
There was another sound of an arm tearing.

In the blink of an eye, the monster's two arms were broken.

Also, no one knows how Liu Xu did it.

The scorching flame, which seemed to be able to burn everything, ignited from the broken arm.

The monster had just been separated from the two arms of its body, and in an instant, it was burnt to ashes.

Liu Xu flicked his finger, and a small flame continued to burst out.Before the monster could even roar, it was covered in flames.

The demon is dead, but the body is still burning.

Liu Xu deliberately intimidated all the monsters present, and continued to lengthen the process.

Looking around, all the monsters, including the huge bird, were silent and did not dare to speak.

Liu Xu nodded and said with a satisfied smile: "Now, I have a question. If you answer well, you will live; if you answer wrong, you will die."

Liu Xu's eyes flicked over the monsters one by one, and he could see the cultivation of all the monsters at a glance.

There are some mental state and void return state.

Even, this gigantic bird, which is over ten thousand years old, has reached the late stage of the Kongming Realm.

With so many powerful monsters gathered together, how strong is the cohesion?

Some hidden monsters are hard to move.

"Who initiated the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference? What is the purpose?" Liu Xu asked intently.

The giant bird was shocked, and glanced at Liu Xu with sharp eyes. Although it was very afraid of Liu Xu, there was some greater belief that supported it and resisted.

The giant bird roared to the sky, calling for its companions.

It didn't want to tell Liu Xu the answer.

Amidst the roar of the giant bird, several behemoths rushed from all over.

The unicorn that has been emitting light all the time.

The flying phoenix.

There is also a giant bear with a body like a mountain and an age of one million years.


Liu Xu did not expect that so many powerful monsters gathered in this small place.

Of course, the strongest is no more than the peak of the Kongming Realm.

However, with so many monsters gathered together, their power is simply terrifying.

"I'm afraid, it's the power of all the monsters in the whole world." Liu Xu thought to himself.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

It's Chapter 1378 Nuwa's dream, wishful thinking

Looking at all the monsters coming from all over the sky, Liu Xu took a closer look and fixed his eyes on the unicorn and phoenix.

If the guess is correct, this phoenix should be the elder of Qing'er's phoenix!

And this unicorn also appeared in the Nuwa Temple in the original book.

They are all related to Nuwa.

"I see, but how did she communicate with these guys?" Liu Xu thought to himself.

The unicorn running in the air looked at Liu Xu from afar, and suddenly his eyes froze, and his pupils shrank sharply: "It's the leader of the Rising Sun Sect."

With a sharp roar, he turned around and wanted to run away.

Hearing Qilin's roar, all the monsters were also startled.

Who doesn't know the reputation of the leader of the Rising Sun Cult?

They are all people who have experienced the great changes of the moon in those years. They have "witnessed" the myth of "splitting" half of the moon with a sword.

How can such a person be against him?

They don't want to give in, but that doesn't mean they are willing to die.

Immediately, all the monsters who were about to do a big fight just now were discouraged, and they frantically pumped up their strength one by one, preparing to escape.

Those flying, escaping, and diving all made the best preparations in an instant.

That giant bird was also preparing to escape in the shortest possible time.

"No one wants to run away." Liu Xu said softly.

The voice fell, and one after another mental power intertwined.

The entire vast space froze in an instant, as if bound by some invisible force, and it was difficult for everything to move.

All the monsters couldn't move.

Liu Xu, whose strength has long surpassed this world, has already been able to initially use a little power of the world.

Although, not even one percent.

However, things like freezing space can still be done.

Looking at the unicorn in the sky, Liu Xu didn't even look at it. He stretched out his hand and a ray of light rushed up, symbolizing the auspicious and auspicious unicorn.

Under Liu Xu's attack, they didn't even have the strength to resist, and they were instantly wiped out.

"Phoenix or something, go too, I don't like this."

Liu Xu waved his hand again, and the phoenix that was frozen by the space just after running a few steps also dissipated.

In the distorted space, even slag can't be found.

Liu Xu turned his head and looked at the thousands of monsters, big and small, smiling meaningfully.

"You guys are really courageous!" Liu Xu said softly.

It was a very soft voice, but it was like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of all monsters.

"My lord, my lord, I'll recruit, I'll recruit all of them. It's Nuwa! It's Empress Nuwa who asked us to do this. The Ten Thousand Monsters Conference is to deal with the Rising Sun Sect. My lord, please forgive me, please forgive me."

A slightly weaker monster finally couldn't bear this terrifying scene, and immediately confessed everything.

The two extremely powerful existences in his opinion disappeared in an instant.

This kind of opponent can only be described as invincible.

Even the god-like Nuwa Empress in his heart couldn't believe it.

"Bastard, how dare you betray Empress Nuwa?"

"My lord, I recruited too."

"Damn it, you traitors, Empress Nuwa won't let you go."

"The Rising Sun Cult will perish sooner or later."



Liu Xu listened to various news, but he was still not at ease.

It's better to get the news in person.

The power of the world shook.

Liu Xu used his huge mental power to wrap the monsters layer by layer.

A series of spiritual forces penetrated into their hearts and souls, and carefully explored them.

Liu Xu disliked things like probing people's hearts.

However, at critical moments, you still have to do it.

Everything about all the monsters was clearly displayed in front of Liu Xu.

The curse and fear of Liu Xu, the worship of Nuwa, and so on.

Liu Xu finally knew how Nu Wa did this.


Nuwa actually used the trick of dreaming.

Through dreams, communicate with these guys.

Although this trick to entrust dreams is a bit strange, it doesn't look like the Taoism of this world, so the number is also limited.

To this day, Nu Wa has only summoned a group of monsters with the highest strength.

However, it is not easy to hide from one's own perception.

Liu Xu has some new guesses about this strange trick and Nuwa's whereabouts...

"But Nuwa, you still lost." Liu Xu laughed.

The Rising Sun Sect's development has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is wishful thinking to want to eradicate it.

Only monsters don't really believe in the Rising Sun Sect, which is why Nuwa didn't entrust dreams to those humans.

With the help of powerful monsters, against the Sun Cult?

It sounds like there is still some feasibility.

The people I created were fooled, and Nuwa must have been suffocated.

Therefore, there is a series of plans in the future.

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