"Why, did you give up resisting? Is it because you don't want to, or because you can't? Or, for some reason, you can't use your power? Interesting, really interesting." Liu Xu looked back and said no more.

As a god-like existence in this world, he created human beings and even has the power to reverse time.

Liu Xu didn't believe it would be so simple.

Worshiping the moon is just a clown. The real big show is Nuwa.

Since she won't come out, just wait slowly!

As long as there is a glimmer of hope left, how could Nuwa give up?

Keeping your hands, sometimes it is the best way to draw out the enemy...


Walking out of the shade of the trees, Liu Xu shrunk to an inch and appeared in Yuhang Town again.

There are people coming and going on the street, and there is a lot of traffic.

In an inn, Li Xiaoyao was sitting cross-legged, practicing the secret manual taught by Baiyue.

The current Li Xiaoyao became an apprentice because of worshiping the moon.

But worshiping the moon, it was because of a word from the future Li Xiaoyao that he accepted Li Xiaoyao as his apprentice.

Who is the cause and who is the effect?

Thinking of Baiyue's puzzled and incomprehensible expression at that time, Liu Xu shook his head helplessly.

After taking a long breath, Liu Xu said, "Phew! Damn, I seem to be too sentimental!"

Liu Xu stretched out his hand and pointed, and a stream of light flashed into Li Xiaoyao's body quickly.

Liu Xu firmly controlled the protagonist in his hands.

Next, just wait for Nuwa to find the protagonist.

Everything is under control!


I went shopping in several nearby cities, and in my spare time, I went to Xianling Island to accompany my daughters, or went to the main hall of the God Envoy to accompany my beautiful wife.

More than ten days later, Liu Xu returned to a certain God's Hall again.

"Hello sir!"

"Xiulan has met the adults!"

After being trained by the maids, the two little lolis have become docile and well-behaved.

When I first met Liu Xu, I greeted him politely and cutely.

"Hmm! Not bad! Very good!" Liu Xu looked at the two little lolita very satisfied.

The maids behind them showed happy and excited smiles, as if Liu Xu's words were their infinite motivation.A large sofa is located behind Liu Xu under the use of Taoism by the maids.

Liu Xu lay down lazily on it, enjoying this comfortable life.

The two maids behind were gently massaging Liu Xu.

The soft jade hands kept pinching on Liu Xu's shoulders, like dancing elves.

Two maids in coquettish clothes lay on either side of Liu Xu.

So that when Liu Xu needs it, he can hug someone at any time, give him a kiss, or give him a Xiyuexiong.

On the opposite side of the sofa is a group of maids who have just prepared and are presenting the most beautiful dance music to their envoy.

as well as……

In short, no matter where Liu Xu is in the God's Envoy Hall, he has the highest quality, most comprehensive, and gentlest service.

Liu Xu is the meaning of existence for everyone here.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1344 Refining the World, God's Grace Project

After enjoying it for a long time, Liu Xu opened his eyes comfortably, and waved to the two little girls opposite, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Come here!"

The two little girls came to Liu Xu obediently.

The red one is Pandan, and the blue one is Xiulan.

Pandan was wearing a red apron, revealing Lolita's lovely arms, extremely alluring.

"Hello, my lord!" Xianglan said obediently.

Then, she turned around in a circle, and the hem of the skirt lifted slightly.

Xianglan only wore an apron, which covered the front apron. Thinking of the empty scene inside, Liu Xu was very excited.

Shen made a move, and Liu Xu said, "Come on, Xianglan, sit on my lap. Tell me what you have learned these days."

Little Lolita trotted up to Liu Xu, stepped her jade leg lightly, and sat on his lap.

"My lord, Xianglan has learned three things in the past few days. My sisters said, this one, my lord will definitely like it." Little Lolita stretched out her hand to take off Liu Xu's pants while talking...

N hours later...

Liu Xu hugged the two lolis contentedly, and said in his heart: "It's better to be an outsider! My daughter is reluctant to do it. These two innocent little lolis can try any trick."

A large number of maids behind Liu Xu showed envious eyes to the two little lolitas, but the little lolitas lay in Liu Xu's arms ignorantly, with tired faces.

"My lord, hug, I'm sorry! I, I failed to learn!" Xiulan lay in Liu Xu's arms, with a cute expression that made a big mistake and deserved to die.

She stared at Liu Xu with watery eyes, feeling wronged and innocent.

"It's okay, just practice more about these things. And sisters, you can also ask them for advice!" Liu Xu said in a big brother's tone, holding the little loli's little butt.

"Well! Xiulan, Xiulan will work hard..." Xiulan had just finished speaking, when there was a sudden pause, her small rainbow lips pursed, as if trying to block something, but in the end she couldn't hold on, her mouth was too small I really can't fit that much...

On the other side, Xianglan leaned towards Xiulan's face as if she suddenly saw something good.

Not to be outdone, Xianglan fought with her...

"Well! Don't grab it, it's mine!"

"its mine!"

"This is what the adults gave me!"

"If you don't want it, it's mine!"


The wonderful war between the two little lolitas has begun...


After enjoying the high-quality service from the little loli, Liu Xu taught the two little loli with sincerity.

You must study hard and serve the leader in the future!

Listen to your sisters and learn to overcome all kinds of difficulties.

To dare to innovate.

Giving everything for adults...


Finally, amidst the reluctance of the little lolitas, Liu Xu left the God's Envoy Hall.

Before leaving, I promised that I would come to check their homework every other time...

Time passed by so quickly.

Lolita such as Xianglan and Xiulan are not rare.

There are four or five of them in every God Envoy Hall.

In a certain year, the number of maidservants in the Temple of God's Envoy suddenly rose from [-] to [-].

The envoy hall became more and more lively.

Even more frightening are the believers of the Rising Sun Cult, who are constantly spreading around.

Liu Xu even used his spiritual power to investigate. After leaving the Tang Dynasty, crossing the Yumen Pass, the Western Regions, and even Europe and the United States, there has been an upsurge of the Rising Sun Sect.

As a result, the construction and scope of the Temple of the Divine Envoy expanded again.

Those places that do not belong to the center of the fairy sword world have a very low level of civilization, whether it is culture or force.

Don't even do aggression, just naturally and directly include them in the power map of the Rising Sun Cult...

The scale of the Rising Sun Sect is rapidly expanding...


In the blink of an eye, ten years passed quietly.

The total number of God Envoy Halls has reached a terrifying 999!

Endless congregation!

Endless Faith!

Endless, sent for Liu Xu's upgrade, the power of faith!

Liu Xu's strength had reached the peak of the Dao Realm a long time ago.

Even the power of the world has comprehended one percent.

The strength of the physical body has also reached the pinnacle of this world after being tempered by various looted treasures of heaven and earth, and by the fat emperor's true dragon aura.

However, the level of this world is not that high.

It is slightly inferior to Jade Immortal World.

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