It's a pity that Liu Xu's strength exceeded Nuwa's expectations, even if Nuwa's plan succeeded, it was useless.

What's more, Liu Xu has seen through the plan now.

"Yin Li, get ready! Let's go to Mount Shu in a few days and meet that sword master." Liu Xu said with a smile.

At the same time, the mental power spread one after another, tampering with the memories of all the monsters.

"Loyal to the Rising Sun Cult."

"Loyal to Liu Xu."

"We have to pretend to be on Nuwa's side and provide accurate information to God Envoy."

"The Rising Sun Cult is immortal."


It is indeed useful to use spiritual power to seal the connection between Nuwa Temple and the dream world of the outside world.

However, it was obvious that he had fallen behind, and he was stunned.

Only by drawing Nuwa out can the next step be performed.

These monsters are a good bait.

Worship the moon, Li Xiaoyao, all of them.

Compared with monster bait, the latter two are much more effective.

"Don't let me down!"

Liu Xu wanted to see if Nuwa was really what he thought.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1379 Rising Sun Leader, Ruler of the World

"Let's go, don't hold that bullshit conference, and follow my orders at any time." Liu Xu waved his hand.

"Obey, Master." The demons had a completely different attitude from before, and they took Liu Xu as their master in the blink of an eye, bowed down repeatedly, and left.

The entire forest has returned to a peaceful appearance.

Liu Xu looked at the high sky, and the fighting spirit in his heart gradually burned.

Nu Wa, may have really made a breakthrough.

Such a Nuwa is worth fighting for herself.

Turning around, she found that Lin Yueru was looking at herself in surprise.

Liu Xu twisted Lin Yueru's face, and said with a smile, "Why, I have flowers on my face?"

Lin Yueru was taken aback, and quickly said: "No, no, no. Brother Liu, are you really, really, that leader?"

After finishing speaking, he looked Liu Xu up and down in disbelief.

Qilin's roar just now exposed Liu Xu's identity.

Lin Yueru and Yin Li finally knew that Liu Xu still had such a huge identity.

The leader of the Rising Sun Cult.

This is almost equivalent to the identity of the world master.

Everything in the entire world is operating under the control of the Rising Sun Sect.

No one can escape.

However, this news was too shocking, especially Lin Yueru, who hadn't reacted yet.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Why do you show such an expression? I'm so handsome, so I'm not suitable to be the leader? Yueru, you should show a regretful expression, 'Brother Liu is only the leader', so it's plausible Well!"

Lin Yueru laughed out loud.

Finally, let go of all the worries in my heart.

"That's fine. I used to worry that the leader is an old man! If I knew that you were the leader, brother Liu, I wouldn't quarrel with the old man surnamed Lin, and just marry..."

Lin Yueruxiu's face was flushed, and she suddenly stopped talking halfway through.

Lin Tiannan hoped that his daughter would serve God Envoy all day long.

Lin Yueru resisted again and again, and finally ran away from home.

Who would have thought that Liu Xu was the "elderly leader" that Lin Yueru had always imagined.

This dramatic journey made Lin Yueru feel an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

It seems that the men and women in those love stories always meet by such a coincidence...

"Maybe after many years, the story between the two of us will still be a good story!" Liu Xu said with a smile.

Lin Yueru blushed, it was the first time that the delicate young lady showed such a shy expression.


Lin Yueru still had the courage to nod her head.

Yin Li on the side also smiled quietly, a smile like melting ice and snow, rising from the corner of her mouth.

Witnessing a legendary love, something seemed to loosen slowly in Yin Li's heart.

Thinking of Liu Xuri's teaching day after day, the little things between the two of them.

In Yin Li's heart, a strange feeling was spreading.

"Let's go, meet Ling'er! In a few days, we'll go to Shushan."

Liu Xu took a beautiful woman by the hand and walked towards the distance...


Linger, Lin Yueru, Yinli, Caiyi.

Accompanied by the four beauties, Liu Xu's life is becoming more and more moist.

Ling'er, Lin Yueru, and Caiyi, the three beauties, have all been taken down.

The remaining Yin Li, according to Liu Xu's experience in picking up girls, should also respect and love him. Although it is very weak, he still cannot escape his grasp.

Liu Xu's unique skill of picking up girls has been practiced countless times!

Live comfortably and freely.

The five stayed at Liu Jinyuan's house for some time. Liu Xu's identity as the leader and Liu Jinyuan's family as high-level members of the Rising Sun Sect were all clear. Naturally, the service was thoughtful and smooth, without any mistakes.

After resting for a period of time, after the relationship between Caiyi and Lin Yueru was completely consolidated, and at the same time, Yin Li's cultivation level was also slightly improved, Liu Xu set off again with a few people.

Go to Shushan to visit the mountains and rivers, and by the way, to avenge Yin Li.

In the past few days, Yin Li seemed to be thinking about her life experience and her mother who died early, and her mood dropped a lot, and she regained that cold face.

This made Brother Liu Xu more determined to kill the Juggernaut.

Of course, it is best to let Yin Li solve it himself.

This is the best way to solve heart disease.

As for whether Yin Li would feel guilty, Liu Xu didn't think so.

The Tao of the sword master, to put it bluntly, is to rule by doing nothing, giving up everything, and is no different from a heartless person.

It would be strange if Yin Li was soft-hearted at that time!


Several people chatted and laughed all the way, and in a blink of an eye they came to the foot of Shu Mountain.

The majestic and majestic Mount Shu reaches straight into the sky.

Compared with the last time Liu Xu came to "borrow" books, the current Shushan Mountain has withered a lot.

The rise of the Rising Sun Sect also means the decline of other sects.

Shushan is going downhill.

The green green trees swayed slowly under the breeze.

In the shadow of the tree, several figures walked out slowly. Liu Xu glanced at them and recognized them immediately.

Li Xiaoyao, Wang Xiaohu, and... Tang Yu who knew him but didn't know him.

"Haha, what a coincidence, you guys are going to Mount Shu too!" Li Xiaoyao said with a smile, glanced at Liu Xu, and quickly shrank back.For Liu Xu, he was obviously a little afraid.

"What a coincidence? You also went to Mount Shu?" Liu Xu asked.

"Yeah, we've been here for a few days..." Tang Yu just said halfway, but Wang Xiaohu immediately covered his mouth and corrected him: "We just arrived, and we happened to meet you, it's just a coincidence."

After speaking, he smiled mischievously.

Wang Xiaohu also heard about Liu Xu's horror from Li Xiaoyao.

Tang Yu, a papaya, can't even lie.

If it wasn't for Li Xiaoyao's good relationship with him, Wang Xiaohu would really be too lazy to talk to him.

"Well, then, let's go to Mount Shu together!" Liu Xu said.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1380 In order to avenge his mother, he went to Mount Shu

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