The one who came up with the question hugged Lin Yueru and broke through one block after another.

Occasionally, when a few people broke through various obstacles and stabbed Liu Xu with whirring swordsmanship, Liu Xu rewarded them a few times.

The strange tricks that everyone couldn't understand suddenly knocked down the swords in their hands.

Everyone didn't even know why the sword in their hands fell, why such a simple move could break their complicated swordsmanship?

One by one, because Liu Xu was given the opportunity to pretend to be aggressive, they got Liu Xu's advice on every move and half, and stood in place and fell into deep thought.

Perhaps, if you are lucky, you will be able to go to the next level in the future.

In this way, Liu Xu moved forward quickly as if he had entered the land of no one in Linjiabao.

Lin Yueru was lying in Liu Xu's arms, looking at Liu Xu's handsome and handsome face, she suddenly thought of something, and her face turned red.

"You, you are still amazing!" Lin Yueru whispered.

"That's natural."

"Who taught you your skills?"

"Well, at first it was taught by Shushan, and then I created it myself."

"You went to Shushan to study? No wonder you are so good..."


While chatting, the two rushed out of the blockade of the Lin family guards.

They don't seem to be running away, they seem to be chatting.

Noisy voices continued to come from the front, and were soon replaced by wailing.

Liu Xu moved forward all the way, no one could stop him!

The clanging of swords and swords didn't seem so harsh at the moment. Lin Yueru lay in Liu Xu's arms, and suddenly found that she had an unprecedented sense of peace of mind.

This person can protect her from any wind and rain...

Gently, leaning her face to Liu Xu's Yuexiong mouth, Lin Yueru carefully glanced at Liu Xu, and found that there was nothing unusual, so she lay down in peace with a little excitement.

His face, which had just recovered, gradually turned red again...

All the way forward, I don't know how long it took, a familiar voice broke Lin Yueru out of the dreamlike feeling: "Who are you, put down my daughter!"

Lin Tiannan stood in awe, the long sword in his hand shining brightly.With a random wave, every angle in the air is changing moment by moment. After reflecting the sunlight, it is always facing Liu Xu's eyes.

Killing intent, calmly.

This is, a real, seasoned master!

Lin Yueru's heartbeat suddenly accelerated slightly, and she was a little worried about Liu Xu.

Looking up again, I found that Liu Xu still had that calm expression, as if he didn't pay attention to anything.

Lin Yueru breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, feeling a little inexplicably happy.

Liu Xu continued to move forward without slowing down: "Old man, since you are Miss Lin's father, I will show mercy!"

Lin Tiannan swung his sword violently, and shouted: "Arrogant boy! And you, Yueru, you fool, who dared to run away without permission! Being elected as the female officer of the God Envoy is your blessing in eight lifetimes! Yueru, You are too careless! Do you know how precious this quota is! Daddy rejected so many people just to keep it for you, why, why don't you understand Daddy's painstaking efforts!"

When it came to the end, Lin Tiannan's tone seemed aggrieved.

For his daughter's happiness, he gave his daughter to God Envoy as a maid. In his opinion, it was a very honorable, paternal, and correct thing. This is the current terrifying influence of the Rising Sun Sect.

Lin Tiannan swung his long sword openly!

A ray of sunlight shone and rushed towards Liu Xu overwhelmingly.In the dazzling light, there was a fierce sword energy.

The Lin family's swordsmanship has been honed by generations of people and has become as perfect as fire.

In addition, Lin Tiannan is a master himself, so when he uses it, the power is even greater!

The majestic sword energy charged towards Liu Xu.

Liu Xu took his time, stretched out his hand, and said calmly: "Old man, although this embarrasses you, I'd better exaggerate a little to make you give up!"

Liu Xu's finger flicked lightly on the sword energy.

The sword qi stopped for a moment, and suddenly changed direction, gliding towards Lin Tiannan at a speed ten times faster than before.

Lin Tiannan didn't even have time to react, he only heard a "dang", and the long sword in his hand was hit to the ground.

Standing there in shock, Lin Tiannan's mind went blank.

If it is blocked, it is understandable.

But it bounced back, this, this is so powerful.

Sword Qi bounced back?Never heard of it!

Looking at the sword that fell on the ground, as well as his uninjured body, Lin Tiannan knew that the opponent had shown mercy.

Otherwise, how could he still be standing?


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1350 Lin Nvxia, make an oath

Unexpectedly, this young man is actually a master who hides everything, and it seems that he can't stop it.

Lin Tiannan looked at Lin Yueru who was lying in his arms, and lamented: "Hey! Yueru, you are so confused, you have such a good opportunity to serve the gods, you... hey!"

Lin Yueru lay in Liu Xu's arms, didn't agree, turned her head to Liu Xu and said, "Don't talk to my father, he is a lunatic! My happiness is my own decision, and no one can control me!"

There seemed to be some kind of deep firmness in the angry tone.

Liu Xu took Lin Yueru and fled the Lin family mansion quickly.

Along the way, many people looked at the two in amazement, feeling incredible.

Miss Lin, actually cuddled with a man in the street?

Lin Yueru blushed, lying in Liu Xu's arms, and couldn't care less.

The whistling wind blew past her ears, and the galloping speed made Lin Yueru feel like she was flying up and floating in the clouds.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them left Suzhou City and arrived at a mountain clearing outside Suzhou.

It is verdant everywhere, the leaves are rustling in the gentle breeze, the grass is soft, exuding the warm fragrance of the soil.

Liu Xu put Lin Yueru down, and the two sat on the hill, looking at the scenery in the distance.

"Finally left!" Liu Xu said with emotion.

"Yeah, finally left!" Lin Yueru smiled brightly, lively and moving.

At this time, she had a slightly different look from that squeamish and domineering young lady.

Enjoying the fresh breath of the mountains, Lin Yueru took a deep breath, and a faint satisfied smile bloomed on her face.

She opened her arms, as if she wanted to embrace the whole mountain in her arms.

Leaving Linjiabao and the future that her father forcibly designated, Lin Yueru was happy physically and mentally.

"So, what do you plan to do in the future, Yueru?" Liu Xu quietly drew the relationship between the two closer, and Yueru's title was just said.

Lin Yueru was slightly taken aback, but did not refute, it seemed that she agreed.

Lin Yueru propped her pointed chin with her hands, looked at the lush green scenery, thought for a while and said: "I plan to stay in Suzhou City for a while. I still have many...companions here, some good sisters, and I will also be friends with you." You have to say goodbye, and there are other preparations... When the matter here is resolved, I will..."

Lin Yue stood up with a loud cry, pulled out the shining sword at her waist, and waved it lightly: "I will be a heroine, wandering the world, fighting against injustice! Anyway, Lin Jiabao, I don't want to go back for the time being!"

The red clothes were burning like a raging fire on Lin Yueru's body.

The wind blows, and the clothes dance gently.

Lin Yueru is like a little bird, an unrestrained bird, yearning for freedom and beauty.

Turning her head, Lin Yueru's eyes glistened like a spring, and she asked Liu Xu, "What about you, Brother Liu? What are your plans in the future?"

Liu Xu thought for a while, and thought to himself: "What plans can I have, let alone the long-term, the short-term goal is to hang out and see girls."

After thinking about it, Liu Xu felt that it was better to find a plausible excuse, and said, "I also happen to have something to do, and I need to meet some friends. Or, Yue Ru, we have an appointment, let me know when you leave, I'm coming to meet you. You're a girl, it's so inconvenient to walk around the rivers and lakes!"

After speaking, he took out a magic weapon for communication from his bosom, handed it to Lin Yueru, and said, "Take this, and you can talk to me."

Of course, I can't tell this chick the contact information of Yixianqian for the time being.

Otherwise, I don't know how many detours I will have to make in my plan to pick up girls.

Lin Yueru took the communication device and tried to use it a few times. It was very easy to use and accepted it with joy.

"Okay! That's it, we have agreed, when the time comes, we will fight for justice together, eliminate violence and protect the good!"

"That's right, it's done!"

"High-five and swear, no regrets!"

"Never regret it!"

Lin Yueru and Liu Xu clapped their hands three times, making this agreement.

The two were lying on the mountain, looking at the blue sky and the white clouds, talking each other.

Soon, the day will be over.

The night quietly pulled up.

An unexpected encounter, a hasty parting.

A touch of sadness rose in Lin Yueru's heart.

"Remember, don't forget our agreement!" Lin Yueru emphasized again.

"Well, I won't forget!"

"Don't forget!"

"No, don't worry!"

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