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Chapter 1389 Power of the Earth, Drunken Strong Sword Intent

"Alright, Li Xiaoyao, go die!"

The lightsaber in Liu Xu's hand suddenly left his hand, like an arrow leaving the string, it flew towards Li Xiaoyao quickly.

Without using any Taoism, Liu Xu threw the sword with pure physical strength.

The long sword was flying fast, Li Xiaoyao hurriedly raised his sword and blocked it.


The sound vibrated in the demon-locking tower, and Li Xiaoyao's sword was broken into two sections from the middle, and the long sword with condensed spiritual energy rushed up and stabbed Li Xiaoyao's Yuexiong mouth all at once.


With a low shout from Liu Xu, the long sword exploded suddenly, and strange energies spread across Li Xiaoyao's wounds, just like the move that injured Baiyue back then, this energy was destroying all the time, he needed to keep healing.

"Asshole, what's going on, who can tell me."

Li Xiaoyao roared, and quickly backed away.

With the sudden change, Li Xiaoyao was still at a loss.

He tightly grasped the gourd around his waist with his left hand. If there was no other way, he could only use this gourd.

The big hole at Yuexiong's mouth was hideous and terrifying, and blood flowed continuously.

Li Xiaoyao finally knew the pain Bai Yue endured every day.

However, in order to fulfill Nuwa's entrustment, Li Xiaoyao still gritted his teeth to prevent himself from passing out.

"I want to send this gourd to the Nuwa Temple."

"The power of the earth, the power of the earth."

"I can't fail..."


Liu Xu looked at Li Xiaoyao and said, "The power of the earth? Could it be that Nu Wa needs that thing?"

Li Xiaoyao was startled suddenly, and looked at Liu Xu vigilantly: "You, how do you know what's in my heart?"

Pulling out the second sword behind him, and guarding Yuexiong, Li Xiaoyao looked at Liu Xu, and the fear in his heart grew stronger than ever.

Li Xiaoyao pressed the gourd around his waist with his left hand, and it seemed that there was still some killer move hidden.

"It's useless, this 'ultimate move' is just a child's play." Liu Xu laughed.

"You, how can you see through people's minds, how can you..."

Li Xiaoyao frantically swung his sword, anger and fear erupted.

Wang Xiaohu's icy corpse was not far away, Li Xiaoyao was in a state of madness, and he just swung his sword at Liu Xu with all his might.

One after another sword energy, chaotic and mixed.

Unfortunately, more than ten meters away in front of Liu Xu, he was blocked by Liu Xu's spiritual barrier.

Liu Xu, don't move.

"Damn it..."

Li Xiaoyao held down the gourd on his waist, and was about to make the final ultimate move.

Under the crisis, I can't take care of so much.

But suddenly, Li Xiaoyao noticed that Liu Xu's gaze had moved away from him.

The huge mental pressure dissipated invisibly in an instant, and Li Xiaoyao's whole body seemed to lose tens of catties in an instant.

Liu Xu's attention was on another person.

Looking behind Li Xiaoyao, Liu Xu smiled and said, "I almost forgot, you came in too."

A person also has a gourd hanging around his waist, but unfortunately it is only a gourd for wine.

Dress casually, and the strong smell of alcohol can be smelled a hundred meters away.

"I didn't expect it to be you either. In order to kill you, I got very drunk!" The Wine Sword Immortal staggered and walked forward.

Jiu Jianxian and Li Xiaoyao stood side by side, watching Liu Xu.

Fighting spirit, strong.

Although I don't know why Liu Xu appeared here, and what he did for what.

However, Jiu Jianxian knew that there was no need to think about everything.

Liu Xu is the enemy, and he himself must use [-]% of his strength to fight Liu Xu.

When Jiu Jianxian recalled that stop back then, he was still shocked.

Even the current him is not sure of taking Liu Xu's sword back then.

"This is our second duel. I didn't expect it to be in this way." Jiu Jianxian staggered, stretched his trembling hand behind his back, and drew out his sword staggeringly.

Jian Guang was trembling, like a drunk person.

However, it does not give the slightest taste of weakness.

Liu Xu nodded and shook his head, not knowing whether it was approval or disappointment.

He greeted Wan'er a few times, then turned his head, and said flatly: "Yeah, fate is really interesting. Three tricks. Based on the fate in the past, if you follow my three tricks, I will save your life."

Jiu Jianxian lifted the gourd on his waist, and took a big mouthful.

"Ha... three tricks. You are really arrogant! Three tricks, three tricks, hahahahahaha..."

The jug burst and the wine spilled everywhere.

Jiu Jianxian threw away the jug that had accompanied him for many years, and a firm and bright light appeared in his sleepy eyes.

His body was drunk, but his will was still awake.

This battle is a battle that gives up everything.

Back then, he took three tricks. Now, how many tricks can he take?

On Jiu Jianxian's sword, the sword light gradually rose.

The sword seemed to be drunk too, hazy, unreal, and swaying rays of light bloomed on the sword.

The drunken sword intent on the sword gradually diffused.

The air is also swaying, unreal, the wine sword fairy's Dionysus curse has reached the point of perfection.It is not the same as back then.

The whole person, as well as the surrounding environment, are all integrated into one.

This is the sword intent of Jiu Jianxian.

"Very good." Liu Xu's eyes showed a rare fighting spirit.

He stretched out his right hand and gently pushed forward.

Immediately, the majestic spiritual energy rushed towards the two opposite people like waves.

The powerful momentum crushed the entire Demon Locking Tower to the point of crumbling.

The surrounding stone walls rustled down, and even the ground trembled.

The palm prints slowly pushed forward, covering the sky and covering the earth.

The speed is very slow, but it covers all places and cannot be avoided.

Jiu Jianxian held the sword tightly and gave a loud shout.


The whole space shook, and there were hazy sword shadows everywhere.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1390 World War One, Harmony Realm

The people of Wine Sword Immortal also divided into countless shadows in an instant.

Countless sword intents spread throughout the space, meeting Liu Xu's giant palm densely.

The two collided fiercely, and the strong shock wave swayed away. Li Xiaoyao, who stood aside, could only protect himself.


Jiu Jianxian let out a stern voice, twisted the magic formula, and all kinds of Shushan Taoism emerged one after another, hitting Liu Xu's palm one after another.

It's a pity, facing the overwhelming palm, no matter how he dealt with it, Jiu Jianxian was still unable to shake it in the slightest.

The giant palm is like an ocean wave, after one wave, another wave follows.

Jiu Jianxian spent all his strength to break the front palm, but the stamina is endless, wave after wave.

This is a palm created by Liu Xu based on the principle of Bo.

"Senior, let me help you."

Li Xiaoyao shouted loudly and clasped his hands together.

Waves of spiritual energy fluctuated in the palm, vibrating at a strange frequency, and then, in front of Liu Xu's giant palm, a mass of spiritual energy vibrating at the same frequency and speed appeared.

Although not as mature as Baiyue, Li Xiaoyao finally mastered a little trick.

At the critical moment, Liu Xu's instant attack was delayed.

"Good, good boy." Jiu Jianxian burped and praised.

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