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Chapter 1385 Doing all the tricks, the best among ghosts

Li Xiaoyao pulled out the sword behind him, the light of the sword was shining, and it fell with a clang, splitting the iron plate that Bai Yue gave him in two.

The clanging sound echoed in the tower, just like Li Xiaoyao's firm determination.

The teleportation formation that was originally used to teleport all monsters on the ninth floor was abolished.

Li Xiaoyao only sent the monsters on one level.

Baiyue gave Li Xiaoyao instructions to guide all the monsters in the Monster Locking Tower into this random teleportation formation.

Then, wreak havoc on the entire land.

The monsters all over the place, even the Rising Sun Sect, may not be able to handle it in Baiyue's view.

When the time comes, believers will be killed by monsters, but the Rising Sun Cult cannot solve it in time.

The majesty of the Rising Sun Sect will definitely drop, and it is time for the Moon Worship Sect to rise up.

Coupled with Baiyue's long-prepared ultimate move, Baiyue believes that it will succeed.

And Li Xiaoyao now, in order to hide Baiyue, only sent a layer of monsters.

The rest, according to Nuwa's instructions, will become the nourishment for saving the world and the descending of the gods.

Baiyue would never have thought that his apprentice had already betrayed him.

To say that the only remaining common goal is to destroy the Rising Sun Cult...

"Little Tiger, Ah Qi, let's go!"

"Okay, Happy."

The three of them moved forward all the way, opened the door in front, and entered the lower floor of the Suoyao Tower...


A long time after the three left, a figure slowly emerged.

Feeling that there was no Juggernaut watching outside, Liu Xu finally appeared in relief.

Looking around, Liu Xu said to himself: "This formation is not bad!"

The mental power fluctuated, and the mental power followed the fluctuations in the space, and instantly detected the location of all the monsters.

Scattered all over the world.

The guy worshiping the moon is really boring.

These monsters who have just escaped from the Demon Locking Tower are full of resentment, and after they go out, they will definitely hurt people wantonly.

This, Bai Yue guessed right.

However, what Baiyue didn't expect was that if Liu Xu wanted to deal with these monsters, it would only be a matter of one thought, and it would not be a problem at all.

More importantly, these monsters can also be used by Liu Xu.

Bless the moon, miscalculated again.

Instantly capturing the high-level members of the Rising Sun Sect and the monsters from the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference that he subdued, Liu Xu said via voice transmission:

"Remember, those monsters that have been raging recently, let them go crazy! How to kill people, don't worry about it. After half a month, I will solve it myself."

"In addition, send me someone to disguise as a monster, and those in the dungeon of the Rising Sun Cult, and release them all. Help them."

"The one who leaks the secret will die, the one who disobeys the order will die. The one who hesitates will die!"


Liu Xu's orders were passed on continuously through these high-level officials.

The entire Rising Sun Church, like a rigorous machine, has been running rapidly since then.

And, those giants with aloof identities among the demon clan are also conveying orders.

The monsters who escaped from the lock monster tower will wantonly harm humans.

Liu Xu, if these monsters were dealt with from the very beginning, at most the believers would spread the word, and there would be little change in terms of the power of faith.

However, when everyone fell into howling, pain, and even despair, Liu Xu appeared again as a savior to save the people.

At that time, everyone was grateful to Liu Xu and admired him immensely. The faith he gained would be immeasurable.

The calculation of worshiping the moon, on the contrary, provided Liu Xu with a good idea, a method to speed up his practice.

"Da da da……"

The sound of footsteps interrupted Liu Xu's obsession.

Liu Xu was thinking about how many times the power of faith he could gain, when he was suddenly interrupted.

I was wondering who it was!

A sneak peek at the spirit power revealed that it was the Sword Immortal of Wine.

Compared with the last time we met, Jiu Jianxian's cultivation has improved again, and he has actually reached the peak of the Kongming Realm.

Compared with worshiping the moon, it is also stronger.

Liu Xu couldn't help but lamented his own strength. It was really unexpected that a casual Unfeeling Gu had created a great master.

"Forget it, as long as it doesn't get in the way of me, let him go!"

Liu Xu said to himself, the spiritual power radiated everywhere, spreading everywhere in the Demon Locking Tower.

The entire Demon Locking Tower is under the strict surveillance of Liu Xu.

Liu Xu looked somewhere, as if he had passed through layers of walls.

He raised his foot and stepped out...

The space twisted, and Liu Xu arrived at the eighth floor of the Demon Locking Tower in an instant.

A delicate young girl, beautiful as a flower, with a charming dimple, was shocked by the sudden appearance of Liu Xu.

The girl's eyes are lively and energetic, and her figure is uneven.

However, it is a pity that she has no physical body and is in a state of soul.

"Are you..." the girl looked at Liu Xu with piercing eyes and asked.

Her breasts were heaving up and down, a little frightened, apparently startled by Liu Xu's sudden appearance.

Liu Xu secretly scolded himself for being reckless, and quickly showed a kind smile, trying not to scare the little girl.

At the same time, at some point, a folding fan appeared in his hand, and he fanned it gently.

He is personable and heroic.

Liu Xu's superficial articles have done enough.

Liu Xu said politely: "I, Liu Xu, come to visit the beautiful scenery of Suoyao Tower. Girl, you and I met by fate, and it is also a fate. Can you tell me your name?"

While talking, Liu Xu looked at the girl's figure.

Although it is a ghost, but the level of beauty is the best among ghosts.The jade legs are long and narrow, flexible and powerful; the willow waist is slender, giving people a sense of fragility, and the tall moon breasts stop. Although they are in the state of a soul, Liu Xu still can't help it, and wants to grab a handful.

The most attractive thing is the girl's eyes, which are lively and energetic, like stars in the dark night, full of spirituality, and there seems to be a touch of sadness between the thick and curved eyebrows.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1386 Seductive sister Jiang Wan'er, the ghost body condenses the human body

On the girl's delicate face, the nervousness faded, and she said: "My name is Jiang Wan'er, and I have lived in the Demon Suo Tower for a hundred years. You...you said you came to visit?"

Jiang Wan'er had a surprised expression.

Liu Xu said with a smile: "Of course, I am a special person, and I like to visit the strange scenery in the world. The Demon Locking Tower is a good place, and it is worth visiting."

Jiang Wan'er opened her mouth wide, looking at Liu Xu strangely.

"Don't be surprised, the dregs in the Demon Locking Tower are like ants to me. I came here to experience the Demon Locking Tower. Danger is to me what floating clouds are to the sea."

"Floating clouds to the sea?" Jiang Wan'er couldn't help asking again.

"The sea encompasses all the floating clouds, it's vast and surging!" Liu Xu said.

Jiang Wan'er burst out laughing, Jiao Yuexiong twitched a little, drawing a series of ingenious traces, making Liu Xu's mouth water.

"You're such a funny talker."

"It's nothing, I'm just a little smarter than ordinary people."

"Don't you know humility?"

"I call it seeking truth from facts."


Relying on Liu Xu's powerful flirting skills, he started talking eagerly with Jiang Wan'er in an instant.

Jiang Wan'er, who had never been out of the Demon Locking Tower, could not stand up to Liu Xu's rhetoric.

Even after she was born, Jiang Wan'er didn't even see anyone.

Not long after talking with Liu Xu, I developed a good impression of him.

That's why Liu Xu's plan to pick up girls went so smoothly...

Jiang Wan'er is the daughter of Jiang Ming.

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