The two people on the field still didn't make a move, and the crowd below couldn't wait.

It's rare to see masters competing, why are they always staring?What about the game?What about fighting?

The crowd slowly became noisy, shouting at the two people on the field.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1355 Shushan swordsmanship, sneak attack with hidden weapons

The white-clothed swordsman named Yin Li remained calm, as if nothing had happened.

In contrast, Lin Tiannan, an old Jianghu, is already a little impatient.

The man in white was like a jar of stagnant water, and it was even suspected that if Lin Tiannan didn't make a move, he would be exhausted forever.

Gently, Lin Tiannan's sword trembled, breathed, and paused.

A brilliant brilliance suddenly bloomed from the hands of the swordsman in white.

Straightforward and neat, like a wild beast in the forest, it goes straight to the vitals, and there is nothing superfluous.

The long sword flew towards Lin Tiannan quickly.

Shine like a shooting star.


"Father, this seems to be...Shushan swordsmanship?" Linger from the audience whispered into Liu Xu's ear.

"That's right, that's right. My family's Ling'er has really good eyesight, so I recognized all of them. Shushan swordsmanship, he has stepped out of his own way, Yin Li, as expected, is his child." Liu Xu rubbed Ling'er Son's little head, said.

"En." Ling'er closed her eyes happily, enjoying Liu Xu's touch.

Liu Xu rubbed and stared at Yin Li's delicate nose, as if observing something.After a while, he said again: "However, Ling'er, if you can see one more thing, it will be even more remarkable."

"Oh, what's the matter, Daddy?"

"You'll know when the time comes." Liu Xu said arrogantly.

Turn back and continue to watch the game on the field.

With a sharp and sharp sword, Lin Tiannan arrived in front of Lin Tiannan in the blink of an eye.

The silver sword light was even a little cold.

Under the scorching sun, everyone present seemed to feel a cold killing intent.

Very faint, very faint, but it does exist.

In the eyes of the swordsman in white, there seemed to be nothing but the sword, except the opponent.

Without even half a moment's hesitation, the long sword directly pierced Lin Tiannan's heart.


"Hall Master."

Everyone on the field suddenly turned pale with shock.

No one expected that this white-clothed swordsman would be a killer move with his first move.

At this time, it was too late to stop it.

Lin Yueru and all the guards raised their hearts to their throats.

Lin Tiannan measured his body lightly.

The sword in his hand suddenly dropped.

A vigorous aura, so surging, exploded in the palms of Lin Tiannan's hands.

"Young man, you are too young."

The mature voice sounded in the martial arts arena, and Liu Xu had to admit that he was too pretentious. The right time, place and people took advantage of it, and the audience's attention was attracted by Lin Tiannan.

Lin Tiannan's sword came out of his hand, he gave up the sword and used the palm method instead.

It is impossible for Lin Tiannan to rely on only one set of sword techniques after decades of fighting in the rivers and lakes.

How do you deal with an enemy without a sword?

After many years of experience, Lin Tiannan's weapons and fist skills have been perfected.

Leaning his body while retreating, Yin Li's sword chased him like a gangrene.

But it was always a little bit short, unable to touch Lin Tiannan's Yuexiong mouth.

Lin Tiannan's palms were full of spiritual energy, and at the same time he turned sideways, he began to attack rapidly.

The two palms slammed on the young man's sword, and the sword, shining silver, swung away under Lin Tiannan's surging palm.

Yin Li's cold face flushed for a while. Obviously, facing a famous master like Lin Tiannan, Yin Li's skills could not keep up, and his blood was surging under the blow.

But there's more to it than that.

The sword that Lin Tiannan threw away was not simply thrown away.

The sword light swirled rapidly and shot towards the young man.

In the blink of an eye, he reached Yin Li's shoulder.

After solving the opponent's lore, he immediately counterattacked.

In an instant, the situation was reversed.

Lin Tiannan's change of hand made everyone see the experience of a famous master and a seasoned opponent.

This young man is obviously not good enough.

"Young man, step back." Lin Tiannan suddenly roared.

Because he clearly saw a trace of madness in the young man's eyes.

Yin Li turned a blind eye to the long sword that shot at his shoulder.Even, straightly greeted him.

The young man suddenly raised his left hand, and something shiny in his sleeve flew out with a whimper.

Several darts shot towards Lin Tiannan quickly.

"Bang bang bang bang bang."


With five crisp sounds, Lin Tiannan's palms knocked down the hidden weapons one by one.

However, he still lost.

The young man's last hidden weapon, a soft sword, shot out from his left hand, caught the gap where Lin Tiannan shot down the dart, and stabbed Lin Tiannan's Yuexiong mouth.

Immediately after grasping it with slender hands, streams of spiritual energy surged along the blade of the sword rapidly, rushing into Lin Tiannan's body non-stop.

Lin Tiannan lost his ability to move in the blink of an eye.


Lin Tiannan was slapped flying with a palm.

"Shameless! Actually used a hidden weapon to sneak attack."


"Father, are you all right?"



A large group of people rushed up one after another, looking at Lin Tiannan anxiously.

Lin Tiannan's face was pale, and with Lin Yueru's support, he stood up slowly, looking at the calm white-clothed swordsman opposite him, his eyebrows were a little unhappy.

Where the swordsman in white was stabbed by Lin Tiannan's sword from his hand, he tore off a small piece of his shirt, revealing a piece of silver soft armor. The long sword fell on it, leaving only a faint trace.

Using hidden weapons and using soft armor to protect the body... This kind of competition has no suspense at all.

"Little brother, it seems a bit inappropriate to use darts during the martial arts competition...cough cough..." Lin Tiannan coughed violently as he spoke.

Lin Yueru, who was beside her, kept taking the servant's powder and slowly sprinkled it on Lin Tiannan's mouth.

Yin Li looked at Lin Tiannan, frowned faintly, and said, "Why not? Swords kill people, and darts kill people. As long as they can kill someone, it's the same."


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1356 Rescue

The clear and elegant tone seemed to be saying a very normal thing.

As long as you can achieve your goal, you can do it.

You can kill by any means.

This is a crazy person.

After finishing speaking, the soft sword was put into the sleeve, and the long sword was sheathed.

He just walked to a far corner, sat down cross-legged, and recovered his strength.

It is estimated that there will be challenges from others in the future!

Completely born for fighting.


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