"Oh, it's okay, it's normal, Linger, you should pay attention to rest."

"Got it, Daddy."



Liu Xu turned his head and found that Caiyi's tear-stained face had not yet dried up, showing a trace of suspicion.

Looking at Ling'er, who was as beautiful as a fairy, Caiyi asked softly: "Master, you, do you have a daughter?"

Liu Xu's heart clicked, thinking something was wrong.

"Young master, Caiyi knows that she is not good enough for you. Your wife must be as beautiful as a fairy to give birth to such a beautiful daughter. Caiyi, Caiyi will leave now..." Caiyi had a sad face, ready to cry.

"Caiyi, Caiyi, don't go!"

"Daddy, Linger, Linger's stomach hurts again."

"Young master, we will see you in the next life."


Liu Xu's head is getting bigger.

While coaxing Ling'er through sound transmission, he pretended to be in pain.

"Oh, Caiyi, my poison has relapsed again."


It's not easy to be an actor!

It is a headache for women to get into trouble.

Ling'er, who just got pregnant, is in an anxious period, emotionally unstable, and easily jealous.

This was something Liu Xu never expected.

Fortunately, Liu Xu's tongue is brilliant, and his deception skills are top-notch.

Finally, after a lot of effort, Liu Xu persuaded the two women.

"Caiyi, no matter how many women I have, you must be one of my favorites."

"Ling'er, you are Daddy's favorite."

"Caiyi, don't leave me."

"Ling'er, you are the closest and closest person to your father!"


Some words that seem to be extremely mentally retarded have become a big killer against women in love.

Not long after, Ling'er and Caiyi got into Liu Xu's arms happily, enjoying all kinds of sweet talk.

Women like to coax, so just coax, Liu Xu has profound experience, and he can speak even the most disgusting words.

After spending a while with Caiyi and Linger, Liu Xu relaxed his tense nerves.

If something like the harem caught fire happened, it would be a great shame to Liu Xu.

The three chatted for a while, only to hear a shocking sound coming from the forest in the distance.

A cloud of smoke rose, and the birds and beasts scattered.

It seems that Lin Yueru and Yin Li encountered a fierce battle.

"Daddy, you can go, sister Caiyi and I will get along well." Ling'er said softly.

"Brother Liu, Caiyi will take good care of Linger, don't worry." Caiyi also has the image of a good wife and mother.

Liu Xu grabbed the hands of the two beauties, folded them tightly, and said, "Well, I'm very happy that you can get along well. Remember, you must love each other, you are good sisters! Alright, I'll go Take a look over there."

After speaking, Liu Xu's figure suddenly disappeared.

"Didn't brother Liu... be poisoned?" Caiyi wondered when she saw this unfathomable Taoism.


Liu Xu's figure appeared in the forest.

Lin Yueru and Yin Li, back to back, were surrounded by a group of monsters.

The two looked around vigilantly and were on guard.

A group of monsters did not act rashly and surrounded the two girls.

Among them, there are tiger demons, mouse demons, flower demons, and so on. In front of the two women, there are more than a dozen corpses of monsters.

Lin Yueru shook her sword lightly, and exchanged glances with Yin Li.

Under the emergency, the grievances between the two women gradually disappeared, and they learned how to cooperate.

"The wind blows the dust."

The Yin Li method twisted, and a huge wind-type Taoism was thrown out. The frenzied wind raged, like trees falling and rocks flying, completely disrupting the scene.

The strong wind made all the monsters blur their vision and couldn't figure out the enemy's situation.

It's now.

Lin Yue trembled like a long sword: "Wan Jian returns to the sect... Wan Jian Jue."

Although there is no extraordinary talent and comprehension.

Lin Yueru's talent has never been as good as Yin Li's.

However, in the application of Taoism, Lin Yueru is obviously ingenious and can always play some fresh tricks.

Ten thousand swords belong to the sect, with strong control, and the sword can be turned at will, but the strength is insufficient.

Wanjian Jue is powerful, but Lin Yueru still can't fully master it, and there is still a long way to go to use it flexibly.

Therefore, Lin Yueru combined the two and used them.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1376 Ten Thousand Monsters Conference, Heavenly Sword Promise

Wan Jian returns to the sect, injures the enemy first, and delays his action; Wan Jian Jue is used immediately, with powerful strength, knocking down the enemy who cannot dodge in the future.

Yin Li, who had just finished performing the Five Spirits Immortal Technique, immediately joined Lin Yueru's ranks with sword energy.

"Thunder strikes nine days."

"Wan Jian Jue."


The two women teamed up, plus Liu Xu's improved version of Taoism, which combines the advantages of the two fairy sword worlds, ordinary monsters have no strength to resist at all.

"Everyone unite, don't be afraid, we will definitely win."

"Reinforcements are coming soon, these two girls will be in trouble soon."

"At the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference, it's not human's turn to play wild."


All the monsters resisted stubbornly, rushing up wave after wave.

Just when a demon was injured, he immediately retreated, and replaced it with another wave.

They didn't want to knock down the enemy, they just wanted to hold Lin Yueru and the two of them back, waiting for the big troops to come.

Lin Yueru and Yin Li's attack was interrupted.

The monsters rushed up one by one, the swords intersected, and the two sides began a real hand-to-hand fight.

Fortunately, the two women are quite experienced, and their close combat ability is not weak. Under the onslaught of monsters, they persevered.

Lin Yueru turned her head back and struck back another wolf demon.

Panting, she said to Yin Li: "Yin Li, although I usually don't like you, but today, I really thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on."

There seemed to be some changes on Yin Li's icy face.

The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and slowly, she smiled, and said: "I'm wrong, I've been fighting for the master's instruction, and I've been fighting with you in secret."

"You actually laughed, Yin Li, you laughed." Lin Yueru said in surprise.

Yin Li instantly recovered his original cold face, and said, "Actually, sometimes it's interesting to compete with you. If it weren't for you, master, and Ling'er, I'm afraid I would have spent the rest of my life in hatred... "

With a change in tone, Yin Li became full of confidence again, and said, "Yueru, let's deal with powerful enemies together!"

"of course."

The two daughters, Lin Yueru and Yin Li, gradually became harmonious during the fight.

Yin Li also gradually stepped out of that cold personality.

Liu Xu watched from the side, feeling that this accident was very rewarding.

The two women drove straight in, covering each other.

The coordination of moves is extremely skillful.

He even used some combination techniques and formations taught by Liu Xu.

Yin Li has a lot of miscellaneous knowledge, has a good grasp of the big move, and is responsible for the long-distance attack; Lin Yueru uses the Wanjian Guizong, and is responsible for dealing with the close-up monsters.

Sword lights shone one after another, and the monsters fell down one by one.

"Heavenly Sword Promise."

With a sharp shout, Yin Li used the strongest move taught by Liu Xu.

The long sword pointed to the sky, and the halo flowed.

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