Leaning against Liu Xu's mouth, Ling'er was deep in thought, as if digesting this information.

"Ling'er, you have to pay attention recently. Don't use powerful Taoism. It's not good for the fetus or you." Liu Xu rubbed Ling'er's lower abdomen and said.

Ling'er nodded, turned over in Liu Xu's arms, Ling'er faced Liu Xu, and their eyes met.

"Then, Daddy, Linger's future daughter, should I call you Daddy, or should I call you..." Linger asked suspiciously.

Looking at Linger's innocent eyes, Liu Xu suddenly felt a huge sense of guilt.

God, this title is really a problem.

After Ling'er became pregnant, Liu Xu's trip also slowed down.

When he was about to hurry, Liu Xu directly used the Taoism of space teleportation to directly cross the distance of thousands of miles.

In short, Ling'er can't be tired.

The cultivation bases of Lin Yueru and Yin Li have become more and more exquisite in the practice day after day.

Yin Li's talent is very high, under Liu Xu's guidance, in a short period of time, he entered the state of Tongxin.

And Lin Yueru finally broke away from the Qi training realm and became a little master in the God Transformation realm.


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Chapter 1373 Millennium spider spirit, team up to fight monsters

The cultivation base of the two, even Lin Yueru, an ordinary bandit and robber, is not worth practicing.

Therefore, Liu Xu planned to take a few people to fight with the monsters.

The plot that I have been looking forward to for a long time just started at this time...



In a lush jungle, the splendor shines.

Liu Xu's figure suddenly emerged, followed by Ling'er, Yue Ru, and Yin Li.

There is a monster aura in the forest, and there are many monsters with good cultivation bases.

A few powerful ones, even with thousands of years of Taoism, in the world, can be compared to the masters of the mind.

Liu Xu took the three girls to the depths of the forest.

The further you go inside, the darker the light, the vines are intertwined, and the ground is uneven.

Occasionally, one or two small animals would fly past the eyes quickly, moving swiftly and disappearing in a flash.

"Brother Liu, what kind of monster are we dealing with this time?" Lin Yueru asked.

Although she had participated in the fight with monsters, Lin Yueru at that time could only be abused when facing the Red Ghost King.

To be precise, this is the first time she has fought monsters.

"It's a spider spirit. Its cultivation level is about one thousand... two months and twelve days in three years." Liu Xu reported a series of numbers.

Even Ling'er was taken aback by Liu Xu's precise figures.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu could even calculate this accurately, which is a bit against the sky!

Yin Li still had a cold look on his face, and said, "I promise to complete the task."

Yin Li was still too cold, Liu Xu thought, in order to let his apprentice untangle, he had to sacrifice the Juggernaut.

With his mental power open, Liu Xu can clearly detect the scene in the entire forest.

Not far away, a man dressed as a scholar was walking slowly while dancing a folding fan.

As he walked, he hummed an unknown poem.

This is Liu Jinyuan, the number one scholar handpicked by Liu Xu.

On Liu Jinyuan's No. [-] Scholar Order, Liu Xu had already left behind a mental force, and he could get information about him at any time.

In the original book, Liu Jinyuan rescued Die Jingyi here. Liu Xu will not let him continue to have this blessing...

Comrade Liu Xu felt that it was very reasonable to help him withstand the disaster of his family's destruction and get some interest.

Turning around and saying hello to the three women, Liu Xu disappeared suddenly on the grounds of exploring the way.


"Liu Jinyuan."

Liu Xu greeted Liu Jinyuan behind him.

Liu Jinyuan was shocked all of a sudden, as if he had encountered something unbelievable.

This familiar voice, even if he was drunk, he would not dare to forget it.

Liu Jinyuan didn't even look at it, turned around and immediately knelt down on the ground, saying: "Liu Jinyuan sees the leader, the leader will enjoy immortal blessings forever, and his life will be as long as the sky. The Rising Sun Cult will last forever."

Although Liu Jinyuan didn't believe in the dogmas of the Rising Sun Sect, he sincerely admired and even feared Liu Xu.

During the imperial examination back then, Liu Xu's knowledge and vision were beyond the reach of even the number one scholar.

What Liu Xu is good at is not only cultivation, but also astronomy and geography.

"What is the order of the leader, Liu Jinyuan will not hesitate to die." Liu Jinyuan continued.

Liu Xu pretended to be authentic: "Liu Jinyuan, your father has done a good job as the servant of the household department in the past few years. I plan to promote him to be the master of the Rising Sun Church. You should go back and report!"

"Thank you, Master." Liu Jinyuan kowtowed again.

"Okay, let's go!"

Liu Xu beckoned, and sent Liu Jinyuan home with spells.

Next, it was time for Liu Xu to act.

Continuing to walk forward, Liu Xu stopped under a huge spider web.

This spider web is larger than ordinary spider webs, and what's more different is that the spider silk is very tough.

A colorful spider is walking slowly on the web.

There is also a beautiful butterfly struggling under the spider's web.

The cultivation base of the spider essence looks like a thousand years.

And the Butterfly Essence has a cultivation base of [-] years.

This time, it seemed that he was hit, and the Butterfly Spirit was bound.

The big colorful spider slowly crawled towards the butterfly, about to catch it.

"Hmph, I will abolish your three hundred years of morality first."

Liu Xu flicked his fingers.

A strong wind blew out, and the spider web burst instantly.

The spider was hit by Liu Xu, flew out quickly, and hit the big tree opposite before falling.

A wave of spiritual energy diffused, and the spider spirit finally transformed into the image of a woman.

With blood on the corner of her mouth, the poisonous lady glared at Liu Xu viciously: "I, I have no grievances with you, why did you do this?"

After finishing speaking, the hands hidden behind the back slowly accumulated aura, ready to attack Liu Xu.

Three hundred years of Taoism was abolished in an instant, and the poisonous lady knew that she was definitely no match for Liu Xu, so she could only resort to a sneak attack.

"Why? Because I am happy! What a fool." Liu Xu scolded.

Turning his head, Liu Xu said to his back: "Yue Ru, Yin Li, hurry up and fight monsters!"

Three figures rushed over quickly.

Ling'er came to Liu Xu's side and watched from the side.

Yue Ru and Yin Li used various Taoist techniques to kill the spider spirit and poisonous lady.

"Wan Jian Jue."

"Wan Jian Jue."

The two of them drew their swords at the same time, and dozens of sword qi densely covered a large area around them in an instant.

Lin Yueru's sword qi was nimble and ethereal, while Yin Li's sword qi was fierce and ferocious. The two combined together and blasted densely at the opposite Poison Lady.

The poisonous lady opened her mouth and spat out a cloud of spiritual energy.

The aura staggered in the air, turning into spider webs, and rushed towards Lin Yueru and Yin Li.

The majestic sword energy collided with the spider web, and a strong wave swayed.

"Come again."

Lin Yueru glared at Yin Li, as if competing with her.

Lifting the long sword, he used the unique secret technique that Liu Xu had just taught.

The long sword trembled violently, and streams of sword energy shot out quickly, like missiles.


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Chapter 1374 If you are infatuated with true love, you will be dressed in red makeup with colorful butterflies

Wan Jian returns to the sect.

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