Liu Xu is invincible, but his goal is not to leave this world with a few beauties, but to refine the entire fairy sword world.

Or to be more precise, it is refining the entire world of Xianxiayi.

In order to achieve this ultimate goal, Liu Xu must obtain the greatest strength.

Therefore, new sources of energy must be found.

Therefore, the power of faith was targeted by Liu Xu.

The level of Tiancaidibao is too low, and it has no effect on Liu Xu's current promotion.

Faith is different.

The power of the human heart is powerful and terrifying.

When a person crazily worships and crazily believes and worships, the huge power generated is very impressive.

And if all the billions of people in the entire fairy sword world have crazy beliefs, then the combined power will surpass any natural treasures.

Therefore, Liu Xu launched a terrifying plan a few years ago.

God gives grace.

That is to say, God sent grace to the people.

Liu Xu used one percent of the belief power of all the people in the world to realize some wishes of those crazy and devout people who were praying. Of course, it was within his power.

In this way, the idea that "pious people can really receive the grace of God's envoys" has become a real fact.

All the people became even more crazy.

They all fanatically worship and believe madly!

Even in order to realize his dream, he frantically prayed countless times every day!

After sacrificing one percent of his belief power, Liu Xu got dozens of times the total amount of faith power in return.

Crazy beliefs are not the same as simple beliefs.

Liu Xu's strength has improved by leaps and bounds.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

Chapter 1345 Belief distribution, father and daughter of the Lin family

The white clouds are long, and Liu Xu is walking in the sky, absorbing the power of faith from the 999 halls of divine envoys.

The 999 temples are not only places for believers to worship, but also places where the power of faith is stored.

The huge power of faith will be continuously passed on to Liu Xu through the God's Envoy Hall.

The bones let out bursts of sound, each sound wave shook, and the surrounding space trembled, as if just a slight shock could break the world.

Liu Xu's physical strength has long since broken through the limit of this world.

Compared to when he first came to the world of Immortal Sword, that weak baby's body is many times stronger.

After a long time, Liu Xu absorbed the last month's power of faith savings, and felt that his strength had improved a lot.

The world's population is increasing, and believers are also increasing, and the power of faith will naturally increase.

Liu Xu's strength improved rapidly.

With a light swipe of the finger in the air, according to the usual practice, one after another of spiritual power fluctuated in the air, communicating with the halls of the gods.

"Faith, assign!"

The "Faith Allocation Formation" set up by Liu Xu in the God Envoy Hall has been activated!

The power of faith does not need Liu Xu's control, and under the long-established formation, it quickly flocks to those fanatical believers who provide the most faith.

The whole world, on this day, went crazy again.

"My God! My son is cured! He is cured!"

"My spine doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt anymore!"

"I picked up an ingot of gold!"


A small favor can drive people crazy.

In contrast, those who are so ambitious and want to be admitted to the number one scholar and become a marquis and minister, it is impossible to realize their wishes.

Liu Xu would not make great efforts for them.

After solving these trivial matters, Liu Xu's spiritual power covered the earth, and he was ready to play in the lower realm again.

But where to go?

Liu Xu observed everything on the ground.

His gaze gradually settled somewhere in Suzhou.

"This is……"

Liu Xu had a weird look on his face.




Lin Tiannan was looking at the woman dressed as a knight in front of him with an angry face, which was his daughter, Lin Yueru.

As the leader of the martial arts alliance, and also a high-level member of the Rising Sun Sect, there is even news inside that because of Comrade Lin Tiannan's pious belief and ability to handle affairs, he will be promoted to the leader of the church by the end of this year.

Lin Tiannan is well-known in the whole of Suzhou, even in the whole of Black and White.

Even the ministers of the imperial court had to call out "Master Lin" when they saw him.

Prominent, high position and authority are the best descriptions for Lin Tiannan.

However, Lin Tiannan also had a headache, and that was his daughter.

After taking a sip of tea, Lin Tiannan calmed down his excitement.

Slowing down, he said in a persuasive tone: "Yueru, you heard from my father that the number of female officials in the God's Temple this time is really too precious. This is not an ordinary temple's female officer, this is the legendary head of the God's Envoy. The quota of the temple. This opportunity is once in a thousand years! The moon is like..."

Lin Yueru was born beautiful and beautiful, and the whole city of Suzhou knew it; but she was also famous for her beauty because of her fierceness and savagery.

Before the old man finished speaking, Lin Yueru interrupted disdainfully: "Cut! What kind of envoy's main hall! I don't know if it exists or not! Dad, you are too stupid. If your daughter is sold, it's up to you!" Who will you cry to when the time comes!"

Lin Tiannan slapped the table with a "slap", and all the tea in the cup splashed out.

He waited for Lin Yueru with glaring eyes, and shouted: "Yueru, how many times have I told you! The gods have made you a spirit, watching us all the time! When you speak, be respectful! If you let the leader know that I am Lin Tiannan After giving birth to a daughter like you, I'm afraid she will be deprived of her religious membership immediately!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Tiannan's tone immediately changed to pious: "My lord, believe in the rising sun, and gain eternal life. My Lin Tiannan's daughter never has one. Children are ignorant. I hope my lord will forgive me..."

Lin Tiannan chirped and began to recite the dogma, with a fearful and respectful expression.

Lin Yueru also became angry, pointing at her old man and shouting loudly: "My surname is Lin! Are you my father? That leader doesn't know how old he is! You actually pushed your daughter into the fire pit, there is a father like you in the world! Is it? Dad...Look, you see that your daughter is as beautiful as a flower and jade, and as beautiful as a fairy, do you have the heart to let me serve the old man?"

Lin Yueru played both soft and hard ways, and stalked Lin Tiannan, just because she didn't want to become a female official of the God's Hall.

However, Lin Tiannan was just the opposite. This was a quota he had earned through years of piety. The fat and water would not flow to outsiders, so he would naturally give it to his daughter.

So, he began to teach earnestly again: "Yueru, the leader is the reincarnation of a divine envoy, with infinite divine power, how could he be an old man? Half of the moon was cut off with a single sword. This is what my father saw with his own eyes. It is absolutely true! God keeps adults young forever, which is different from us mortals!"

"Father! Don't keep talking about this! Anyway, I've never seen it! Since I was born, the moon has always been semicircular..."

"Yueru! Father solemnly warns you for the last time, don't blaspheme God Envoy! Otherwise, or I will..."

"How? How? Could it be that you still tied me up? Come on? Come on?"

Lin Tiannan dropped the wine glass with a slap, and cursed: "You unfilial daughter! I will personally tie you up and send you to the main hall of the envoy! When the time comes, when you meet the envoy, you will be overwhelmed by his divine power." Admire!"

"Father! Are you my father! You are not my father! Is there such a father as you!"

"Daughter, dad is doing it for your own good..."


High in the sky, Liu Xu was dumbfounded.

Lin Tiannan actually became a core member and fanatical supporter of the Rising Sun Sect?

It's too dramatic!


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1346 Lin Yueru, Wall Piercing

Lin Yueru was finally tied up.

Because he did not follow Lin Tiannan's will, he refused to participate in the female officer election.

Of course, the most important reason is that this little girl, Lin Yueru, insulted the Rising Sun Sect many times. As a fanatical follower of the Rising Sun Sect, how could Lin Tiannan allow her daughter to do such a thing?

So, in a dark room with a locked door and walls said to be made of black iron, Miss Lin moved in.


Liu Xu felt that Comrade Lin Tiannan did a good job in this move.

Dedicating everything for the leader, even his own daughter, this noble character is worthy of praise.

At the same time, Lin Tiannan also gave Liu Xu a good opportunity to be a hero to save the beauty and get close to Lin Yueru, and he wanted to reward him even more.

Liu Xu's footsteps pulsed lightly, and in an instant, he appeared in the Lin Family Fort.

Inside the Lin Family Fort, servants were walking back and forth.

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