The fresh aura penetrated into a person's body and flowed slowly. Those who were roaring, biting, or just dazed and didn't know what they were doing stopped their movements one by one.

The madness in their eyes gradually dissipated and became clear and clear.

One by one, as if they were reborn, they slowly woke up from the chaos...

Lin Yueru opened her eyes wide and looked at Linger.

"Linger, you, you are so powerful." Lin Yueru praised from the bottom of her heart, this was the first time Linger used a spell in front of Lin Yueru.

Although I knew that as Liu Xu's daughter, Ling'er would definitely know some spells, but Lin Yueru did not expect that Ling'er would use such advanced spells to detoxify everyone who had been poisoned by zombies in the blink of an eye. complete.

The madman who was crazy just now, his complexion is rosy now, and he has returned to a healthy and ordinary person.

"Sister Yueru, this is very simple. Linger is not as good as daddy." Linger said shyly.

With the jade hand back, streaks of aura dissipated in the air.

The people who had been detoxified were staying in the cage blankly.

"Xiao Wu, you finally woke up."

"Rhubarb, Rhubarb, hello."

"elder brother."


The villagers came to Liu Xu and the others again, together with a dozen people who had just come out of the cage.

Everyone was grateful, and bowed to the three of Liu Xu again and again.

"It must be God who made the Lord appear."

"This is the envoy of the envoy of God."

"My prayers worked."


Everyone babbled and returned half of the credit to Liu Xu, the envoy, and the credits of the three of Liu Xu became very little.

Lin Yueru pouted her mouth, very unhappy.

Obviously she also did her part, but in the end the credit was shared by others.

However, looking at the beaming faces of the villagers, they didn't say much.

If he didn't do it right, he would be charged with "betrayal", and immediately transform from a heroine into a thief, and the loss outweighs the gain.

So I could only change the subject and said: "Everyone, go back and rest quickly! Although the toxin has been removed, your wounds are still not healed. It is best to ask a doctor for treatment."


Several villagers walked into the village with a group of wounded.

The person they are about to visit is the village head of Baihe Village, Han Yixian, who is also a well-known miracle doctor.

The three of Liu Xu happened to plan to spend the night overnight, and learned something along the way, so they also went together.

Han Yixian's home is in the middle of the village, which is convenient for various families to come and go.

The home is small, but clean and tidy.

From a long distance, I could smell all kinds of medicinal smells, as well as the groans of some patients.

More than a dozen newly restored village names entered the hall one by one with the support of everyone.

When Liu Xu entered the hall, Han Yixian was feeling the pulse of a patient who had just recovered, his face full of disbelief.

He never imagined that the zombie poison was really removed, and there was not even a trace left.

After writing several nourishing prescriptions, Immortal Han said happily, "Mengci, come here and boil this medicine."

A young girl walked over briskly.

Wearing a blue shirt, holding a wooden tray in his hand, which contained several medicine jars.

Putting the medicine jar in front of Han Yixian, Han Mengci took the prescription, looked at it a few times, and then walked out again.

"Got it, Dad."

The girl's voice is light and beautiful, exuding a virtuous temperament.

Although there are no gorgeous decorations, Han Mengci is still a rare beauty. Girl.

This can be seen at a glance.

Her skin was warm and white, her bright eyes were smiling, her eyebrows were curved like a moon, and she walked briskly. Han Mengci's pretty figure brushed past Liu Xu's side.

He looked at Liu Xu in surprise, as if lamenting that there is such a... unique and handsome person in this world.

Han Mengci paused for a while, her face blushed, and she hurried out of the door.

As the fragrance circulated, Liu Xu took a deep breath, smiled, and led the two women towards Han Yixian to inquire about related matters.

After talking with Han Yixian for a long time, Liu Xu also understood the situation of zombies.

Baihe Village was not the worst-hit village.A few tens of miles to the east, several villages have all become ravaged by zombies, and no one survived.

The current situation in Baihe Village can only be described as mediocre.

Most of the most severely affected villages are surrounded by a forest.

It is said that there is a cemetery surrounded by middle-aged Yin Qi.

The source of the zombies is probably there.

It's a pity that Han Yixian only has medical skills and no martial arts, so he can only do simple treatment for the injured in the village.

After understanding the situation, Liu Xu said: "In this case, we will leave it to us this time. Doctor Han, we will stay with you tonight and leave tomorrow."

Hearing that Ling'er eliminated the zombie poison of more than a dozen villagers in one fell swoop, Han Yixian looked at Liu Xu and the others with admiration, and naturally he would not be worried, and said, "Mr. Liu, I thank you for all the villagers in Baihe Village. What does Mr. Liu have Demand, just ask."

"There are orders, as long as the accommodation is more comfortable tonight." Liu Xu joked with a smile.

"That's natural." Han Yixian laughed.

They continued to ask about some topics related to zombies and Baihe Village. Under the leadership of Han Mengci, Liu Xu and the others visited Baihe Village again.

When the villagers of Baihe Village learned that someone was going to solve the zombie scourge, they expressed condolences and gratitude.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1363 Liu Yifei, playing rope art

The three of them settled down in Baihe Village like this.

Night fell quickly.The light rain was still pattering, and there were no stars in the night sky. The dark night sky was not a gloomy and silent one or two winds passing by.

Liu Xu lay on a big wooden bed and collapsed like a dead pig.

On such a night, Liu Xu had nothing to do, so he could only use his mental strength to find a big city as a large-scale movie and observe it carefully.

so boring.

While thinking about how to get through tonight, there was a rustling sound at the door.

A beautiful and refined figure ran in tiptoe.

Wearing an elegant white dress, against the girl's beautiful face, she is beautiful and moving.

The dusty artistic conception is like a fairy dancing in the dark night.

Ling'er quietly closed the door, trotted to Liu Xu's bedside, her crystal eyes twinkled, and said, "Daddy, I, I can't sleep alone."

That appearance, like a spoiled child.

Usually in Fairy Island, she would sleep with Anu, and when Anu was away from home, Liu Xu or Lin Qing'er would accompany her.

Ling'er has never slept alone since she was a child.

The three of them slept in separate rooms tonight, Linger suddenly couldn't fall asleep.

Liu Xu pulled Linger over and hugged her into his arms, and the two of them lay on the spacious bed.

Liu Xu's mind was fascinated by the beautiful girl's delicate and fragrant female Qiao's body.

"If you can't sleep, just sleep with daddy, my dear." Liu Xu laughed.

Ling'er nodded slightly, humming.The body turned at an angle in Liu Xu's arms, facing Liu Xu's eyes.

Ling'er squeezed into Liu Xu's arms, and he was instantly excited.

The good girl seemed to know what she was thinking, and she even wriggled gently in Liu Xu's arms, which made him feel so happy.

"Daddy, do you like it?" Ling'er looked at Liu Xu with crystal clear eyes, with a bit of shyness in her innocence.

"I like it, of course I like it." Liu Xu took a deep breath.

Ling'er pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes flickered, which was extremely touching.

"Daddy, Linger, Linger wants to..." Linger looked at Liu Xu and whispered.

Halfway through speaking, the voice suddenly became inaudible.

Liu Xu didn't hear clearly, and asked, "Ling'er, what are you thinking?"

Ling'er glanced at Liu Xu, their faces were very close.

Although Liu Xu stayed with his daughter, he had done many similar things.

But today, Linger seems to be a little different!

Ling'er leaned forward lightly, and tapped Liu Xu's mouth lightly.

Then, her pretty face blushed and she bowed her head in silence.

"My good daughter has grown up!" Liu Xu thought in his heart.

Ling'er's heart was pounding, and Liu Xu could feel it clearly.

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