Li Xiaoyao and the others looked at each other, and looked at Liu Xu suspiciously, as if they still couldn't believe it.

They even thought of many reasons and excuses, and were going to let Liu Xu take a few people up the mountain.

Didn't expect Liu Xu to be so generous and let them go together?

"There is a conspiracy!"

"To go or not to go?"

"No, for the sake of the common people in the world, we must go."

The three chattered for a while, and finally came to an agreement.

"Let's go to Mount Shu."


In this way, Liu Xu took everyone up to Mount Shu.

On the Shu Mountain, there is a strict guard.

As the backbone of monks resisting all kinds of demons and ghosts, and the lock tower where countless demons are imprisoned, the security of Shushan is extremely strict [-] hours a day.

Walking up the mountain road, not long after, several guarded disciples spotted Liu Xu and the others.

Dressed in white, wearing swords, a dozen or so disciples stood in front of him. An older disciple who was in charge came out, clasped his fists and asked, "Shushan disciple Jian Wuji, I have met you all. I don't know what is the matter for you to come to Shushan? I will guide you the way." .”

Liu Xu looked at everyone and nodded with satisfaction.

With self-restraint and good cultivation, he is worthy of being a disciple of the sect.

Glancing at Yin Li who was beside him, Yin Li walked out, and said coldly: "Tell Yin Ruozhuo to come out, just say, the revenge is coming."

While Yin Li was speaking, murderous aura poured out uncontrollably.

The surrounding vegetation trembled.

The hatred that has been suppressed for more than ten years can't be stopped once it breaks out.

Several Shushan disciples were taken aback, looking at Yin Li in front of them, a little inconceivable.

Yin Ruozhuo was the name of the head of the Shushan sect before he became a monk, and few people knew it.

This woman just knew it, but she actually said that she wanted to seek revenge from the head of Shushan?

The leading Shushan disciple glanced at Yin Li, and said, "Brother, the Yin you are talking about... Ruozhuo, is..."

"It's your head." Yin Li said coldly.



"Shushan can't tolerate your rampage!"


Several Shushan disciples immediately drew their swords and pointed at Yin Li one by one, with murderous intent and raised eyebrows.

The prestige of the Juggernaut is not only famous in Shushan, but also in the entire comprehension world.

The Juggernaut in the eyes of Shushan disciples is the strongest and greatest existence, how can he allow others to provoke him?

And it's ridiculous to say revenge.

"Brother, Shushan didn't ask you to make trouble for no reason. If you come to make trouble, we..."

"It's useless to talk too much."

A brilliant sword light bloomed in Yin Li's hands.

One sword into two swords, two swords into four swords, four swords into eight swords...

In an instant, hundreds of sword lights shot out from Yin Li's hands, like flying meteors, attacking more than ten Shushan disciples at the same time.

Several disciples stared wide-eyed, unable to believe it.

The swordsmanship of the man in front of him is clearly Shushan's swordsmanship.

More than a dozen disciples drew their swords one after another, and also used Shushan's swordsmanship.

Formation and footwork that cooperate with each other.

One after another sword lights intertwined, forming a huge sword net.

The sword array in Shushan is famous all over the world.

More than a dozen Shushan disciples work together, which is equivalent to a good master.

Yin Li swung his long sword, and couldn't help frowning, thinking to himself: "Why are there so many flaws?"

What she practiced was Shushan Taoism improved by Liu Xu, a peerless master. Compared with the original version, it is naturally much better.

Seeing the sword array used by the opponent, it is far from the almost seamless moves that I usually come into contact with.

With doubts in his belly, Yin Li's sword stabbed out quickly.

In Yin Li's eyes, the sword formation of Shushan disciples was full of flaws.

Every sword of Yin Li landed on the weakest part of the sword net. Before the sword array of more than ten disciples had time to show their power, Yin Li smashed it cleanly.

"Clang clang clang..."

Fierce sounds of sword strikes exploded between the two sides.

A flash of thunder flashed on Yin Li's sword, and he used the lightning-type fairy art among the five spirit fairy arts.

Shushan swordsmanship and Wulingxianshu are used together to achieve twice the result with half the effort.


Rays of thunder light were dazzling and grand, under the stimulation of thunder and lightning, everyone's arms were slightly numb.

Coupled with the dazzling light, the eyes can't see clearly in an instant.

Yin Li seized the momentary gap, and the long sword swiped across the wrists of more than ten people one by one like a dragonfly on water.

Blood splashed one after another, and more than a dozen people lost their weapons in an instant.

With a backhand palm, a strong wind howled in Yin Li's hand, knocking out more than a dozen people.

More than a dozen Shushan disciples were defeated in an instant.

But Yin Li only used the most basic Shushan swordsmanship, and the most basic five-spirit immortality technique.

At the smallest cost, to achieve the greatest results, pay attention to the way of fighting, rather than blindly reckless.

This is also what Yin Li learned from Liu Xu during many days of study.

More than a dozen Shushan disciples fell to the ground, struggling to look at Yin Li, and said, "Who is your Excellency? How can I know Shushan swordsmanship? Is the theft of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion related to you?"

Yin Li glanced at everyone coldly, and continued walking up the mountain.

"Stop! Don't even think about taking a step closer to Shushan."

A Shushan disciple struggled to get up, and stabbed Yin Li with a sword.

Yin Li's jade hand flicked lightly in the air, and a water-like trace rippled out. The water-type fairy art restrained the disciple.

Glancing at him indifferently, Yin Li said, "I'm here to kill Yin Ruozhuo, I don't want to do more evil."

After finishing speaking, Yin Li continued to walk up the mountain.

On the shiny sword, the murderous aura gradually increased.

Yin Li walked towards the top of the mountain step by step.

"Daddy, is elder sister Yinli alright?" Linger asked worriedly, tugging on Liu Xu's sleeve.

"It seems that there is something wrong now, but if you kill the Juggernaut, you will be fine." Liu Xu looked at Ling'er's lower abdomen, "Ling'er, don't worry, just take care of yourself." Ling'er blushed and nodded slightly .

A touch of women's style is intoxicating.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1381 Swords swinging the world, making an appointment to fight the master

Several people immediately followed Yin Li.

The Shushan disciples who came to the end yelled and shouted, but unfortunately it didn't help the matter.

Several Shushan disciples knew that they couldn't stop Yin Li.

What's more, Yin Li was not the only one who came.

Immediately, one of them took out a tube-shaped thing from his bosom, input the aura, and a silver light rushed high into the sky, which could be seen from the entire Shu Mountain.


The signal bomb exploded, and a huge colorful flower bloomed in the air, staying for a long time.

The quiet Shu Mountain suddenly became restless.

There was a rustling sound in the bushes on the mountain.

Streams of light appeared in the distant sky and rushed here quickly.

And above Shushan, the sound of dull footsteps spread to the middle of the mountain.

The entire Shu Mountain was put on emergency alert.

"I didn't expect that Shushan's signal flares were hidden." Liu Xu complained.

"Daddy, what are fireworks?"

"Well, fireworks, it's... this one!"

Liu Xu demonstrated it to Ling'er, stretched out his hand and flicked it, and the aura turned into streamers of light, exploding one after another over Shushan Mountain.

Amidst the sound of the explosion, the movement of Shushan seemed to grow louder.

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