and said, "My lord! We, we are members of the Rising Sun Cult. Hello, my lord!"

"My lord, have you seen the leader? What does the leader look like?"

"My lord, my name is Xiulan, and her name is Xianglan."


The excited look of the two little lolitas made Liu Xu feel too scary.

Unexpectedly, the prestige of the Rising Sun Sect is so great.

The little loli, who is ignorant of the world, actually admires her to such an extent.

If this is the case, the whole world will probably be a member of the Rising Sun Cult in the future.

It is very difficult to change what we have learned from birth.

Liu Xu took the token and said, "Thank you both. I am the head of the thirty-sixth temple of the Rising Sun Sect, Liu Xu."

"I have met Hall Master Liu Xu."

"Master, do you want to come to my house for a sit down?"

The two little lolis said earnestly.

Liu Xu quickly waved his hands, and said with a serious look: "No, this is not allowed! The canon rules clearly stipulate that superiors are not allowed to bully subordinates, are not allowed to accept bribes, and are not allowed to use their status in the church to seek convenience for themselves. Little girls, I appreciate your thoughts. Yes, thank you!"

The two little loli groaned, their faces full of disappointment.

Liu Xu paused, pretended to think deeply for a while, and said, "However, you don't need to invite me. I invite you to sit down. This does not conflict with the canon. If you hadn't reminded me just now, I would have lost the order." card, this is disrespectful, thank you so much. Little girl, would you like to teach me?"

The two little lolis nodded again and again, and kept saying: "Yes! Yes!"

Liu Xu pulled the two little lolis, his body flickered, and he moved quickly.

Eighty miles to the north of Yuhang Town, there is a hall of divine envoys.Liu Xu jumped a little, and without anyone noticing, he passed through the heavy restrictions on the outside of the God's Hall and entered the inside.

Bright lamps are shining, and the dome is gorgeous and magnificent, with various decorations hanging on it.The two little loli opened their mouths wide in shock as they looked at the magnificent hall.

In the hall of the envoy of God, except for the leader and the female officials, outsiders have never entered.

The two little girls didn't know that this was the Temple of God's Envoy, but thought it was a base of the Rising Sun Cult.

Several beautiful and delicious beauties came from the corner, and the moment they saw Liu Xu, they trembled: "Teach, teach..."

"Slow down! I am the head of the Thirty-Sixth Temple of the God's Envoy Hall. Take these two girls to visit and take good care of them." Liu Xu interrupted the conversation of several girls, hinting not to reveal their identities.

A few maids bowed Yingying and said, "My lord, go slowly."

After finishing speaking, leave quickly and greet other people in the temple.

Master Hierarch, you must cooperate in all aspects to pick up girls, and don't reveal your identity...

Liu Xu took the two little girls around for a while, and was planning to start his own plan. Suddenly, a powerful aura appeared in Liu Xu's perception near Yuhang Town.

"This is...worshiping the moon? What is he doing here?" Liu Xu asked himself incomprehensibly.

A few years ago, worshiping the moon attacked a certain tribe in Miaojiang, and offended Qing'er, the descendant of Nuwa.

So, he crushed and beat up the moon worship, and since then, the moon worship has become more and more low-key...

Actually pretending to be brave today and coming to Datang's territory? !

"Come here, take the two girls over and teach them well. I have something to do, so I will deal with it first!"

Liu Xu quickly rushed to Yuhang Town again...

The spiritual power is overwhelming, extending to every corner of Yuhang Town.

The pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, and every move of the entire Yuhang Town are under Liu Xu's observation.

Baiyue was still dressed in the same way, dressed in white, walking briskly and slowly on the small streets of Yuhang Town.

His eyes looked around, as if he was observing all the time.

Walking to an inn, Baiyue stopped, and a child at the door of the inn was holding a straw in his mouth, observing two crickets fighting on the ground.

"Go! Go! Kill it! Kill it!"

"You're stupid! Ah Huang, fight back, fight back!"

"What are you doing, hurry up!..."


Baiyue stood there for a long time, looking into the little boy's eyes, full of confusion.

Walking slowly to the side of the boy, Baiyue looked at the two fighting crickets, then at the little boy, and said, "This, is it interesting?"

The little boy said without looking back: "Five taels for meals, ten taels for lodging, and the price list in other service rooms and inns. I'm very busy and don't have time to spend with you!"

After finishing speaking, he continued to stare at the fighting crickets without blinking.

Baiyue smiled, didn't say anything, paused for a while, and said, "Li Xiaoyao?"

"It's the hero! Is there something wrong?"

Baiyue's eyes sparkled with a strong thirst for knowledge, looked at Li Xiaoyao, and muttered to himself: "It's really Li Xiaoyao. This boy is really my... future apprentice? The future is already set? Or is it all up to me?"

There was a lot of doubt in Baiyue's eyes.

However, not long after, he seemed to think of something horrible, looked up at the semicircular moon that had just emerged with a blurred outline, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

A deep fear emanated from the depths of Baiyue's soul.

Not even the thought of resisting.

The hesitation in his eyes subsided and was replaced by firmness again.

After seeing the extremely good-boned, nearly one-in-a-million cultivation prodigy in front of him, he worshiped the moon and made a certain decision.

"Little brother Li Xiaoyao." Baiyue said solemnly, and a burst of spiritual energy gushed out, knocking the two crickets away on the ground.

Li Xiaoyao was startled, and quickly turned to look at Baiyue!

"You, what are you going to do! Tell you, I am a member of the Rising Sun Sect, and I am not easy to mess with!"

Baiyue didn't say anything, and looked at Li Xiaoyao. Suddenly, a powerful force wrapped Li Xiaoyao's whole body, making him unable to move.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1342 Beating the Moon and Worshiping the Moon, Two Questions

"Cricket, without power, you can't control your own destiny and be dominated by others. The same is true for people. Li Xiaoyao, do you want to change all this? Explore all unknown things, and hold your own destiny firmly in your hands. Become a person who looks down on all living beings!"

Li Xiaoyao had no idea what Baiyue was talking about.

However, Li Xiaoyao still nodded desperately, and said with a smile: "Master! Master! Whatever you say is what you say! Yes, crickets are nothing, I trampled to death with one foot! Master, you are so powerful in spells, I admire! Admire!"

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