In an instant, the sword seemed to merge with the entire sky, and a mighty aura spread from above.

This is a lore that borrows the power of heaven and earth.

Yin Li's face was pale, using this move had already exceeded her limit.

Even if it is a master of Void Return Realm, it is quite troublesome to use this trick.

With Lin Yueru's support, Yin Li's long sword slid down from the air inch by inch.

Every time one part is dropped, the momentum of the entire forest is suppressed by one part.

The sword intent seemed to run through the entire forest.

Liu Xu stood in the dark without making a move.

At this time, it is the critical juncture, and we cannot be distracted.

If Yin Li succeeds in using this trick, experiencing the mystery and artistic conception for himself will have immeasurable benefits for his future practice.

"Heavenly Sword Promise."

With another coquettish shout, Yin Li finally stabbed out the long sword.

Lin Yueru dealt with these little monsters and prevented them from getting close to Yin Li's body.

The sword light descended from the sky, getting bigger and bigger.

It was as if a huge lightsaber tens of feet long wanted to split the forest in half.

At this moment, a dull and high-pitched roar suddenly came from the depths of the forest.

The majestic aura filled the sky, and a huge blood blade swung out, colliding fiercely with this lightsaber.


"Who dares to make trouble at the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference?"

The furious sound even overshadowed the explosion.

A huge shadow flew out of the forest.

Under the sun, it was dark.

The huge body is actually like a dark cloud.

Tianjian Wuji collided with the huge blood blade, and the huge shock wave overwhelmed a large area of ​​surrounding trees.

Yin Li and Lin Yueru retreated one after another, and managed to stabilize their figures with difficulty.

The two were panting and exhausted.

What appeared in front of the two of them was a huge monster that fell from the sky.

A pair of wings, just a light flap, can cause a huge storm.

The feathers on the body, if you pull out any feather, are three to four meters long.

As long as the giant bird's claws are lightly kicked, the earth will shake and the mountains will shake, which is extremely terrifying.

Behind the giant bird, there are many monsters that are coming.

These monsters are extremely fast and strong, or they can run tens of meters with a single flick.

Each one is powerful.

"Answer me, human. Why did you come to make trouble during the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference?"

The giant bird said again, and the whistling wind blew towards Lin Yueru and Yin Li.

Before reaching the two women's side, the ground was full of dust.

Huge sound waves, deafening.

Seeing that the attack was about to fall on the two women, Liu Xu's spiritual force suddenly formed a mirror-like wall in front of the two of them.

"+1000 defense!"

The crooked, extremely ridiculous words emerged on the mirror.

However, the effect is quite significant.Be it the sonic attack of the giant bird or the hurricane, they all stopped in front of the mirror.

The giant bird's eyes widened, looking at the mirror in disbelief.

Scratching its head strangely, the giant bird was lucky and blew another hurricane.

However, it was still blocked by the mirror.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1377 Too much contempt for the demon

The giant bird hurts a bit. How can a mirror that looks very ordinary be so powerful?

"Could it be that writing a few words can increase defense?" the giant bird said to itself.

"It's a good idea! Only the words written by my uncle can have this effect!" Liu Xu's laughter came from a distance.

He came out from the darkness, moved the space under his feet, and appeared in front of Lin Yueru and Yin Li in an instant.

Liu Xu raised his head and looked at the big bird with disdain.

"Empty Light Realm is indeed very strong. However, it is still a little bit worse to be rampant in front of me."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and an invisible wave swayed, pervasive and irresistible.

A slow shock wave blasted towards the giant bird at an unreasonable speed.

It's obviously very slow, very slow, but when you want to resist, it's too late.

The reversal of fast and slow seems to contain some kind of wonderful change in space.

The giant bird didn't even have time to resist. With a muffled grunt, it was struck tens of meters away.

After rolling several times on the ground, he struggled to stand up.

"You, who are you?"

The giant bird looked at Liu Xu warily.

This master who appeared suddenly seemed to be playing cards out of common sense.

The mirror that played with it just now can see a thing or two.

The giant bird looked at Liu Xu, afraid that Liu Xu would do something crazy.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu just said "None of your business", then turned his head to condolence to the two girls, without paying attention to it at all.

Shen made a move, and Liu Xu wavered in front of the two girls who were still in shock.

"Hey, okay!"

Lin Yueru was startled, and suddenly hugged Liu Xu, and said happily, "Brother Liu, I knew it was you, and I knew you would come."

Feng Meng's figure squeezed Liu Xu, and Lin Yueru's enthusiasm made Liu Xu slightly short of breath.

Yin Li stood quietly, and whispered to Liu Xu, "Master."

Very short two words, but full of a lot of emotion.

Yin Li's eyes were not as cold as before.

Perhaps, after going through this tribulation, I figured out a lot of things.

Liu Xu nodded to the two of them, and said, "Well, you've done a good job, you've made a lot of progress in your spells, and you've learned how to cooperate. Especially you, Yin Li, when you smile, you're still very pretty."

Liu Xu praised.

Yin Lixiu blushed slightly and said, "Thank you, Master."

"However, the timing of your move of Heavenly Sword Promise just now is a bit wrong, I will explain it to you..."

In this way, Liu Xu put the giant bird aside.Talked about Taoism with Lin Yueru and Yin Li.

Talking and talking, when happy, interspersed with a few funny jokes.

All the monsters were completely excluded by Liu Xu...


All the monsters rushing over glared at each other, wishing to tear Liu Xu into pieces.

I despise the demon too much.

There are also fellow monster races lying on the ground, making them very angry.

"Asshole! Human, don't be too arrogant."


The giant bird just called out, but it was too late.

A monster whose strength can be seen and has reached the state of mind, with light shining on its sharp claws, slashed towards Liu Xu's throat.Spiritual energy diffused, accompanied by crazy roars.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Liu Xu.

Claws across...


Suddenly, the monster's right arm broke off.

It was even immersed in the thrill of piercing Liu Xu's throat. The monster did not expect that the only thing that passed Liu Xu was an arm that left his body.


All the monsters were shocked, and no one could clearly see what happened at that moment.

"Bastard ah ah ah!"

The monster held out its other hand, just raised it.

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