"Ling'er, will Daddy give you another name?" Liu Xu said suddenly.

"Another name?" Ling'er was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, a name that only I know." Liu Xu smiled.

"A name that only Daddy knows?" Ling'er's eyes lit up, and then she shouted happily, "Okay, okay, what name does Daddy want to give Linger?"

"You are Daddy's daughter, so of course your surname is Liu...how about Liu Yifei?" A strange light flashed in Liu Xu's eyes.

"Liu Yifei? Liu Yifei!" Ling'er muttered to herself, repeated it several times, and quickly raised her head, "Okay, Ling'er likes this name very much!"

"Then it's settled. Ling'er, what do you want to do? Tell me, Dad will definitely agree." Liu Xu hugged Ling'er and said.

Ling'er stared at Liu Xu with crystal clear eyes, showing a trace of seriousness: "Daddy, you must not go back on your word."

"I will never go back on my word," Liu Xu said.

Ling'er lowered her head again, as if thinking about something.

This innocent little girl also learned a lot when she left Fairy Island.At least, I know what it means to be shy.

After a long silence, Ling'er raised her head again, looked at Liu Xu, and faltered, "Daddy, I, I want to..."

Liu Xu listened halfway, but couldn't hear it again, and quickly asked, "What do you want?"

Ling'er said quietly and softly: "Ling'er also wants to play with a thread, like, like sister Yueru..."

After finishing speaking, the redness on Ling'er's face spread to the base of her ears.

With her head down, Ling'er looked at her Xuefeng, wondering what she was thinking.

"Eh..." Liu Xu was stunned.

The good girl actually made this request?

But isn't it too early for her to play rope art, and unlike Lin Yueru who tied it around her waist, Linger's must be tied at a higher place, after all, it can also help children develop!

cough cough...

"Daddy." Ling'er said stickily.

As if she was afraid that Liu Xu would disagree, she continued to act like a baby.

"Ahem, Ling'er, you don't need this one-line lead. Daddy, I will do it myself. The effect is definitely better than the first-line lead." Liu Xu swallowed, restraining his body and said.

"But, but daddy can do that to sister Yueru anytime and anywhere!" Ling'er pouted her little mouth and said.

"But Daddy has been with you longer!" As he said that, Liu Xu moved his hands dishonestly again.

"No, Daddy, Daddy said that he will not go back on his word, Linger, Linger is going to lead by a thread."


"Daddy, you can't go back on your word."


Ling'er threw herself into Liu Xu's arms and stalked her.

Liu Xu finally couldn't stand it anymore. How dare this girl treat the first line as a good thing, and even bargain.

My sister, I couldn't bear to do it because of the pure image of my good daughter.

Now that Ling'er actually delivered it to her door on her own initiative, there is nothing else to say.

Liu Xu turned over and sat up.

"Ling'er, let's get ready before we tie the knot!"

Linger sings, plum blossoms bloom...


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1364 Linger's heart is very simple

The morning light shines slowly through the windows.

The light rain is still pattering underground, and the morning in Baihe Village is cool and quiet.

On the bed, Liu Xu held Ling'er in his arms, and the two were whispering softly.

Ling'er was lying in Liu Xu's arms with a smile, a red apron tied in front of Yuexiong.

The girl's youthfulness receded, and a woman's obsequiousness appeared in the corner of Ling'er's eyes.

"Daddy, it's just so comfortable!" Ling'er said softly against Liu Xu's chest.

"Ahem, daughter, remember, you can just tell me about this kind of thing, but don't say it in front of others," Liu Xu said.

He was afraid that this daughter would not know anything, so she spread the word everywhere.

"Ling'er understands. In fact, Ling'er has known for a long time." Linger snuggled up to Liu Xu, and smiled happily: "From now on, Linger will be Daddy's man, giggling..."

With a light hook of Ling'er's jade hand, a suction appeared.

Among the messy clothes on the bed, two simple pendants flew out.

Ling'er held the pendant and played with it carefully.

"However, Mom didn't tell me that the other half is with Daddy, which made Ling'er worry for a long time." Linger said a little angrily.

Turning his head, he kissed Liu Xu's cheek lightly, and smiled sweetly again.

Seeing Liu Xu's delicate face made him feel pity.

Although Linger is innocent and kind, she is not ignorant.

Many things have already been known.

Her attachment to herself is not just the attachment of a child to an adult.

Hugging Ling'er tightly, Liu Xu felt her body temperature carefully.

At this time, I don't want to do anything.

I have more than just family affection for Ling'er!

Liu Xu couldn't bear to destroy the purity of this girl...


After being gentle for a while, Liu Xu and Ling'er finished dressing, went out, and joined Lin Yueru.

The three of them discussed it, and today they will go to remove the root cause of the zombie poison.

In fact, Liu Xu's spiritual power has already detected everything clearly.

It's just that there seemed to be a few more fun things, so I slowly got down and had fun.

After saying goodbye to Han Yixian, the three of them walked straight along the path behind the village.

After bypassing several mountains and forests, the trees gradually became denser and the terrain became more complex.

A gloomy atmosphere wrapped around everyone.

Ahead is a cemetery.

"The root of the zombies should be in front." Liu Xu pointed to the front.

Lin Yueru glanced at the gloomy cemetery in front of her, feeling a little afraid.

Grasping the sword tightly, she said, "Hmph, leave it to this heroine."

Ling'er took Liu Xu's hand, and leaned on Liu Xu obediently, without saying a word.

After the two made substantial progress, Linger became even more attached to Liu Xu.

The three of them walked forward, within a few steps, there was a rustling sound in front of them.

A dozen or so people with teeth and claws were obviously poisoned by zombies.

Smelling the scent of strangers, they rushed towards Liu Xu and the others one by one.

However, compared to those infected villagers in Baihe Village, these people are more weird and crazy, and at the same time, they lack the breath of "human".

They smelled of rot, and they were all dirty, as if they had come out of the mud.

One or two people, even missing arms and legs.

"Zombie poison doesn't only affect living people. Even dead people can act under the influence of this poison." Liu Xu explained.

Lin Yueru looked at the zombies coming up one by one in front of her, she frowned slightly, pulled out the sword in her hand, swung out a burst of sword energy, and shouted at the same time: "Dirty things, don't even try to get close to this lady."

The sword light was flowing, and Lin Yueru rushed up quickly. The Lin family's swordsmanship is profound and profound. After a few days, there are still Liu Xu's pointers.

Lin Yueru's cultivation has also increased quite a bit, and she can come and go freely among a dozen or so zombies.

A series of sword qi criss-crossed, each sword can force back a zombie.

After a few moments, a dozen or so zombies had been cornered by Lin Yueru.

However, the situation does not seem to be so optimistic.

Lin Yueru can only repel these zombies, but these unkillable monsters are already dead, how to completely solve them?

After a short pause, the fallen zombies got up again and slowly approached Lin Yueru.

Lin Yueru could only repel them with her sword again.

In the distance of the cemetery, dozens of zombies were slowly approaching.

Lin Yueru wrinkled beautifully, feeling a little strenuous.

Turning her head, she shouted at Liu Xu: "Brother Liu, how do we deal with these zombies? There are too many of them."

Liu Xu pouted silently.

I rushed forward rashly, now I finally know the difficulty, right?

Liu Xu said with a smile: "Yueru, this is actually very simple. As long as their legs are cut off, won't they be unable to move?"

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