Liu Xu looked over Yin Li's shoulder and looked down Yin Li's neckline.

With Liu Xu's extraordinary eyesight, he naturally saw a different kind of scenery.

"Wan Jian Jue."

Liu Xu grabbed Yin Li's hand and waved it out, and spiritual energy poured into the sword. Thousands of sword energy split and rejoined, and blasted towards the high mountain in the distance in a chaotic manner, directly leveling the top of a mountain.

Even after seeing Liu Xu's many destructive feats in the past few days, Yin Li still couldn't help being surprised.

This destructive power is too great.

Yin Li was about to withdraw his long sword when his body trembled suddenly, and he said, "Master, what is this move?"

Sensing the strangeness behind him, Yin Li felt as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, and his whole body was extremely soft.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu made a surprise attack and subdued himself in an instant.

"Master, what's the name of this Taoist move?" Yin Li said weakly.

She just felt that her body was numb and numb, as if her body was no longer her own.

Yin Li thought: "This must be some powerful way to control the enemy."

Liu Xu coughed dryly. Unexpectedly, Yin Li was indifferent on the surface, but she was a more innocent and ignorant girl than Linger!

"Disciple, being a teacher is to test your patience, to see how long you can last?"

"Yes, Master."

Yin Li said firmly, determined to persevere to the end.

Liu Xu continued to teach Yin Li how to practice sword...


"What a big wolf." Lin Yueru on the side said angrily.

Seeing Liu Xu's more and more excessive behavior, but Yin Li let Liu Xu continue without knowing it, Lin Xiaoniu couldn't bear it anymore.

After thinking over and over again, Lin Xiaoniu pulled out her long sword and shouted to Liu Xu who was in the distance: "Liu Xu, I forgot how to use Wanjian Jue, come and teach me!"

Lin Yueru looked at Yin Li with intense fighting flames in her eyes.

Half an hour later, Yin Li and Lin Yueru were finally paralyzed, embraced by Liu Xu, and came under the big tree.

Lin Yueru finally decided to go all out. The shame of a girl is nothing to this bold and unrestrained chick.

Although Liu Xu already had a daughter, Lin Yueru thought, she was as beautiful as a flower, how could Linger's mother compare to her youth?

There are still opportunities.

So, he tried his best to snatch Liu Xu back from Yin Li.

Yin Li, on the other hand, thought that Lin Yueru was preventing Liu Xu from teaching the "exquisite Taoism".

She was simply trying to learn more Taoism, so she also went all out to "compete" with Lin Yueru.

There is a lot of gunpowder between the two women.

The snipe and the clam were fighting, and the final winner was undoubtedly Liu Xu.

The two beauties hugged left and right, and they were all defeated by his "stunt".

Satisfied after placing the two beauties, Liu Xuzhi said, "Okay, come one by one. Tomorrow, I will teach you a new trick."

The two beauties nodded feebly, lay down and fell asleep slowly.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1372 Immortal Sword is such a strange setting that you will get pregnant if you meet overnight

After finishing the two beauties, Liu Xu turned his attention to his good daughter Ling'er.

Ling'er was leaning against a big tree, enjoying the shade under the shade.

On the lazy face, there was a somewhat mature woman's affection.

Coupled with that innocent and pure temperament, Ling'er is now even more attractive.

Walking to Linger, Liu Xu hugged her gently.

Ling'er took advantage of the situation and lay down in Liu Xu's arms, smiling happily.

"Why, why is Ling'er a little dull these days?" Liu Xu put his arms around Ling'er's slender waist and whispered in Ling'er's ear.

Ling'er's crystal clear and white skin became even more tender and attractive after being nourished by Liu Xu.

Even if it is just an earlobe, it can also affect infinite love.

Ling'er smiled sweetly: "I'm a little uncomfortable these days."

The soft voice, like flowing water passing through his heart, made Liu Xu feel refreshed.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ling'er changed her tone and said with a smile, "However, when I see Daddy, I'll be fine right away."

Talking about playing, the jade armband was put on Liu Xu's neck, and the small mouth moved up, and poked Liu Xu's cheek.

A smile as bright as a peach blossom, as warm as the sun.

Ling'er glanced at Lin Yueru and Yin Li, and found that the two women were already asleep, and now she became more courageous...

I don't know how long it took, the two people who were in full swing slowly separated.

"Daddy, Ling'er likes you so much." Ling'er pursed her lips and said with her arms around Liu Xu.

"I know, of course I do."

"Very, very much."

"I know that too."

"Daddy, you like me too!"

"That's for sure."

"How much do you like it?"

"Well, according to my calculations, it's about thirty times the land area of ​​this world!"



"Ling'er, let me check it for you. You seem to be unwell these days." Liu Xu looked at Ling'er and felt really happy to be with her.

"Daddy, you're broken again." Ling'er said with a smile.

"Ahem, Linger, I really care about you this time. As a qualified father, you must take care of your daughter meticulously and take care of everything..." Liu Xu said, his tone gradually lowered.

Slowly looking at Ling'er, there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"Daddy, what's the matter?" Linger asked.

Liu Xu hesitated for a while, and said, "Ling'er, you haven't been feeling well these few days, don't you, sometimes you feel like vomiting?"

Linger nodded and said: "Yes. But Linger checked several times and found nothing unusual."

"Do you feel that when you run your spiritual energy, it will be a little bit uncomfortable? It's like, someone is slowly devouring your spiritual energy?"

Ling'er thought for a while, and said: "It seems to be."

Liu Xu finally made up his mind.

Although the breath of life was very weak, Liu Xu felt it in Ling'er's abdomen.

The detection of mental power, even if there is only a slight fluctuation, can be felt.

Liu Xu and Ling'er didn't take protective measures these few times.

It stands to reason that the possibility of being shot is very small, but...

But if you think about the plot of the fairy sword biting the father, you will know that it is usually a strange setting that happens overnight and then gives birth to a child.

Getting shot is also understandable.

Liu Xu raised his head and said in a thoughtful tone: "Ling'er, if my observation is not wrong, you..."

He blushed when he said this.

Although spiritual power can change bloodlines; or even if it doesn't change, there are no disadvantages in this mythical world.

It is impossible for her perfect genes to have any problems.

But what should Liu Yifei's daughter be called?

"Daddy, what's wrong with me?" Linger asked suspiciously.

Liu Xu coughed dryly twice, pulled Ling'er's daughter, Qiao, into her arms, and said, "Ling'er, you are going to be a mother."

Ling'er trembled suddenly, and looked at Liu Xu in shock.

As if she couldn't believe the news, Ling'er asked, "Daddy, you said I... am pregnant?"

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Yes."

Linger's beautiful face was still blank.

She herself is just a fifteen-year-old girl with a calm heart. She has been living happily like a child under Liu Xu's care.

Now, she's going to be a mother.

Ling'er's brain hasn't reacted yet.

In her heart, she was even a little nervous.

Liu Xu grabbed Ling'er's hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Ling'er, just do what you want. When Qing'er was pregnant, she had the same expression as you!"

Linger nodded.

"I'm going to be a mother. This is the child of me and Daddy." Ling'er said softly, with a hint of happiness in her tone.

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