"How are Ling'er and Anu recently?" Liu Xu asked while walking.

"Master, Miss Anu is studying southern border witchcraft accompanied by a few sisters. Miss Ling'er is already sleeping in the Starlight Room." A maid said respectfully.

Liu Xu nodded, smiled, and said, "Girl Anu, really, let me go and have a look. Learning witchcraft is not easy! By the way, you arrange it, and half of the people in Xianling Island will be guarded." , and the rest, listen to me along the way!"

"Obey, my lord!"

"Well, go down!"

Liu Xu went around one bend after another and walked towards a tall building.

The buildings are resplendent and resplendent, with barriers making up the surrounding area.

This is a special place for girls to practice, in order to prevent the two masters from destroying Fairy Island...

Of course, ninety-nine percent of it was to guard against the mischievous Anu.

In this pavilion, Liu Xu not only put all kinds of secret books stolen from Shushan back then, but also all kinds of martial arts and exercises from all schools and schools in the world.

In the pavilion, light laughter came out from time to time, like a lark, sweet, lively and lovely.

There are also rays of sunlight that make the walls shine brightly, of course, and the occasional roar of explosions...

Liu Xu walked in, and before he could speak, suddenly a girl's voice came.

"Daddy! Daddy is here! Daddy, I smell you!"

"Daddy, Anu learned another witchcraft today!"



Not long after, a little girl dressed as Miao Jiang appeared in front of Liu Xu.

She has bright eyes and blinks, she is lively and cute, she wears glittering decorations on her head, and a string of small bells on her hands and feet, which jingle and ring when she walks, perfectly blending with her lively temperament .

The girl has a delicate, petite figure, and a delicate and tender face, like a cute doll.

A green shirt, exquisite in style, naturally agile, gently fluttering with the girl's running.

The sleeves ended at the crook of the arm, revealing a forearm as smooth as suet, dazzling and bright, like a girl's brisk voice, enlivening the entire room.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

Anu ran over with a smile and fell into Liu Xu's arms.

With a burst of fragrance, the female Qiao's body softened, she hugged Liu Xu with her two jade arms, and arched her small head into her arms.

"Daddy, Anu misses you!" Anu's voice was like wind chimes blowing, playful and pleasant.

"Daddy misses Anu too." Liu Xu pinched Anu Shui Tender's soft face and smiled.

"Daddy, Anu learned a new witchcraft today, called 'Qingfengdao', using the wind to silently defeat the enemy, before you know it, Daddy, it's amazing!"

Liu Xu secretly said: "You are amazing, others will be unlucky."

However, he still praised verbally: "Well, Anu is the best."

"Daddy, Anu is so boring these days, Daddy, when will you take Anu out to play, Daddy!"

"Well, tomorrow, tomorrow Daddy..."

Anu jumped up suddenly, his beautiful face was as bright as a flower, his eyes were crescent, obviously very happy.

Before Liu Xu finished speaking, he kissed Liu Xu on the cheek.

"Yeah... Daddy is so kind! Daddy is so kind!"

"Hmm! Mmm! Mmm!"

One mouthful, three mouthfuls, four mouthfuls... Anu kissed every inch of Liu Xu's entire face.

The good girl is so enthusiastic, even though Liu Xu has experienced many battles and played countless scenes, he still can't stand it...

The next day, after Ling'er woke up, Liu Xu started to leave.

Everyone set off from Xianling Island, aiming at the border of Datang.

Under Liu Xu's order, Elder Shi and the others will hold a grand welcome ceremony there.

Of course, because of Anu, the naughty ghost, the waiting of Elder Shi and the others may have to be extended indefinitely.

A reed leaf expanded rapidly under Liu Xu's spell, and finally turned into a wide and huge ship.

Liu Xu boarded the boat with his two daughters and several maids who took care of food and daily life.

"Daddy! Daddy! I want to learn this trick too, Anu wants it!" Anu said coquettishly, pulling Liu Xu's arm.

"Hey, Anu, look, it's a golden bird!" Liu Xu suddenly pointed to the distance and said to Anu.

"Bird? Where, where?"

"There, look, Anu..."


Anu's attention was easily diverted.

Liu Xu didn't dare to teach her such a spell that required extremely high control and spiritual power.

Besides, according to the little girl's mischievous personality, she doesn't know what earth-shattering events will happen after she conjures up a big ship.

Thus, a phantom bird successfully diverted Anu's attention...

Turning his head, Liu Xu looked at his well-behaved daughter Ling'er beside him.

Compared to Anu, Linger is the real caring daughter!

She asks about her health, talks to herself heart-to-heart, and never makes trouble. Basically, she is the type of good girl who "does what her father tells her to do".

Ling'er wore a red coat today, and the fluffy down fluttered gently in the wind. Yu held Liu Xu's big hand and swayed it gently, looking very happy.

In terms of stature, Ling'er is taller than Anu, slimmer, and more mature, with a slender waist, long and narrow legs, fresh and tender arms, and a long hair that hangs down to her waist, which is extremely moving and soft.

Linger's holy aura is getting stronger and stronger, but she doesn't feel any alienation, instead she feels kind and gentle.

This is the unique aura of Nuwa's descendants.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1353 Traveling with women, good talent

Ling'er stretched out her jade finger gently, and smiled at Liu Xu with her crystal water eyes, and then a series of auras changed alternately, and a thin grass in her hand gradually grew bigger and longer, similar to Liu Xu's transformation of reed leaves into boats. Martial arts, the same way but the same effect.

"Daddy, I learned this trick, it's really useful!" Ling'er smiled, two dimples appeared on her cheeks.

Ling'er's cultivation base has reached the state of Kong Ming.

To a large extent, it was due to inheriting the talents of Liu Xu and Nuwa's clan.

In addition, Ling'er is not a girl like Anu who has fun all day long, her mind is as calm as water, and if she practices, she will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

Liu Xu even felt that when dealing with worshiping the moon, all he had to do was move a stool and sit on it while admiring it. The two daughters working together were more than enough.

Liu Xu pinched Linger's delicate face and praised: "Linger is so smart!"

On Ling'er's beautiful face, a smile bloomed gently, graceful and moving.

A little proudly, with a light wave of his hand, the grass slowly became smaller and returned to its original shape.

"Daddy, why do you want to help Nanjiang this time?" Ling'er thought for a while and said.

"If someone wants something, you can't refuse it!" Liu Xu said.

"But, Daddy, Ling'er doesn't like people from the southern border." Ling'er thought for a while and said.

"Uh, why?" Liu Xu asked in surprise.

"They speak ill of Daddy. They say that the person who set up the formation has vicious thoughts and is not a good person. Linger, Linger knows it's not true, Daddy is very gentle..."

"Daughter, you have to remember that you have to think about everything, you think..."

The good girl is too pure, Liu Xu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Although I have seen it many times, Linger's purity is really as if she was born with it.

Living on Fairy Island for a long time, he has never had any contact with the outside world.

Thought, too simple.

And the other... Liu Xu looked at Anu who was chasing the phantom bird in the distance.

This daughter is too lively.

He was so lively that he could make people invisible. Liu Xu felt that if he was not watching from the sidelines, he might not be able to perform some earth-shattering "great" feats...

Even if the talent is not as good as Ling'er, Anu is also Liu Xu's daughter.

The cultivation base is already the Void Returning Realm that many monks look up to, and half of their feet have stepped into the sky...

"Okay, Linger, don't think too much. You just have to be yourself happily. No one can touch you under the cover of the old man!" Liu Xu said, putting his arms around his good daughter.

"Well, Daddy is the best."

"Daddy! Daddy, Anu wants a hug too! Anu wants a hug too!"

"Aren't you a bird catcher? Your attention shifted too quickly!"


The ship drifted slowly in the air, and the clouds passed close by.

Liu Xu and his two daughters made a fuss, and it took half a day before they left Xianling Island.Slowly, came to the top of the land.

Condescending, directly below the ship is Yuhang Town.

Even though the two daughters are madly attached to him, but just to be on the safe side, Liu Xu still introduces Li Xiaoyao, the apprentice of the Great Moon Worshiper, whom no good person would deal with, and the protagonist of the fairy sword, to the two daughters. After a while.

Sure enough, Liu Xu realized that he was too wretched...

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