Lin Yueru's understanding is not as strong as Yin Liqiang, but in actual combat, probably because of her lively temperament, her fighting style is quite agile.

Returning all swords to the sect happened to be the most suitable move for her to use.

Yin Li also concentrated and held his breath as he unleashed a sword art.

The sword energy crisscrossed and criss-crossed, extremely gorgeous.

At the same time, he used the Five Spirit Immortal Art, Shushan Taoist Art, and all kinds of strange southern Xinjiang witchcraft in his hands.

"Damn little girl."

The spider spirit retreated one after another, and had been crippled for three hundred years. Facing the two women, he no longer had the strength to fight back.

As it ran into the depths of the woods, it dealt with the two women.


Liu Xu turned his head and looked at the colorful butterflies flying in front of him.

Although there are good and bad monsters, on the whole, they are more insidious than pure.

After all, after gaining strength, there are very few people who can maintain their original intentions.

This is a kind butterfly spirit.

Liu Xu saved her largely because of her pure heart.

Butterflies fluttered lightly, and auras of aura intertwined, turning into the appearance of a woman.

"Thank you Eng."

The soft voice was gentle and pleasant, the woman lowered her head, and there was a hint of shame in her ears.

This is a beautiful woman.

The colorful clothes are like flying butterflies, shaking slowly in the breeze.

The light hair is soft and smooth, and two strands of hair hang down from the neck and fall in front of the moon.

She has a graceful and exquisite figure, slender waist, and round snowy peaks, all of which are perfect to the extreme.

The woman raised her head gently, with a small cherry mouth and bright eyes, full of warmth and softness.

On the fair and tender face, there was a little pink, as if Liu Xu felt a little embarrassed after looking at her for a long time.

"Benevolence." The woman said softly.

Liu Xu came back to his senses, and praised in his heart again and again: "He Linger and Anu are big beauties of the same level! It's really rare."

"Girl, it's what people of my generation should do to help each other when the road is rough, so don't thank you," Liu Xu said.

Walking forward, he gently sniffed the fragrance of Kou Caiyi's body, and immediately felt refreshed.

Liu Xu boldly grabbed Caiyi's hand and said, "Girl, haven't you asked Fang's name yet?"

While talking, he admired Caiyi's shyness.

Caiyi struggled lightly with Yuyu's hand a few times, but did not break free, so she said, "Grandfather, little girl Caiyi is... a butterfly spirit who has cultivated for thousands of years."

Caiyi used a little more strength, but still couldn't break away from Liu Xu's big hand.

Feeling Liu Xu's wolf-like gaze, Caiyi's heartbeat gradually accelerated.

She even wondered if she had just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den again?

Liu Xu approached slowly like this, only three inches away from Caiyi.

The two looked at each other, and Chu Liuxu was able to look down on him, and through the slightly open neckline, he had a clear view of Caiyi's internal situation.

Caiyi's material is also not small!

"En, benefactor." Caiyi's face flushed red.

She had never seen someone who blatantly molested a girl like this, and her little affection for Liu Xu gradually faded away.

However, after all, she was the savior, Caiyi blushed and hesitated a bit.

Liu Xu's head lowered slowly, approaching Caiyi's shoulder.

Caiyi's heart also hangs up.

The man's heavy breath hit her face, and Caiyi's heart was beating thumpingly.

"What does he want to do?" This was Caiyi's thoughts.

No matter how bad a person is, he wouldn't be such a jerk, would he?

But Liu Xu lowered his head, and in the end, it actually landed on her moonlight.

Caiyi Nu Qiao's body trembled violently, as if countless ants were crawling.

She suddenly lost all her strength and shouted: "Grandfather, please, please let go."

It's a pity that Liu Xu is still indifferent.

Caiyi hesitated again and again, stretched out her hand, and patted Liu Xu on the back.

Liu Xu's almost invincible cultivation base actually... spat out a mouthful of blood.

But Liu Xu paused, still sucking with his head down, as if desperate.

Caiyi was stunned for a moment, but also froze.

If the other party is a shameless villain, how could he still do it by himself? Could it be...

Caiyi looked down and found that Liu Xu's lips had turned purple and his face was extremely pale.

Cai Yi recognized it at a glance.

Liu Xu was poisoned.

Him, give her drugs again.

Caiyi didn't know when she was plotted against by the poisonous lady and got poisoned.

The fact is that Comrade Liu Xu's acting skill is at its peak, and the toxin is produced in an instant and released in his mouth.

Not to mention Caiyi, even if the moon worship comes, there is nothing special about it.

Caiyi suddenly felt extremely guilty, thinking that Liu Xu took drugs for a stranger like her, and even took a slap from her, her eyes turned red.

"Young Master, Young Master, don't want it. It's enough, it's enough."

Caiyi wanted to shake Liu Xu's head away, but Liu Xu increased his strength in an instant. She was so weak that she fell down directly.

Fortunately, Liu Xu reached out and hugged her, so she didn't fall to the ground.

Liu Xu sucked for a long time, and after he was satisfied, he slowly raised his head.

Acting has to be realistic.

Liu Xu's first words after raising his head were: "Girl, how do you feel now? Poison, toxin should be clear."

Liu Xu's face was pale, his lips were red and swollen, and he looked like a righteous gentleman who sacrificed himself for others.

Coupled with the smear of blood that appeared from the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, Caiyi's heart burst instantly.

"My lord. Why do you bother, my lord? Caiyi, Caiyi is just a stranger. You, my lord, you..."

Caiyi hugged Liu Xu tightly, tears streaming down her face.

If you are infatuated with true love, you will be wearing red makeup with colorful butterflies.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1375 This film king is not easy to be!

"Young master, this poison, this poison will kill you."

Liu Xu enjoyed it for a while, then stretched out his hand tremblingly, wiped away the teardrops from the corners of Caiyi's eyes, and said, "Caiyi, it's fine. I have a special constitution, and I have been invulnerable to all poisons since I was a child. It will heal after a while. and……"

The poison that can poison me to death has not been developed yet!

Liu Xu's eyes suddenly became gentle and sincere, and his Oscar-winning acting skills were fully displayed at this time: "Caiyi, from the first moment I saw you, I knew that I would never be able to live without you in this life." Yes. A mouthful of poison is nothing, for you, I am willing to do anything."

After speaking, Liu Xu gently stroked Caiyi's warm face.

Rubbing up and down, left and right, if it wasn't for worrying about his acting skills being exposed, Liu Xu really wanted to open his "bloody mouth" and bite it.


Why pretend to be poisoned? You should use another excuse!

Caiyi hugged Liu Xu with deep affection in her eyes.

The goblin's mind is simple. In the original book, Liu Jinyuan rescued her from the spider spirit, and she followed her life and death.

Now Liu Xu not only rescued her from the spider spirit, but also took drugs for her, endured her slap, and confessed her true love at the level of an Oscar winner.


"Young master, after Caiyi, you will belong to the young master. If the young master dies, Caiyi doesn't want to live alone. She will never leave her forever."

Caiyi looked at Liu Xu tenderly, and kissed him gently on the forehead.



The two looked at each other with deep affection.



Linger on the side suddenly called out.

"What's the matter, Linger?" Liu Xu asked quickly.

"Daddy, I, I have a stomachache."

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