Bai Yueshen shot, ignoring Li Xiaoyao.

As Li Xiaoyao shouted loudly, Baiyue's palm was attached to his forehead, rays of light shone, and strange Taoism entered Li Xiaoyao's head.

After a long time, Bai Yue slowly let go of his hand.

Li Xiaoyao's eyes widened, not knowing what happened.

However, the huge and complicated information in his mind let him know that the person in front of him was definitely not simple.

"From now on, Li Xiaoyao, you will be my apprentice who worships the moon. Remember, our mission is to reshape the earth and restore this filthy apprentice to its original appearance."


Baiyue didn't give Li Xiaoyao a chance to ask more questions, his figure suddenly faded slowly, and slowly disappeared in front of Li Xiaoyao.

Mysterious, yet unfathomable...



"I rely on you to worship the moon! I let you pretend..."

With a fierce punch, the invisible Baiyue was knocked out.

Baiyue's calm and calm figure was completely interrupted, and his whole body drew a sharp arc, knocking down several big trees with a "shua, shua, shua", and then quickly turned over and stopped.

"who is it?"

Baiyue hadn't reacted yet, and another fierce punch came to the head.

The aura of the whole body gathered in both hands, Baiyue met this inexplicable sneak attacker.

However, the man's fist paused strangely in the air for an instant, and at an unbelievable angle, it suddenly hit Yuexiong, who was worshiping the moon.


Baiyue was beaten into the air again, and when Comrade Baiyue was about to end, that fierce fist appeared for the third time.

Baiyue reaches out to resist...


"Who is it?"


Got hit again, and then the fifth, sixth, seventh...


After a long time.

Liu Xu finally let out a long breath, breaking away from his unhappiness.

Baiyue on the opposite side was covered in rags, his face was bruised and purple, and his dull and intelligent eyes showed fear this time.

Looking at Liu Xu, he involuntarily took a step back, very cautiously.

"Why, why did you hit me?" After paying homage to the moon for a long time, he asked a question that was almost insane.

"I don't like seeing you, do you have any opinions? I was going to beat you back then, but I let you escape! A few years ago, I asked Qing'er to kill you directly. Qing'er was too soft-hearted, so I only interrupted you." Arm. Hey, there is no way, this time I will beat you up myself! Why, is this answer satisfactory?" Liu Xu looked at Baiyue and said arrogantly with a domineering face.

Baiyue twitched his lips a few times, but didn't speak.

"Okay, from now on, I'll ask, you answer, if you can't answer, you know the consequences!" Liu Xu stared at Baiyue and said.The momentum of the whole body suddenly exploded, surging, irresistible!This is the aura of the peak of the Dao realm!

Worshiping the moon is just the power of the Kongming Realm, how can it be defeated?

His whole body was like a boat in a storm, swaying and almost falling!

In an instant, Baiyue was in a cold sweat: "Please, please speak!"

Liu Xushen held out a finger and said, "First! A few years ago, I felt the shaking of time and space. Someone came from the future. Although I stopped him, it seemed that a few words were passed on. The center of the fluctuation is In southern Xinjiang. Baiyue, is that person Li Xiaoyao?"

Baiyue nodded.

"Did Nu Wa do it?" Liu Xu asked again.

Bai Yue hesitated for a while, then nodded again.

Liu Xu snapped his fingers and said, "Okay! Then, the second question remains. I have always wondered how you escaped my detection in southern Xinjiang. In this world, I really can't think of anyone else Can do this. Baiyue, you, you will tell me!" Liu Xu looked at Baiyue with a smile and said.

Even though it was just a smile, the killing intent in the smile was undisguised!

Baiyue shivered, took a deep breath, and slowly uttered two words: "Nuwa."

"It's Nuwa?" Liu Xu looked at Baiyue, somewhat surprised.

But after thinking about it for a while, I felt that worshiping the moon did not seem like a lie.

Except for Nuwa, there is indeed no one in this world who can stumble in front of him.

However, what is a little strange is that Liu Xu had clearly inspected the Nuwa temple, and what Nuwa left in the statue of Nuwa was only a lingering wisp of her thoughts, without much energy.

After each use, it takes a long time to accumulate strength before it can be activated next time.

It is said that the gods made people from clay, but in fact, after balancing, they are at best masters of the emptiness.

Such a Nuwa, how could she hide it from herself?

Liu Xu frowned, a little incredulous.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Baiyue on the opposite side again.

"Baiyue, listen to me." Liu Xu said slowly, every word seemed to have a vibrating momentum, which directly hit Baiyue's brain, "I was going to kill you, but this point, you There is no doubt that I fully possess that strength."

Baiyue's hands trembled uncontrollably.

Worshiping the moon, who has been pursuing the truth and exploring the extremes of the world, encountered something elusive for the first time.

"Please, please speak!" Baiyue calmed down and said.

Liu Xu looked at Nanjiang and said, "However, my principle of doing things is not to obliterate, but to use! The development of your Moon Worship Sect will be the source of motivation for my Rising Sun Sect. The belief in eradicating demons and heretics will be Let them become even crazier and burst out with powerful beliefs! So, worship the moon, you have regained a life, of course, temporarily."


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1343 Calculating Nuwa, under control

"This time, I will warn you!"

Liu Xu's spiritual power condensed into a sharp blade, and quickly rushed towards Baiyue.

Baiyue didn't even have time to react, the blade pierced through his left lute bone, blood flew all the way through Baiyue, and nailed to the towering ancient tree behind Baiyue.

Baiyue subconsciously sends luck and aura to the injured part, but there is a residual power at the luteal bone, which is very pure and constantly destroys Baiyue's body tissues.

Even if Bai Yue repaired quickly, he could barely keep the injury from getting worse.

In this way, almost [-] hours a day, he had to heal his wounds non-stop!

"get out!"

Taking a deep breath, the fear of Liu Xu deepened.

Bai Yue bent down slowly and said, "You are worthy of respect."

Then, those pretentious and deep footsteps slowly walked away...


Liu Xu has the illusion that he cannot communicate with aliens.

This moon worship is probably insane, and he talks like a philosopher, or he is just a dementia.However, perhaps it is precisely because of this persistent idea that he has achieved such a high achievement.

Turning around, Liu Xu glanced across the vast and lofty sky, looking directly at Nanjiang.

The corners of his mouth curled up slowly, and a long-lost interest emerged from his eyes.


I originally thought that in this world, there is an invincible existence.

Destruction is only an instant effort.

Now it seems that it is much more interesting.

There is actually a barely qualified opponent who can make him enjoy himself to the fullest.

Mother Earth, who made man out of clay.

Nuwa, how could it be so simple?

Liu Xu flicked his fingers lightly in the air, and auras of aura intertwined and filled the air. Among the strange traces, there were shadows of Taoism in Shushan, shadows of witchcraft in Southern Xinjiang, and many other complicated Taoisms.

Liu Xu has already integrated the Taoism of this world into one furnace!

There is even a shadow of Taoism in Zhu Xian's world!

"Liangyi, Sixiang, Bagua, Wanwu, and seals!"

Whispering softly, the aura surged rapidly, Liu Xu stretched out his hand and threw it, and a continuously rotating light swept towards the Nuwa Temple.

Constantly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and even all kinds of righteousness, resentment, etc., this formation is constantly operating, and once it is consumed, it will be replenished immediately.

The big formation happened to land at the Nuwa Temple, and a dim light flashed on the Nuwa statue, but under Liu Xu's big formation, there was almost no strength to resist, and it was instantly annihilated.

A powerful aura enveloped the entire Nuwa Temple, completely sealing the entire Nuwa Temple.

Any trace of energy will be absorbed immediately.

Liu Xu smiled, his eyes seemed to have swept across thousands of miles, looking directly at the stone statue of Nuwa.

The two faced each other across the air.

"If you have the guts, break the seal and show me. Or, hide like a tortoise, and when I feel bad one day, I will directly destroy the statue, together with your remaining thoughts."

Liu Xu said calmly, and his voice was like a thin thread, reaching the Nuwa Temple.

The stone statue trembled slightly, but did not respond again.

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