Lin Yueru's pretty face turned pale, she shivered a bit, and said, "Is there no better way?"

The silver sword was waving in the air, and Lin Yueru swung the sword slowly.

A majestic aura cut out from the blade, and knocked more than a dozen zombies into the air with a "wow".

Lin Yueru took a few quick steps back and retreated to Liu Xu's side.

Panting heavily, Lin Yueru's physical strength was somewhat exhausted.

More and more zombies gathered in the distance, gradually reaching a hundred.

Lin Yueru looked nervously at the cemetery and said, "Could it be that they really want to cut off their legs?"

Ling'er pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Sister Yueru, Daddy is just teasing you! Solving these zombies is actually very simple."

"It's simple?" Lin Yueru asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it's too simple. There are too many ways to kill to slag, or remove toxins, or directly solve the source, etc. So, Yueru, you still need to practice!" Liu Xu said with a deep expression. Said in a tone.

Shen made a move, and Liu Xu tapped lightly in the distance.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1365 Immortal transmission, underground palace cover

A cold light appeared on Liu Xu's finger, and quickly passed a straight line. The boundless chill instantly permeated the entire cemetery, as if winter was coming.

Dozens of zombies couldn't move for an instant, their flesh and bones froze quickly, and in the blink of an eye they turned into snow-white ice sculptures that couldn't move and emitted white gas.

Liu Xu flicked his finger again.

A wind-like sharp breath swayed away.

All the ice sculptures broke in an instant, like fragile glass.

Nearly a hundred zombies turned into a pool of fragmented ice shards in the blink of an eye, covering the entire cemetery in a vast expanse of whiteness.

The zombies are easily solved, and there is no blood at all, it is simply the most perfect solution.

Lin Yueru looked at it for a long time, pulled Liu Xu's sleeve, and whispered: "What's the name of this trick? Can you teach me?"

"Of course I can teach you, but this trick is nothing, it's just the basic Five Spirit Immortal Technique."


"That's right, you haven't even heard of the Five Spirit Immortal Technique!"

"Of course I heard it."


The three of Liu Xu smiled and walked forward.

While walking, Liu Xu explained to Lin Yueru the simplest basics of Wuling Xianshu.

At the same time, his eyes flicked to the back from time to time, revealing a few smiles.

A white shadow is listening to Liu Xu's explanation seriously. At the same time, he is waving his hands and learning quickly...

This is Yin Li who stole his teacher.

"These are the foundations of the Five Spirit Immortal Art. Do you understand?" Liu Xu stopped and said, "Okay, we have arrived at our destination. Ahead is the territory of the Red Ghost King."

"The Red Ghost King?" Lin Yueru said.

"Well, Red Ghost King, with a thousand years of cultivation, it's not bad among monsters. This area, if I remember correctly, is its territory. But, why does this guy raise these useless soldiers? It's too weak. Absorbing the life force of a living person is only something that low-level monsters can do. It seems that the strength is not much stronger."

Lin Yueru nodded, and at the moment, according to Liu Xu's gaze, the Chigui King was classified as "not popular"...

A huge door appeared in front of the three of them.

The gate is hidden among the trees, and the door is red and red, exuding a hot breath.

The habitat of the Red Ghost King is here.

Just as Liu Xu and the others took a few steps forward, the door opened automatically.

A deep and dark hole leads to the bottomless underground.

The Red Ghost King lives here all year round, and there are very few people who can find it.

"Who is making noise outside the door..."

A hideous sound came from inside, and the strong wind blew loudly.

Inside the gate, there seemed to be countless shadows moving.

The Red Ghost King opened the door, intending to lure Liu Xu and the others in.

Lin Yueru quickly took a step forward, and said: "This heroine is here to get rid of you, a third-rate bastard." The long sword danced, and the sword light was flying.

After speaking, I will jump off.

Liu Xu quickly grabbed the chick and said, "Yueru, don't worry! How can we break into other people's homes at will? It's impolite."

Liu Xu smiled and slapped it down with a volley.

The earth shook and dust flew.

The entire cemetery seemed to have been shaken by an earthquake.

On the surrounding hills, sand and stone rolled down.

The gate was broken, and a large piece of land in front of the three of Liu Xu continued to rise, as if being pulled by some kind of force, and arched upwards.

A dark passage appeared in front of several people.

"Yueru, watch out, this trick is the earth-type fairy art in the five elements fairy art."

Liu Xu grabbed it in the air, and the soil rolled like a sea wave, pulling out all the palaces of the Red Ghost King.

A stream of mud flowed quickly, and the palace was riddled with holes. In the blink of an eye, it was already dilapidated.

Countless zombies rushed out of it, but they were swallowed by the tumbling mud flow and sent to the ground when they were tens of meters away from several people.

The palace was quickly shattered, and all the zombies were destroyed in the blink of an eye.

In the end, only two figures remained in front of everyone.

A skeleton-shaped zombie is also the most powerful puppet under the Red Ghost King, General Skeleton.

The other was red all over, huge in size, filled with monster power, and stared at Liu Xu with ferocious eyes, both angry and frightened.

This is obviously the Red Ghost King.

"Stare? Stare for what? That ruined palace, I thought my feet would be dirty when I went in." Liu Xu cursed, pointing at the Red Ghost King.

"Bastard, die for this king..." The huge body of the Red Ghost King rushed towards Liu Xu, and the skeleton general also moved at the same time.

The strength of the Red Ghost King lies in his cultivation.

Thousands of years of cultivation, its strength is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and the strength of the skeleton general lies in its speed.

The speed is extremely fast, and ordinary people have no way to deal with it.

When the two join forces, ordinary monks are no match at all.

However, apparently they all miscalculated.

Not to mention Liu Xu, even Ling'er is not something they can handle.

Ling'er seemed to be interested this time and was ready to make a move.

Although his cultivation base is superb, even after he and Liu Xu's yin and yang dual cultivation, his strength has reached the peak of the Kongming Realm.

But Ling'er's actual combat ability is about zero.

This time, Ling'er, who doesn't like fighting, is ready to fight when he meets the Red Ghost King who controls the dead and creates zombie tragedies.

One is because he doesn't like this monster, and the other is because he wants to use this to sharpen his actual combat ability.

After all, this was one of the reasons why Liu Xu brought Ling'er out to wander around. The ordinary mobs were not even worth training.

"Shui Ling."

Moaning softly, a thin water-like rope flew out from Linger's finger, like a long whip.

Quickly wrapped around the Red Ghost King and the Skeleton General, strands of spiritual energy entwined around it, bound the Red Ghost King and the Skeleton General with extremely strong toughness.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1366 Miss Yin, cut the skeleton

"Ling'er really likes to play rope!" Liu Xu smiled wickedly.

The scarlet ghost king's demonic aura surged all over his body, and his thousand-year-old cultivation base transported a huge amount of aura, which exploded with a bang.

The soil was flying, and the air was twisted, but Linger still couldn't break free from the water-type fairy art that entangled it.

A series of ropes were continuously entwined, tying up the Red Ghost King tightly, almost becoming a big rice dumpling.

Ling'er put her hands together lightly, and said softly: "Tie."

Immediately, the water rope kept tightening, squeezing the Red Ghost King's body continuously.

The Red Ghost King hissed and roared, but unfortunately, he couldn't break free in the face of this extremely resilient Taoism.

Lin Yueru on the side was overjoyed, jumped out quickly, and shouted coquettishly, "Look at my sword strike."

Lin Yueru quickly stabbed at the skeleton general in the distance.

But at this time, the Red Ghost King moved.

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