"Look at me."

Li Xiaoyao quickly ejected two small stones and hit the backs of the heads of the two disciples.

Two Shushan disciples fainted to the ground, and the three quickly rushed up and got into the Demon Locking Tower.


"They went in."

In a certain ancestral hall in Shushan, a man carrying a gourd said.

Dressed casually, with two swords behind his back, this man is none other than Jiu Jianxian.

"Just go in. Although Li Xiaoyao has entered the Moon Worship Sect, his nature is not bad. If he is trained, he will become a great weapon. This time, Senior Brother Jiang Ming, he will be released!" said the sword master. .

Li Xiaoyao and the others thought they were invisible, but they didn't know that all their actions were clearly controlled by others.

In front of Juggernaut and Jiu Jianxian, there is a light curtain, like a movie, playing the situation of Li Xiaoyao and three people in the demon lock tower in front of them.

"Brother, look at the ground, why are there four pairs of footprints?" Jiu Jianxian suddenly discovered something, pointing to the floor in the light curtain and asked.

At the entrance of the Demon Locking Tower, the dust accumulated over the years was very deep.

As long as people step on it, they will leave deep footprints.

Although Liu Xu used the invisibility technique, the footprints remained.

The Juggernaut's eyebrows frowned suddenly.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1384 The Essence of a Cult, Awakening

The footprints that appeared at an unknown time penetrated quickly, reaching the depths of the Demon Locking Tower.

The Juggernaut wanted to investigate again, but found that the footprint had disappeared in a clean and spacious place.

After thinking about it, the Juggernaut frowned and said, "This footprint seems to have just appeared. At most, it was only three days. How did it get in? It's strange..."

Thinking of the result of his deduction, the Juggernaut felt uneasy.

Most of the previous calculations have been smooth sailing.

But this time, it seemed to be covered by something, as if something unpredictable blocked everything.

The only thing that can be counted is that there will be great changes in the Demon Locking Tower.

Even a little more, there is no clue.

"Junior brother, this time, please go in." The sword master suddenly said cautiously.

Jiu Jianxian waved his hand and said: "No problem, senior brother. My Dionysian Curse has just been completed, and I am looking for someone to try it!"

"Junior brother..."

"...Thousand cups of wine can't make you drunk, but I am the sword fairy."

Before he finished speaking, the figure of Jiu Jianxian suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a series of echoes.

Even the Juggernaut couldn't find him.

Looking at the light curtain in front of him, the Juggernaut took a deep breath to calm down.

"Junior Brother, be careful."


Li Xiaoyao, Wang Xiaohu, Tang Yu.

Two are from the Moon Worship Sect, and one is from the hostile forces of the Moon Worship Sect...the adopted son of Elder Shi.

The three of them were walking cautiously in the Demon Locking Tower.

The three got together not because of any interests, but because of the same dream.

Not being acquainted with each other is the way they got acquainted, but the dream in their hearts is the strong bond that binds several people together.

"Tang Yu, Xiaohu, block these monsters for me."

Li Xiaoyao said cautiously.

"no problem."

"Give it to me."

One by one, monsters with teeth and claws spread over, Wang Xiaohu and Tang Yu drew their swords and went up.

"Flying star."

A gorgeous five-pointed star formed in front of Tang Yu's eyes.

The stars are dazzling, and the brilliance is shining.

Tang Yu's long sword was tapped lightly, and he retreated forward abruptly.

All the little monsters retreated one after another under this move.

"Ranjian dance."

Wang Xiaohu's sword was shining. Although his kung fu was not taught by Baiyue himself, Li Xiaoyao often taught him various spells after Baiyue taught him. Wang Xiaohu's cultivation was also not bad.

A streak of sword light forced back a large group of monsters again.

Li Xiaoyao held his breath and took out something from his bosom.

This is an iron plate with strange formations engraved on it.

Li Xiaoyao drew up his spirit energy and slowly carved on this formation.

Follow the strange lines, one by one, to stimulate its hidden power.

This formation, even worshiping the moon, took nearly a year to complete.

Put the formation on the iron plate, as long as there is external force to stimulate it, it can appear again.

Li Xiaoyao received the instruction from worshiping the moon to set up such formations on every floor of the Demon Locking Tower.

This formation is...

"It's done." Li Xiaoyao shouted.

Tang Yu and Wang Xiaohu in front stopped attacking at the same time.

A silver formation emerged from Li Xiaoyao's hand and flew in front of the three of them.

Countless monsters rushed forward bravely, but the moment they encountered this formation, they suddenly disappeared.

The distortion of space sent these monsters to other places.

One after another, monsters escaped from the demon lock tower.

After knowing what kind of formation it was, all the monsters on the whole floor boiled up and swarmed towards it.

Most of the monsters on this floor were transferred in the blink of an eye.

"Xiaoyao, tell me, will we succeed this time?" Tang Yu said looking at the scene in front of him.

Wang Xiaohu also looked worried.

"Yes, I will." Li Xiaoyao said, and turned to laughing and scolding: "This hero has deceived even the master. If he doesn't succeed, his work will be in vain."

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Li Xiaoyao's eyes were misty, and he remembered many things...

A long time ago, Li Xiaoyao was a very simple person.

Loyal to the moon worship, loyal to the master.

In order to develop the Moon Worship Sect and eradicate the Rising Sun Sect, Li Xiaoyao has done many great things.

And, always be proud of who you are.


With the increase of experience, Li Xiaoyao gradually realized something was wrong.

It seems that what the Moon Worship Sect does is the same as what the Rising Sun Sect does.

They are all preaching teachings, they are constantly exaggerating the ability of the leader, they are promulgating various dogmas, and they are all fighting back against each other...

The master said that the Rising Sun Sect is a cult, so isn't the Moon Worship Sect also...

When Li Xiaoyao came up with this idea, he was very shocked.

He even felt that his master, who was so kind to him, would not do this.

Then I traveled around and met many people.

Li Xiaoyao is also growing gradually in this process.

He also finally knew that the Rising Sun Sect and the Moon Worship Sect are essentially the same.

They are all cults that fool the people.

Li Xiaoyao, who has been struggling, doesn't know what to do.

The teacher's kindness to him is as great as a mountain, but he can't do things against his conscience.

Tangled, hesitant, and confused, until one night, in a dream, Li Xiaoyao was inspired by a legendary god...

The legendary Nuwa Empress, who made people out of clay, personally instructed him in her dream.

And, taught Li Xiaoyao how to deal with it.

How to save the common people in the world.

Li Xiaoyao suddenly woke up.

"Master, I will never forget your kindness of rebuilding." Li Xiaoyao looked at the monsters pouring into the teleportation formation in front of him, and murmured: "But right now, I have more important things to do."

The last monster got into the teleportation formation, and the entire first floor of the lock monster tower was empty.

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