For Lin Yueru's one or two insults to her father and the Rising Sun Sect from time to time, she has long been used to it, and she is still busy.

Lin Yueru yelled at the window for a while, her throat was dry, so she turned around and took some fruits to eat...

Although Lin Tiannan locked her up, but after all, he was going to become the envoy of God, and the old man didn't want his daughter to starve to death and lose such a golden opportunity.

Lin Yueru has ample food and clothing, but her freedom is restricted.

Liu Xu's mental power rippled gently around his body like water waves.

The Wuling Immortal Art has already been taken out of a new world by Liu Xu.

The brand-new Taoism created by combining the Five Spirit Immortal Technique and the spiritual attack is Liu Xu's masterpiece.

Compared with the avatar technique that was created hastily, it is more advanced.

Walking in the Lin Family Fort, everyone didn't realize it, as if they had never seen Liu Xu before.

However, Lin Yueru, who occasionally glanced at the window, could see it clearly.


Lin Yueru bit down, leaving a huge gash on the big red apple.

She is very angry now, every bite seems to be biting her father, to vent the anger in her heart.

This big lala behavior is completely two extremes with Linger.

Liu Xu looked at Lin Yueru, carefully sizing her up.

Compared with the original book, the current Lin Yueru is undoubtedly more beautiful.

A pair of big shiny eyes, with a smart light, long eyelashes flickering with the eyes, flickering, beautiful and moving.

Her face was clear and beautiful, and her skin was like creamy fat. Although her movements were brutal and casual, upon careful observation, Lin Yueru's white and delicate skin and slender figure with uneven bumps far surpassed those of the ladies.

It's just because of her habits that people have forgotten her.

Turning to look at Liu Xu, Lin Yueru was surprised for a while.

I didn't notice it just now, but now I realize that this person looks...more handsome and temperamental than anyone she has ever seen.

But Lin Yueru was getting angry, she didn't care so much, and said angrily: "Look!? What are you looking at? Didn't you see that I was locked up? Go away, this lady is in a bad mood!"

After finishing speaking, he threw away the apple in his hand, picked up another orange from the table, and with a snort, peeled off the skin and flesh.

"Go away? If I go away, miss, you will regret it." Liu Xu smiled and stretched out his hand forward, strange waves spread out, and then, first the hands, then the feet, and then the whole body became transparent As usual, he passed through the small house and came inside.

"What, Miss Lin, do you want me to go away now?" Liu Xu asked Lin Yueru with a smile on his face.

Lin Yueru couldn't believe it, she tried her best to shake off the half-eaten orange, and stared at Liu Xu with wide eyes.

Stretching out her green jade finger, she tremblingly said, "You, you, how did you get in here?"

After finishing speaking, he looked behind Liu Xu, trying to make sure if there were any big holes smashed there.

But the result is obvious, without any trace of damage.

Liu Xu passed through the wall!

Lin Yueru looked at Liu Xu, and suddenly felt that this handsome boy was the messenger sent by God to save her, it was so timely

He stepped forward and grabbed Liu Xu's sleeve, ignoring any differences between men and women.

"Boy, oh no, sir, it's sir! Sir, can you lead someone with the hand you just showed?"

After finishing speaking, with hope shining in his eyes, he looked at Liu Xu.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

"Okay! That's great! You kid is really... oh no! Mister is such a good man! He's such a good man!" Lin Yueru said, and then said with a sad face and a sad tone, "Sir, do you know what a fate I am? Bitter, I was locked up by my father! Tell you, my father actually asked me to marry an old man! Sir, do you have the heart to see me, a weak woman, starving here? Sir, you must save me, Definitely!"

Liu Xu glanced at the fruit peels on the table, and thought, what kind of people are you starving? This is a life that many people can't even think about!

But Liu Xu won't expose it.

Moreover, playing with this little girl is also very pleasant!

Liu Xu pretended to have a jealous expression, and said, "Girl, don't worry! I, Liu Xu, specialize in dealing with injustice in the world! Girl's affairs, I have no problem! It's just..."

Liu Xu paused, deliberately did not continue, whetted Lin Yueru's appetite.

"But what?" Lin Yueru asked anxiously.

Liu Xu pondered for a while, with a look of helplessness: "It's just that I haven't fully mastered my martial arts. If I want to lead people through this room, I must, must carry out some energy transmission between the two of them, so that I can get rid of it." Done successfully."

"Transmission of energy?" Lin Yueru asked again.

"Well, the so-called transmission of energy is actually nothing. But during the process of energy transmission, there will be some physical contact between the two. Girl, this, whether a man or a woman kiss each other, we..."

When Liu Xu said this, he glanced at Lin Yueru's protruding Su Yuexiong.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1347 Two methods, half truth and half false

This girl is quite predictable!

Compared to when she first met Lin Qing'er, Lin Yueru was undoubtedly bigger.

Moreover, because of practicing martial arts, Lin Yueru's whole body was filled with a sense of resilience and vitality.

Even though her slender waist is too tough to hold, it still doesn't give people a feeling of weakness, but instead feels full of resilience and strength.

Heroic and energetic, this is Lin Yueru's temperament!

Liu Xu was looking forward to it.

Such a pink, tender, tender girl is really exciting!

Lin Yueru lowered her head and thought for a while, then raised her head, and made up her mind: "I don't care! Compared with marrying a bad old man who I don't know, a few contacts with others are nothing! We children of the world have always been informal!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yueru cheered herself up secretly, and said to herself: "Besides, you are still a handsome boy! I, Lin Yueru, don't suffer! Hmph! Come on, as long as you can go out, everything is negotiable! That bastard Lin Tiannan, how can he look like My father is dead, I must piss him off!"

Lin Yueru stepped forward and took the initiative to wrap her arms around Liu Xu, and walked towards the wall on one side.

"I, Lin Yueru, am finally going to really run away from home!"

After walking a few steps, Liu Xu from behind suddenly said, "Miss Lin, this, you don't think that this is all right?"

Lin Yueru shook her head, the earrings swayed lightly, beautiful and moving: "Isn't this enough?!"

Looking at the arms of the two who were intimately intertwined, one could even clearly feel the burning breath of the man in his breath.

Lin Yueruxiu blushed slightly, feeling that this was already the limit.

Is it possible, is it possible that I still want to hug?

Lin Yueru looked at Liu Xu suspiciously.

Liu Xu said helplessly, "If Ms. Lin thinks that she got stuck after halfway through the wall, well, I have no objection."

Lin Yueru: "..."

"Then? What should I do?" Lin Yueru asked hesitantly.

Although she usually has a carefree personality, Lin Yueru still has some modesty as a girl.

If it was too much, she would never agree.

Big deal, it's time to find another way.

Liu Xu said solemnly: "Girl, it's not that I take advantage of you. Now, I have two ways to transmit energy. I can only think of these two methods. As for which one to choose, the girl has to judge by herself."

Lin Yueru quietly let go of Liu Xu's arms, and her pink breasts undulated gently.

Listening to Liu Xu's words, she can probably guess that both methods are probably inappropriate.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have told her so carefully.

"Tell me! Which two, Miss Ben, listen up!"

Liu Xu secretly smiled obscenely, and then returned to normal, saying: "If you want to lead someone to perform this wall-penetrating Taoism, you must pull the other party into the technique together with yourself. Therefore, energy transfer must be carried out. But , There are many ways to transfer energy. If you want to improve efficiency, there are two ways.”

"One is the contact area, and the other is the transmission medium."

Liu Xu spoke clearly and logically. Lin Yueru couldn't find any loopholes. After listening to it, she even nodded with a sudden understanding, and said, "That's a good analysis! Then, what's the specific situation?"

Liu Xu continued: "First of all, the area of ​​contact. Ms. Lin can probably guess this too! We need full-body contact, maybe, we need to...hug!"

"Embrace, embrace!" Lin Yueru glanced at Su Yuexiong, and recalled the strong manly breath on Liu Xu's body just now, a slight blush rose on her face.

"Well, hugging is just the bare minimum. However, it's uncertain whether the energy transmission will be in time. After all, it's also the first time I've tried to lead someone. So, when it comes to the critical moment, maybe... maybe I need to pass through the mouth to make a transition." Energy to Miss Lin."

Lin Yueru opened her eyes wide!

Use your mouth to transfer energy!

Isn't this just a kiss? !

Lin Yueru shook her head quickly: "No! This method is absolutely not acceptable! Change to another, change to another! What is the other method, tell me quickly!"

Sure enough, I gave up.

Liu Xu paused, reached into his bosom, and took out a few thin red threads from it.

Rifts of light shone on the thin thread. Liu Xu held the thread and said, "Miss Lin, the second method I mentioned depends on it. This thing is called a thread of love, a thread of a thousand miles of marriage." The meaning of pulling. This thin line will be an important factor to complete the medium of energy transmission, no matter how far it is, it can be transmitted. Ms. Lin, please forgive Liu for being abrupt!"

Lin Yueru held the thread in Liu Xu's hand, and thought, "If you use a thread to transmit energy, there is nothing wrong with it! Then, where is the problem?"

"Say it, you rescued me, how can I blame you! If you want to blame, blame my ruthless father! Hmph!" Lin Yueru said angrily again.

Liu Xu then continued: "There is an energy transmission medium. However, Ms. Lin must accept it in the fastest way. Therefore, the place where this line is connected must be tightly tied. It must be the most conducive to energy transmission. where."

Lin Yueru nodded and said, "Well! It is said, then this place is..."

Liu Xu paused again for a while, secretly channeling spiritual energy, blushing, pretending to be pure and said: "This place... this place is... the woman's waist... Miss! If it's inconvenient, it's okay, Liu It's definitely not to tease girls!"

"Oh, girl, I forgot to mention, this thread is very mysterious, once connected, the thread itself will disappear, girl, uh, don't worry!"

"It was when the girl was connecting. After all, there are lonely men and widows here, maybe..." Liu Xu told a part of the truth and hid a part of the truth.

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