The two waved goodbye.

In the evening wind, Lin Yue looked so lonely in her fiery red clothes.

Liu Xu discovered that this eldest lady, it seemed, was not as lively as she appeared on the surface...


"Give me personal protection for Lin Yueru, and do whatever she wants to do."

"Yes! Lord Heavenly Emperor!"

The voices of several women appeared beside Liu Xu, and then, their figures flashed quietly, and disappeared into the night with a kind of Taoism that had never appeared in this world...


After leaving Suzhou City, Liu Xu felt a long-lost sentimentality in his heart.

Lin Yueru, this chick, is quite different from what she imagined.

Firm, persistent, longing for freedom.

And this unyielding heart.

Lin Yueru.

The Rising Sun Sect, unexpectedly failed to brainwash, should it be said to be a failure, or fortunate...

Walking with deep steps, Liu Xu walked for miles in one step...


When we arrived near Xianling Island, the sky was still dark.

In the dark night, something seemed to be shining.

In the empty river in the distance, several figures were struggling hard.

"This formation, why is it so powerful!"

"What a powerful restriction! My flying star can't break it!"

"Unexpectedly, Nuwa's successor is so powerful!"

"The Nanzhao state has been saved!"


A voice came from afar.

Liu Xu watched carefully, more than a dozen figures were struggling in the lake water, and then climbed onto a boat with difficulty.


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Chapter 1351 Shi Gonghu, Fairy Island

An old man who always looks like an old man, with a serious face showing a sense of righteousness, looks like the kind of decent boss who would rather bend than bend.

Beside the old man, there were about a dozen people sitting. It seemed that they were all the old man's subordinates or juniors, and they were very respectful to the old man.

Everyone chattered and discussed for a while, and finally calmed down gradually, waiting for the old man's conclusion.

The old man was silent for a long time, and then slowly opened his eyes, looking at the various restrictions surrounded by smoke in the distance, his brows were slightly frowned.

"This fairy island is indeed much more complicated than I imagined! It's much more powerful!"

"Nuwa's successor, as expected of Nuwa's successor, my disciples have suffered a great loss with a mere ban. I, Shi Gonghu, seem to have found the right person! The crisis of Nanzhao Kingdom, this time, must be resolved!"

"As for this restriction, it is inevitable that you cannot undo it. This is no longer a level that you can get involved in. Well, next, leave it to me! Study hard, remember, the highest state of martial arts, Regardless of form, regardless of everything, caused by the mind, it is all..."

In an instant, the old man's domineering side leaked, and rays of light shone on his body.

A dozen or so disciples stared blankly at their teacher.


Elder Shi jumped up from the boat with a bang, his momentum was like a rainbow, and he rushed towards the opposite restriction.

"It's all..."

Elder Shi, who was just about to continue speaking, suddenly roared, and then a brilliant brilliance bloomed in front of him, and Elder Shi flew back like a falling plane, falling towards his own boat.


Elder Shi was on all fours, his clothes were ragged, and his head was covered in ashes from the fall.

"Well, among these restrictions, there is actually another restriction! Who? Who used such indecent tricks! I, Shi Gonghu, was careless, careless!"

The few disciples next to each other looked at each other and opened their mouths to speak, but seeing the pained expression on the teacher's face, they couldn't bear to fight anymore...

They wanted to say that, in fact, they were all overshadowed by the second restriction.

Teacher, you are also like us...

Liu Xu looked at the group of ten or so people wearing southern Xinjiang costumes, and probably guessed their identities.

The old man is Shi Gonghu, also known as Elder Shi, a senior official of Nanzhao Kingdom.

With a high position and weight, he is one of the few people who can stand up to the worship of the moon.

Of course, he also has another identity, that is, the adoptive father of Baiyue.

Worshiping the moon went astray, to a large extent, it was also related to Shi Gonghu.

Shi Gonghu came out of the mountain with the sole purpose of eradicating the Moon Worship Sect and saving the people of Nanzhao Kingdom.

In the original book, he traveled thousands of miles to meet Ling'er, the Princess of Nanzhao Kingdom.

Now because of Liu Xu, although the situation is different, Ling'er is not the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom.

However, the identity of Nuwa's descendants still exists.

Every successor of Nuwa is inextricably linked with Southern Xinjiang.

Shi Gonghu just wanted to ask Nuwa's descendants to help him relieve the danger of Nanzhao Kingdom.

Liu Xu thought about it, and felt that this was just the time to bring his daughter to see the world.

Anu ran out every two days, and the banshee generals on the island were almost crazy busy.

When educating children, you have to relax!

As for Ling'er, she's too simple, and she has to go out to see the world. With an invincible master like herself, there is absolutely no problem with her safety!


"Okay, you don't want to break through anymore, you won't be able to break through." Liu Xu's figure slowly emerged under the moonlight, gradually changing from transparent to solid, and said to the crowd below.

"Who is it?" Shi Gonghu was taken aback suddenly, but he didn't realize how the person in front of him appeared.

This practice is probably not much worse than worshiping the moon.

"I said, you don't want to break into the battle. I agreed to the matter of the southern border on behalf of Nuwa's descendants. You should go back and prepare, and wait at the border of the Tang Dynasty! Remember, the welcome ceremony should not be too shabby." Liu Xu smiled.

Shi Gonghu looked at Liu Xu carefully, and found that he couldn't understand the other party's cultivation, so he clasped his fists and said, "This brother, I don't know, what is the name of Nuwa's successor? This decision... can I agree?"

"I'm her father, of course I can agree!" Liu Xu said angrily, "Okay, you guys go back first and wait slowly at the border!" "

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu waved his hand lightly, and the water vapor on everyone's bodies evaporated, and the injuries caused by rushing into the formation also healed quickly.

"Thank you for your help!" Elder Shi hurriedly cupped his fists in thanks.

"It's nothing, this formation was arranged by me, it hurt you, now it's healed, it's considered clear. By the way, is this ninety-nine-fold island protection formation okay?" Liu Xu asked with some pride.

"Uh... yes! Very good!" Elder Shi broke out in cold sweat.

It turns out that he arranged the formation!

Just to put it bluntly, how could Nuwa's successor set up such an insidious formation?

It turned out to be the father of Nuwa's successor!

However, the previous Nuwa successor was said to be so kind-hearted that he crippled one of Baiyue's arms, so he didn't even have the heart to kill him. Why... married such a terrifying person!

At that moment, everyone didn't want to stay any longer, so they drove the small boat and swung out quickly, gradually moving away from Xianling Island.


Liu Xu sent Elder Shi away and returned to Xianling Island himself.

In the past few days, I have been communicating with the two daughters with a thread. I haven't seen each other for a few days, and I miss them very much.

Surpassing numerous barriers, including howling wind and thunder, raging flames, or endless darkness, can be said to be more difficult to break through than any mountain of swords and seas of fire.

But after the formation, his eyes suddenly brightened.

The whole sky is warm and bright.

The outside world is already dark, but Fairy Island is still like daytime.

Pieces of peach blossoms are blooming brilliantly, dandelions are flying all over the sky, the green grass covers the entire island, and there are many strange fairy treasures that are used as toys...


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1352 The wind blows, good daughter

When Liu Xu stepped into the island, the maids passing by would salute respectfully from time to time.

These are all placed on the island by Liu Xu to take care of the lives of his two daughters.

The outside of Fairy Island is a large formation, and the inside is a master enough to deal with any problem.

In addition, Liu Xu's mental strength is left here, even if the masters of the whole world are besieged, there will be no problem.

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