Besides, after a series of ideas, Liu Xu had already thought of a dozen ways to kill the Sword Master without Yin Li's knowledge.

These are just in case, in the competition three days later, Yin Li will undoubtedly win.

"Okay, do you remember these?"

"Well, I see, master."

Yin Li spoke earnestly, digesting the secret method that Liu Xu taught temporarily.

Liu Xu looked at Yin Li's exquisite face, suddenly thought about it, and said, "Yin Li, actually when you compete with the Sword Master, you should be wearing women's clothing."

Yin Li raised his head in surprise: "Women's clothing?"

From childhood to adulthood, Yin Li hardly wore women's clothing.

Liu Xu suddenly said such a sentence, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Liu Xu continued: "Think about it, if you wear women's clothing, you will be a weak female image. Although the sword master knows that you are a woman disguised as a man, you are still a man after all. If you wear women's clothing, maybe the sword When Sheng is fighting, he has scruples, a delicate woman, or his own daughter, who has the heart to hurt her?"

Yin Li nodded and said, "It seems so."

"Yeah, this way, your chances of winning will increase again." Liu Xu's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to see Yin Li in women's clothing.

Yin Li thought about it, but failed to see through Liu Xu's plot.

Now, the only purpose in her heart is to kill Yin Ruozhuo.

As long as you can increase your winning rate a little bit, you must strive for it.

A few touches of blush appeared on his face, Yin Li whispered: "Master, I, I don't have women's clothes."

Liu Xu suddenly revealed the tail of the big bad wolf.

As soon as I stretched out my hand, dozens of colorful clothes appeared.

Various styles, various colors.

"She is obviously a beautiful woman, but she wants to disguise herself as a man."

Liu Xu thought about the time when Yin Li wore women's clothing, but it was a long time ago.

Unexpectedly, this time it actually came true when Yin Li took revenge.

"Yin Li, try slowly first, I'll go out and wait, let me know when it's done, and I'll check it out for you."

After speaking, Liu Xu walked out in a very gentlemanly manner.

After closing the door, Liu Xu stood at the door, looking up at the sky.

Well, although Liu Xu was looking at the sky, he was actually hallucinating.

Ling'er, Anu, Yueru, Caiyi, and Yinli.

Five beautiful and glamorous women dangled in the air, and they were so heart-wrenching.

"Icy Yin Li, if she wears women's clothes, she should be the type of ice beauty!" Liu Xu thought.

I stared at the sky in a daze for a while, but there was still no sound inside.

After about half a stick of incense, a voice as thin as a mosquito groaning came from inside: "Master, how do you wear this?"

Liu Xu was stunned.

your sister!No!

Liu Xu just wanted to see Yin Li's appearance in women's clothing, but now it seems that the development is too fast.

"Yin Li, do you want me to help you?" Liu Xu swallowed, and whispered.

Yin Li in the room was quiet for a while, then whispered: "Yes."

Liu Xu calmed down and analyzed slowly.

Does this good disciple have some deep meaning when he says that?


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1383 Dual Cultivation Technique, Demon Locking Tower

Normally speaking, girls are thin-skinned, and certain words are hidden in some suggestive nature.

This is like letting a boy stay at home, which actually has a different meaning; or asking someone to bring a towel when taking a bath is also a kind of dating; and...

Yin Li's "Yes" may be a disguised promise to other things!

Liu Xu nodded secretly.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu's true qi circulated, and the yang qi in his body swelled to an extreme in an instant.

To be fully prepared for exercise is what a strong man must have.

"Disciple, don't worry, the teacher is here."

Liu Xu creaked, pushed the door open, and his eyes straightened.

Yin Li's snow-white clothes were as cold as a snow lotus.

Her skin was as fine as snow, delicate and smooth, and her beautiful eyes were like a pool of clear water, looking at Liu Xu quietly.

Yin Li has a good figure, which seems to be due to years of martial arts practice, full of resilience.

From her snow-white neck, a crystal necklace hung down, illuminating her coldly, making her extremely moving.

Yin Li held a hairpin on his jade-white fingers.

"Master, how do you go through this?"

Yin Li looked at Liu Xu, took this strange hairpin, and tried it on his head several times, but it didn't penetrate into his hair, and it slipped off gently.

"Ahem, Yin Li, this hairpin is not worn through the hair, but used like this..." Liu Xu dressed up Yin Li, his old face flushed, and he thought: "So it's not for wearing clothes! Really, hey ..."

Liu Xu's heart suddenly fell from the peak to the bottom of the valley.

Fortunately, Yin Li's women's clothing is really beautiful, which is a feast for the eyes.

Liu Xu was also dazed by lust before, but now that he thinks about it, it's really illogical.

Yin Li and himself haven't even decided on a simple love relationship, so how could they go straight to that step!

"Yes. Disciple, your women's attire is quite beautiful." Liu Xu praised.

Putting on that silver hairpin, Yin Li's whole demeanor became more cool and quiet.

Liu Xu looked up and down, and nodded secretly.

She is almost as beautiful as Lin Yueru.

Yin Li, who was wearing women's clothes, was cold and quiet, which made Liu Xu feel a little bit of blasphemy.

"Apprentice, in fact, there is another way to be a teacher, which can increase your winning rate." Liu Xu said solemnly.

"Master!" Under Yin Li's excitement, his cold demeanor faded by three points.

"This is a profound skill that requires two people to practice. It can improve your cultivation in a very short period of time."

"Ask the master to teach the disciples."

"Ahem, don't be so divided. This exercise is very simple. People in the world call it dual cultivation, and it requires two men and women to practice..."

So, with infinite gratitude to Liu Xu, Yin Li started a new practice...


It was already late at night when he came out of Yin Li's room.

The little girl is too delicate, but fortunately, Liu Xu's double cultivation technique is extremely powerful, and it abruptly raised Yin Li's cultivation level from the mind-opening state to the void-returning state.

Moreover, it is still in the middle stage of Void Return Realm.

Time is precious, so Liu Xu decided to continue working hard in the next few days to raise Yin Li's cultivation to the peak of the Void Returning Realm.

As for the emptiness state, it needs her own efforts.

Liu Xu would not adopt the method of squeezing seedlings to encourage them to grow.

The rest of the girls had already fallen asleep, so Liu Xu left the guest room and started his late-night actions...

Exercising the invisibility technique, Liu Xu walked slowly in the courtyard and came under a high tower.

The tower is [-] meters high and exudes a gloomy atmosphere.

Liu Xu listened carefully to the roars of countless wraiths and monsters, and they all entered his ears one by one.

This tower is the Demon Locking Tower.

However, Liu Xu did not enter in a hurry, but waited in front of the Demon Locking Tower.

The two little Taoist priests at the door were on full alert, but Liu Xu, who had performed the invisibility technique, was standing in front of him, so they couldn't find it at all.

Liu Xu just swaggered and sat down in front of the Demon Suo Tower, admiring the night sky and the scenery of Mount Shu.

After about half an hour, Liu Xu waited for his guests.

The three of them tiptoed through the darkness.

"Hey, Xiaoyao, slow down, wait for me."

"Little Tiger, shh..."




Li Xiaoyao, Wang Xiaohu, and Tang Yu quietly came to the Demon Suo Tower.

The Juggernaut wants to use Li Xiaoyao's hand to free Jiang Ming. Tonight, the guards at the Demon Locking Tower are relatively relaxed.

Even the two disciples guarding the Demon Locking Pagoda have mediocre cultivation.

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