Liu Xu finally decided to make a move.

The mental power spread out, directly covering the entire Demon Locking Tower.

All connections between the Demon Locking Tower and the outside world have been cut off.

In an instant, Li Xiaoyao escaped from the control of the Juggernaut.

Not only was the Juggernaut unable to control Li Xiaoyao, he couldn't even see what was going on inside the tower.

Of course, Liu Xu's preparations were not limited to such a small amount.

Controlling others, Liu Xu is the real expert.

Liu Xu's mental power was pervasive, and in an instant, it invaded Li Xiaoyao's brain. Li Xiaoyao, who had just escaped from the control of the Sword Master, woke up for less than three seconds, and his body was controlled by Liu Xu again.

Cough cough, in short, Li Xiaoyao was spoiled.

"Hey, Xiaoyao, what's wrong with you?" Wang Xiaohu and Tang Yu pulled Li Xiaoyao and asked with concern, "Xiaoyao? Why didn't you talk?"

Unfortunately, Li Xiaoyao's body is no longer under his control.

The long sword in his hand suddenly swung out like this, with a scoff, a sharp sword light cut Tang Yu and Wang Xiaohu.

"Xiaoyao, what are you doing?"

"Xiaoyao, have you been controlled by someone?"


Liu Xu controlled Li Xiaoyao, and the long sword in his hand burst into dazzling light, preventing Wang Xiaohu and Wang Xiaohu from reacting and attacking again.

Liu Xu has also seen Li Xiaoyao's swordsmanship before, and when he imitated it, it was exactly the same as Li Xiaoyao himself, without any flaws at all.

"He is Xiaoyao."


With another flash of sword light, Li Xiaoyao chopped Wang Xiaohu and Wang Xiaohu more than ten meters away, and a hideous cut appeared in the mouth of the two.

At this time, it is not important to ask why and understand why Li Xiaoyao went crazy.

Only by saving your life can you have the opportunity to investigate everything.

The two of them used all their strength to run fast, the aura surged under their feet, and they quickly rushed towards the distant gate.

"Kill one and keep one, so that the dispute will be interesting."

From Li Xiaoyao's mouth, there was a voice that didn't match his temperament.

Another ray of sword light flew forward, fierce and domineering, Wang Xiaohu and Tang Yu tried their best to speed up, but unfortunately, it was too late.

The sword energy pierced Wang Xiaohu's body and tore off two of Tang Yu's arms.


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Chapter 1388

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Tang Yu roared, and suddenly, as if he understood something, he said to Li Xiaoyao: "Xiaoyao, you are lying to us. You are lying to us, aren't you? What kind of benefits did worshiping the moon give you to let you do this for him? Work hard."

Clutching his bloody shoulder, Tang Yu finally grew up and matured at this moment.

At least, he thought so himself.

Get rid of Moon Worship.

Killed Li Xiaoyao.

This is Tang Yu's belief.

Thinking of the various teachings of foster father Shi Gonghu, Tang Yu took a deep breath, a gentleman took revenge, ten years is not too late, and he quickly escaped from the demon lock tower...

"Li Xiaoyao" turned around slowly, looking at Jiang Ming in front of him with a relaxed face.

"Really, I am extremely happy!" It seemed to be talking to himself, and it seemed to be talking to Jiang Ming, "These grasshoppers have long wanted to kill them, but today they finally uttered their anger."

"Li Xiaoyao" raised his long sword slowly, aiming at Jiang Ming who was opposite.

"Who are you?" Jiang Ming looked at Li Xiaoyao and asked in a deep voice.

It was the Juggernaut who controlled Li Xiaoyao before, Jiang Ming could tell.

But the person who controls Li Xiaoyao now, Jiang Ming, can't even detect any information.

In fact, if Li Xiaoyao's performance was not too obvious, Jiang Ming would not have known that he was being controlled.

"Who am I? Well, to be precise, I'm your son-in-law. Calling you father-in-law and slashing you with a sword can be considered clear. Well, I know you're wondering, but it's too troublesome to explain , I will not waste words. If you want to blame, blame your bad luck! Well, it is also the reason for letting Wan'er fall into my arms, and there is also the great protagonist who entrapped us. Of course, in the next life, I will let you reincarnate to be a rich man. Second generation, don't worry..."

In the nagging words, "Li Xiaoyao" seemed to be delaying time, and he was not in a hurry to make a move, until Liu Xu and Jiang Wan'er in the distance happened to turn a corner.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiaoyao's sword, just inch by inch, shone brightly.

"Go, Jiang Ming."

The sword light was so bright and dazzling that it seemed to overwhelm everything.

Liu Xu controlled Li Xiaoyao and launched an earth-shattering move.

Of course Jiang Ming wouldn't just let him go.

"Xianfengyun body step."

One figure turned into three figures, and dozens of sword qi flew towards Li Xiaoyao's body.

The sword energy collided fiercely in the air, and a strong roar erupted.

Li Xiaoyao's sword qi is average in strength, after all, it borrows the aura in Li Xiaoyao's body to display it.

But that sword intent is so powerful that it seems to be able to destroy everything.

From above, Jiang Ming felt a destructive force, as if the soul would be wiped out as soon as it got a touch of it.

One after another sword qi erupted from Jiang Ming's hands, but Li Xiaoyao ignored them.

In other words, Liu Xu didn't care at all.

Anyway, it wasn't Liu Xu's body, as long as he hit the opponent, Li Xiaoyao suffered multiple injuries, but it had nothing to do with Liu Xu.

A small sword energy, mixed with an undoubtedly rivaling sword intent, erupted between the two of them.

Liu Xu controlled Li Xiaoyao's body, refused to dodge, and forcibly withstood Jiang Ming's sword attack.

However, that little sword energy finally crossed the heavy blockade and rushed towards Jiang Ming.

Just as Jiang Ming's soul was touched by the little sword energy, it trembled violently. The sword energy was like cutting tofu with a knife, splitting Jiang Ming's body in half...

Jiang Ming's soul dissipated like smoke.

"Father..." Jiang Wan'er cried bitterly.

Liu Xu held Jiang Wan'er and comforted her.

"Wan'er, don't worry. Although your father is gone, I will use my supreme magic power to save him. In the next life, he will be reincarnated as a rich man."

Jiang Wan'er threw herself into Liu Xu's arms and choked up.

"Father, Daddy has always been in pain, living in guilt, but, but Daddy has always been very good to me, very good."

"Don't worry, Wan'er, I will avenge your father."

"Brother Liu, brother Liu, thank you, you are so kind to me."


Li Xiaoyao on the other side also regained his sobriety at this time.

Liu Xu's control is more domineering and thorough than that of the Juggernaut.

When Li Xiaoyao was controlled by Liu Xu, he was in an unconscious state and had no idea what happened.

He didn't even notice Wang Xiaohu's death.

Looking at the empty venue in front of him, Jiang Wan'er who was crying bitterly, and... Liu Xu who had met several times.

Li Xiaoyao was still confused.

"Ahem, me, why am I hurt?"

Li Xiaoyao covered Yue Xiong's mouth, still unclear.

There is a little blood on the sword, and there is a pool of blood on the ground in the distance, there is Wang Xiaohu's body, and two arms...

Li Xiaoyao froze instantly.

Staring blankly at everything in front of him, Li Xiaoyao couldn't even speak.

"This this……"

Was it made by Shushan?Or did Jiang Ming do it?still……

Li Xiaoyao's brain was in a mess and he couldn't think anymore.

The sword energy riddled with holes in his body told Li Xiaoyao that he had experienced a fierce fight not long ago, but he obviously didn't remember it.

"What the hell is going on?" Li Xiaoyao murmured.

"Boy, stop pretending. It's only right and proper to kill someone. Let me, Liu Xu, give you a ride myself!" Liu Xu patted Wan'er on the shoulder and walked out slowly.

A long sword condensed with aura suddenly appeared. Liu Xu never used a weapon, because no one in this world was worthy of using a weapon by himself. The aura was changeable, but it was the best choice.

Watching Li Xiaoyao, Liu Xu's eyes moved to Li Xiaoyao's waist.

A gourd was hanging around Li Xiaoyao's waist, and Liu Xu understood everything when he tested his mental strength.

All the monsters in the Monster Locking Tower have been put into this gourd by Li Xiaoyao.


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