Glancing down, through the wooden board and stone wall, Liu Xu looked at Li Xiaoyao who was casting a spell.

It is worthy of being the protagonist of the fairy sword, and it can even be said to be a rare genius in a hundred years.

Since I was a child, I have been taught by worshiping the moon and practiced Taoism. Now, I have actually reached the state of mind...

Although it can't be compared with good girls, but among ordinary people, it is already very scary.

Moreover, what hindered Li Xiaoyao's development was his low mood and lack of experience.

As long as there is a suitable opportunity, his cultivation will be able to advance by leaps and bounds!

Waves of blue light lingered in his hands, and slowly, a phantom appeared in front of Li Xiaoyao.

It was Moon Worship, dressed in black and thinking like a dementia.

"Master!" Li Xiaoyao said with a smile.

"Disciple Li Xiaoyao, you really didn't disappoint me." Baiyue couldn't help admiring the first sentence at the beginning.

There seemed to be infinite wisdom in his eyes, and he could see through Li Xiaoyao.

"Master, I am already extremely talented, and with your teachings, Master, it is certainly not easy!" Li Xiaoyao said proudly: "By the way, Master, the last training task has been completed, is there any new task? These days, my forehand is itching!"

Baiyue looked at Li Xiaoyao, and many emotions flashed in his eyes instantly.

Time to start planning.

"Li Xiaoyao, listen carefully. You have been a part of the Moon Worship Sect for many years, and you have made great contributions. All of this, as a teacher, you can see it. Today, there is an important matter that is related to the life and death of the Moon Worship Sect, and I will leave it to you. Do it! If you do it well, you will be the next leader." Baiyue's tone was steady, not rushing.

"Big event! What's the matter, master? Could it be the eradication of Rising Sun's father? Master, my skills are low, I'm afraid I can't do it, you see..." Li Xiaoyao whispered, a little scared, inheriting the test of the leader, definitely not easy...

"No, you go find someone first. This operation cannot be done without him." Bai Yue said.

"People? Who is it, master."

"His name is Yin Li."

In Baiyue's eyes, there is still that kind of calm light, full of curiosity to explore everything, and a faint, long-lost sense of excitement.

Liu Xu's mental power penetrates into every hole, and he can detect everything clearly.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yue knew about this.

However, does he want to verify the proposition of whether that boring "love" exists or not, or is it something else?

Yin Li, Yin Li...

Liu Xu muttered softly.

A flash of inspiration flashed, and Liu Xu understood!

The only thing he can do after finding Yin Li is to go to Mount Shu.

The guilt of the Juggernaut would make him deliberately let go of some small moves.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1354 Swordsman in white, challenged by Yin Li

Even if the Dao of the Juggernaut is able to sever the emotions and desires and do nothing, the blood is thicker than water and the blood connection deep in the soul cannot be erased no matter what.

Worshiping the moon, you are taking advantage of the loopholes!

After all, Shushan, who has two peerless masters, is not something he can compete with!

Liu Xu had a rare sense of interest, and said, "Dear girls, before we go back to southern Xinjiang, let's take a stroll in the Central Plains! Let's visit all those famous mountains and rivers, Huashan and Shushan, etc."

With his two daughters in his arms, Liu Xu's mental power shot around, searching the entire land.


"Ling'er listens to Daddy."


The three of them traveled for several days and stayed in the sky above Suzhou.

Little Anu couldn't hold back for a long time, and under the covert protection of more than a dozen maids, entered the streets and alleys of Suzhou and started a new round of destruction.

Ling'er stuck to Liu Xu and went down with Liu Xu.

The city of Suzhou is relatively lively today, with people coming and going.

The further Liu Xu walked, the denser the crowds became.

Lots of people were rushing towards the Lin Family Fort, and from time to time, voices of surprise could be heard from among the crowd.

Liu Xu pulled Ling'er and walked towards Linjiabao.

In front of the tall and large gate of the Lin Family Fort, there were already people standing there.

Everyone stretched their necks one by one, watching carefully, and everyone whispered, discussing something.

"This boy is really amazing!"

"My God, the most powerful guards of the Lin family were all stabbed by a sword and almost died."

"Is Hall Master Lin okay?"


Probably a young swordsman, challenging the masters everywhere.

Yesterday, a teenager posted a war post against Lin Tiannan, and the whole Suzhou was boiling.

You know, Lin Tiannan's reputation resounds both black and white.

If you don't have enough strength, how can you let those Jiangyang thieves run away?

It's rare for a young man to actually challenge a famous master, and still be a great master!

Liu Xu pulled Ling'er, a flash of spiritual light shone from his fingertips, and water-like traces swayed around the two of them.

With no difficulty, they squeezed through the dense crowd and came to the front.

On the martial arts field in front, a group of guards from the Lin family scattered far away.

The two held sharp swords and confronted each other on the field.

A middle-aged man with a square face and thick eyebrows is full of majesty.

There is a layer of calluses on the palm of the hand, obviously after many years, it looks like a master with a sword.

This person is Lin Tiannan, the owner of the Lin Family Fort, the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance, and the leader of the Church of the Rising Sun!

In the crowd, Liu Xu also saw a familiar figure, it was Lin Yueru.

Liu Xu also finally knew, why did he feel that this girl's aura appeared in Linjiabao, and he thought she was captured.

It turned out that I was worried about my father!

Lin Yueru was brandishing a sword, and shouted to Lin Tiannan from the audience: "Father! This man doesn't know what is good and evil, so there is no need to be polite to him! Father, you give an order, and all of us in the Lin Family Fort will take him down! Why are there so many things going on?" !"

The corner of Lin Tiannan's mouth twitched, and he took a deep breath, obviously speechless to his daughter.

However, seeing his daughter returning after running away from home, Lin Tiannan's anger was not so strong anymore.

The daughter still cares about herself very much and is very filial.

Although, a little naughty...

"Yueru, you stand on one side first! This is a major matter related to my Linjiabao's reputation, how can you allow me to mess around! Hmph! I don't care about you running away from home for the time being!" Lin Tiannan said, turning around, looking To the swordsman in white on the opposite side.

The slender fingers, long and narrow, crystal-clear and nimble, held the silver sword, as if about to launch a blatant blow at any time.

This is a handsome man, so beautiful that he doesn't even look like a man.

The eyes are crystal clear, as if there are water waves flowing, but there seems to be a deep and strong emotion hidden in the eyes, like a violent volcano.

Slender waist, weak, slender, even thinner than a woman.

But Lin Tiannan didn't feel the slightest bit of contempt or contempt, and he felt a strong burst of power from it.

Lenovo, the white-clothed swordsman's previous contests, were all fatal with one move.

Lin Tiannan's eyes gradually became serious.

This kind of opponent likes to decide the outcome with one move. In a single challenge, the outcome is often the most unpredictable.Even if the cultivation base is higher than the other party, you still can't slack off!

"Rising Sun Sect, Lin Tiannan!" Lin Tiannan slowly pulled out his sword, and said to the man in white.

The light blue light shot out from the tip of the sword, extending for more than [-] centimeters, and then slowly stopped.

On the sword light, the light is so bright that it seems to be able to split everything!

"Yin Li." The man in white said coldly.

Although the voice was deliberately suppressed, a clear wave like a lark was still captured by everyone.

Light, beautiful, wonderful, as if a mountain spring is tinkling.

The man in white stared at Lin Tiannan without blinking his eyes, like a falcon staring at his food.

Under the sunlight, the delicate skin was slightly flushed, and at first glance, it actually looked delicate.


Both drew their swords, but neither made a move.

Lin Tiannan was waiting, as long as he could break through the opponent's sword, then he would win this battle.

The swordsman in white was also waiting, looking at Lin Tiannan with sharp eyes, holding the sword with his slender fingers, motionless like a dormant cheetah.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Two quarters passed.

An hour has passed...


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