Liu Jinyuan hurriedly said: "Yes yes yes!"

After finishing speaking, as if he had accepted some important task, he quickly walked to the six characters "Believe in the rising sun, gain eternal life".

Before reaching the location, his legs gave way, and he fell to his knees with a "plop", so frightened that he no longer had any strength left.

"Jin Yuan, why did you change your temper today and bow down so solemnly?"

"Uncle, Jin Yuan, Jin Yuan is loyal to the envoy... hiss... no two..." Liu Jinyuan endured the pain, his face twitched and said.

Where is he kneeling down!My legs were too weak to stand up.

"Hey! You have finally grown up, kid."


An hour-long prayer was very difficult.

Liu Xu, Lin Yueru and Ling'er, the three of them went out directly and started strolling around the Lin Family Fort.

Lin Yueru, a person who doesn't believe in divine emissaries, obviously doesn't have a good relationship in the Lin Family Fort.

Although the servants were respectful to her, they were not close to her.

Liu Xu's feeling is: "This chick has a beautiful appearance, but an empty heart."

"Such a girl is easy to deal with!" Liu Xu praised in his heart.

After the three wandered around Linjiabao for a long time, Ling'er and Yueru got to know each other a lot.

The relationship between Linger and Yueru is not as embarrassing as it was at first.

Maybe it's because Lin Yueru's life is not as smooth as the original book!

Ling'er's sincere and innocent smile seemed to have moved the girl.

It didn't take long for the two to become sisters.

Of course, every time Ling'er held Liu Xu's hand with attachment, Lin Yueru could only subconsciously avoid her gaze, pretending not to see it, and a sour smell spread in her heart.


After staying in Linjiabao for a day, Liu Xu set off with Linger and Yueru.

This departure can be described as unimpeded.

After Liu Jinyuan recognized Liu Xu as the leader, he immediately took out his number one scholar order.

Lin Tiannan, who was going to "beat the mandarin ducks with a stick", suddenly became frustrated.

The three characters "Zhuangyuan Ling" are engraved on the reverse side, and the three characters "Rising Sun Sect" are majestic and solemn on the front.

This was rewarded to him by Liu Xu himself after he won the first place in the palace examination.

Seeing the token, it is like the presence of the leader.

Although there is no power, not even a ninth-rank sesame official, but for the members of the Rising Sun Cult, this token is more powerful than a first-rank official.

Before faith, everyone has to bow their heads.

After Lin Tiannan saw it, he immediately began to pray devoutly...

Anu was still playing wildly in the city of Suzhou, protected by more than a dozen masters, overt or covert, so she couldn't make mistakes, and she was the only one who bullied others.

Coupled with Liu Xu's spiritual power to keep an eye on it [-] hours a day, even if Anu went to demolish the Nuwa Temple, nothing would happen.

So, Liu Xu first made her go crazy.

"You must take Anu out of Suzhou within ten days." This was Liu Xu's final order to the guards.

Because if Anu stays in one place for more than ten days, the scale of the damage... Liu Xu has witnessed it with his own eyes.


The breeze is blowing, and the flowers are fragrant.

Liu Xu took Ling'er and Yueru with him, and in the blink of an eye, the three of them left Suzhou City.

Ling'er and Shui Ling held Liu Xu by her small hand, smiling briskly along the way.

A bright smile fluttered in the air. As Ling'er's mood improved, the whole air here became extraordinarily fresh.

Even the growth of flowers and plants seems to have become vigorous in an instant.

Ling'er has been able to exert most of Nuwa's power.

Of course, the more powerful and untapped one is Liu Xu's inheritance.

Both soul and blood are extremely powerful.

The three of them walked slowly in the mountains for several days, encountered a few gangs of robbers, and Lin Yueru solved them with three strikes and five divisions; they also encountered a few light rains, and Liu Xu feasted his eyes on the wet beauty.

The three of them were playing around for a while, and they became acquainted with each other in a blink of an eye.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1360 Beauty Walk, Baihe Village

On this day, several people were walking, and when they were discussing the pros and cons of polygamy, the sound of rustling footsteps suddenly came from behind.

Just now Liu Xu disappeared again.

The visitor seemed to be hiding intentionally, and his footsteps were light again.

The whole person is like a leopard catching prey, crawling in the grass, motionless, it is impossible to detect it only by hearing.

This is a person who has grown up in nature for a long time and has a strong survival instinct. This is Liu Xu's first judgment.

With his mental strength unfolded, Liu Xu probed lightly, and suddenly, he was a little dumbfounded.

It's actually...

"Yin Li?" Ling'er asked.

Liu Xu nodded.

This guy, shouldn't he seek revenge from the Juggernaut? How did he keep up with him?

Yin Lizheng was lying cautiously in the grass, his breath was all introverted, he didn't even have any temperature, like a cold-blooded animal.

Only those cold and beautiful eyes stared at Liu Xu closely.

Liu Xu felt the state of Yin Li's body, the dormant state of the leopard, the cold-blooded state of other animals, and his soft, soft movements like a cat.

This person has lived in the wild for quite a long time.

Liu Xu thought for a while, then sighed, "Okay, let's go first and leave him alone. If he wants to follow, let him follow!"

"Hey, Liu Xu, what's the matter with a big man staring at me from behind? If I don't dig out his eyeballs, I won't do it."

"Come here, Yueru, let me tell you a secret, actually this Yin Li, he is..."


Lin Yueru was surprised, and looked back quietly again, but there was a bit of sympathy in her eyes.

So, I stopped worrying about it, and continued walking forward with Liu Xu and Ling'er.

The light and delicate shadow behind him quietly followed, bringing with it a feminine, faint fragrance...

"Daddy, it's going to rain again."

Ling'er looked at the rolling dark clouds in the sky and said to Liu Xu.

Xianxianyu took Liu Xu by the hand, and Ling'er changed into a pure white dress, which was elegant and agile, and further brought out the pure temperament like a fairy.

Faint dimples floated on her cheeks, gentle and pleasant.

Liu Xu glanced at his darling daughter and laughed a few times dryly.

It rained before, and the two beauties showed up, but it feasted his eyes.

It's not difficult for Ling'er's mana to support a shield, but she seems to know something, as soon as her cheeks turn red, she lets the rain wash away her clothes...

"Ling'er, there happens to be a village not far ahead, let's go there to rest first! These two days of being chivalrous and righteous, they are all punks, it's really boring."

Ling'er nodded obediently, and leaned lightly on Liu Xu's shoulder.

Lin Yueru on the other side walked without saying a word...

A few days ago, when she found out that Ling'er was Liu Xu's daughter, Lin Yueru was shocked and thought she was teasing her!

However, after a few days, she found that Ling'er's attachment to Liu Xu was like a child's attachment to his parents, which could not be faked.

In other words, Liu Xu is really married...

Lin Yueru glanced at the father and daughter who were having an intimate conversation, and couldn't help thinking, what would Linger's mother look like?

Let Liu Xu's heart be moved, but he can still give birth to such a beautiful daughter... The delicate and savage eldest lady fell into depression...

"Yue Ru? Let's go, don't leave the ink marks." Liu Xu shouted.


"Yueru, why have you been a little depressed these two days!"

"No, no!"

"Why don't I transfer some energy to you?"

"Ah! Good, good."

Liu Xu's thread trembled again. Not long after, Lin Yueru was out of breath, blushing and fell into Liu Xu's arms...

Liu Xu was enjoying it lazily, while Lin Yueru was not paying attention, and the salty pig's hand went up and touched it twice from time to time.

However, in order to prevent this girl from finding out, Liu Xu's actions were very secretive.

The good girl Ling'er pouted slightly, and buried her head in Liu Xu's arms.

The crystal eyes looked at Liu Xu from time to time, hesitant to speak, and after a long time, he said softly: "Daddy, if you want to touch, Linger, Linger is also fine."

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