A blush brushed across Ling'er's face. When the pure and innocent Ling'er was shy, her coquettish attitude was not enough to describe even if she was ashamed.

Liu Xu swallowed hard and looked at Ling'er. After struggling for a long time, he finally decided to obey the good daughter's suggestion.

The salty pig's hand stretched out gently, and Liu Xu's ghost father plan took a great and sacred first step...


Not long after the three of them walked, a small village slowly came into view.

The village is small, built by the water, natural and simple.

The dense raindrops are intertwined, forming a beautiful and quiet landscape painting with the village.

At the entrance of the village, there is a long and narrow path paved with blue stone slabs, extending from the village.

A huge stone block with fuzzy edges and corners stands on the right side of the village entrance, and the three crooked characters of "Baihe Village" are engraved on it.

"Baihe Village? It seems a bit familiar!" Liu Xu murmured.

Recalling the plot of The Legend of Sword and Fairy, I remember that there seems to be such a passage in it.

The three continued to walk forward, the sound of rainwater falling on the roof and the stone slabs gradually became louder, and the sounds in the village gradually became noisy.

People's footsteps, hurried conversations, and one or two sad and low whines interspersed.


"Goose goose goose uh uh uh..."

"Hoo ho ho ho..."


All kinds of strange sounds, like crazy beasts, manic.

However, after listening carefully, the three of them discovered that the voice was manic and barbaric.

However, it is obvious that it was sent by people.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1361 Lady Lin, Zombie Poison

This is the roar of people.

Lin Yueru quietly took a step back, paused, and swished out the sword from her hand.

After a few days of being a hero, this chick has grown a lot more courageous.

"Let this heroine come first."

Lin Yueru calmed down, and quietly walked forward step by step.

She shielded Yuexiong with her sword, and walked forward slowly.

A stream of rain streaked across Lin Yueru's cheeks, and bounced off one after another under Liu Xu's invisible shield.

Lin Yueru was obviously a little scared in her heart, but she still bravely went up.

Liu Xu and Ling'er looked at each other and smiled, and followed slowly.

This chick has a good face.

"Brother Liu, tell me, is this a human or a beast!" Lin Yueru asked calmly, pretending to be a heroine.

These days, bandits, robbers, ferocious beasts and the like have also been dealt with a lot, but this kind of roar that chills the bottom of my heart makes Lin Yueru a little scared.

"Sister Yueru, this is definitely a human voice, Linger can feel it." Linger said.

"That's right, they are human beings, although they are not ordinary people." Liu Xu continued.

"Phew... it's good to be human." Lin Yueru breathed a sigh of relief.

Lifting the sword, Lin Yueru took three steps in parallel and moved forward quickly.

After so many days of wandering, Lin Yueru's actual combat experience has increased a lot, and with Liu Xu's guidance, she is also a decent heroine.

Although the footsteps were not fast, each step was on the softest ground, quietly without a sound.

Lin Yueru's body was like a slippery loach, and she slipped into the village with a "swipe".

As soon as he entered the village, several screams suddenly sounded.

"No, Xiao Wu was bitten too."



Several village names turned around and ran away, picked up one or two utensils on the ground as self-defense tools, and fled quickly.

A man with a ferocious face roared wildly in the rain, as if he had lost his mind, and beat anyone he saw.

His clothes were tattered and his body was covered with scars, but this crazy person didn't realize it, and was still fighting crazily.

One by one, the names of the villages were running around quickly.

Not just this one person.

In the village, there are more than ten other people with the same symptoms.

His eyes were ferocious and his expression was terrifying.

However, the dozen or so people were being imprisoned in a huge cage, and they could only struggle feebly, beating non-stop in the wooden cage.

"This is a symptom of being infected by zombie poison." Liu Xu took a look and recognized it immediately, "Yueru, be careful, these people cannot be killed."

"Hmph! How can this heroine be afraid of a zombie?"

Lin Yueru played a sword flower and rushed up quickly.

The long sword passed several dazzling traces in the air, but the person infected by zombie poison didn't care about these false moves at all, and rushed straight towards Lin Yueru, baring his teeth and claws, even ignoring the sword stuck in Yuexiong's mouth.

Lin Yueru immediately changed her tactics, simplified the complexity, and directly confronted each other.

The sword light flickered in the air, bursting out with a strong light, a silver light passed by, and spiritual energy gushed out.

The back of Lin Yueru's sword slapped the man's body, and the man was thrown more than ten meters away before falling to the ground with a crash.

"Female, female hero." Several village names who had just run not far away shouted.

Hearing this long-awaited title, the corners of Lin Yueru's mouth curled up slightly, looking very happy.

"Thank you, Lady Xia, for saving your life."

"Thank you."

"How come Xiao Wu is also infected!"


The villagers thanked and bowed to Lin Yueru. This little girl Lin Yueru kept saying that it was her duty to be a hero, but the excited smile on her delicate face couldn't be stopped.

With the sword back in its sheath, Lin Yueru turned around and made a victory gesture to Liu Xu, with a bright smile on her cheeks, full of vitality.

"Since I have encountered this injustice, I have to take care of it. Don't worry, everyone, we will investigate this matter to the end." Lin Yue Ruting raised her puffy chest and said confidently.

Thanks again to all the villagers.

Xiao Wu, who was subdued by Lin Yueru, struggled under the oppression of several villagers, and was locked in another cage.

Once poisoned by zombies, an ordinary person can instantly become a master, and under madness, he is not afraid of any attack.

If Lin Yueru hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid there would be many more casualties.

Several village names survived the catastrophe, with gratified smiles on their faces.

However, the irrational people who were imprisoned in the cage and roared like wild animals left these villagers with a shadow of gloom all the time.

Even when smiling, there is still a touch of deep sadness.

Baihe Village used to be a peaceful village.But since the appearance of zombies recently, the whole village has become a well-known "zombie village".

The village chief Han Yixian has superb medical skills, but he still has no way to deal with this strange toxin, and more and more people are infected and attacked.

Baihe Village has always been shrouded in the shadow of terror.

Ling'er stood beside Liu Xu, tugged at Liu Xu's sleeve, and asked, "Daddy?"

"Good girl, want to help them?" Liu Xu asked.

"I, I listen to daddy." Ling'er said obediently.

Looking at the painful expressions of those poisoned villagers, Linger's eyes showed a little pity. As the descendant of Nuwa, the mother of the earth.A compassionate heart is innate.

However, Ling'er's nostalgia for Liu Xu seems to be beyond this pity.

He pulled Liu Xu's sleeve obediently, as if even if Liu Xu said he couldn't help, Ling'er would not complain at all.

Liu Xu scratched Ling'er's nose affectionately, and said, "Go! Just save a few people, Daddy and I often save people!"

"Yeah." Ling'er smiled sweetly.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1362 Zombie Village, Han Mengci

Lightly swipe your fingers in the air, and a series of agile, life-filled spiritual energy spreads in the air, reflecting a mysterious pattern.

A holy breath emanated from Linger's body.

On the pattern, a series of auras were divided into dozens of channels, which spread out one after another, and rushed towards more than a dozen wooden cages.

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