Even the distortion of space stopped when it touched Liu Xu's body.

Liu Xu's physical body has already surpassed this world.

Jiu Jianxian wanted to say something just now, but he couldn't even practice the movement of his lips. The whole space seemed to be still, and he could no longer control his body.

Liu Xu looked at Jiu Jianxian calmly, and said with a smile, "This is the third move."

With a light flick of the finger, where the index finger touched, the space was cracked with deep marks, like cracked glass.

The body of Jiu Jianxian, together with this space, cracked, shattered, and then disappeared in the distorted space.

No matter how strong the will is, it is still fragile in front of Liu Xu's power...

"Really, why are you against me? Although I admire you more, it doesn't prevent me from killing you." Liu Xu said calmly, as calmly as if he had crushed an ant.

His eyes flicked to Li Xiaoyao who was in the distance, and once again, he made a move.

One punch.


Li Xiaoyao's body stiffened in an instant, his flesh and bones creaked.

Liu Xu's punch sent Li Xiaoyao flying away quickly, and a long trace flew across the night sky, flying towards the south...

Liu Xu will save Li Xiaoyao's little life first, and a half-mutilation will be enough.

After all, that gourd is going to lure out Nuwa!

Moreover, Liu Xu was really looking forward to Tang Yu's expression when he met Li Xiaoyao again.

The demon-locking tower collapsed layer by layer, and Liu Xu's attack had already battered the demon-locking tower to be riddled with holes.

Compared with the collapse of the Demon Locking Tower in the original book, this time, it seems to be even more spectacular.

Hugging Jiang Wan'er's slender waist, Liu Xu stretched out his hand to grab it, the space twisted and rotated, and the entire Demon Locking Tower just disappeared suddenly, submerged in the turbulent flow of space...

Holding Jiang Wan'er and leaving the collapsed Demon Locking Tower, Liu Xu returned to the guest room without knowing it.

The demon lock tower collapsed, and Liu Xu was basically out of touch.

He changed his appearance before going up the mountain, and the Juggernaut couldn't recognize himself at all, he only thought of himself as a soy sauce brat.

But the three of Li Xiaoyao disappeared inexplicably, and the demon lock tower collapsed. This is the most suspicious thing.

So Liu Xu continued to swagger and live in Shushan in a big way.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1392 Father and daughter tearing each other up, pointing at the sword master

three days later.

The sun is shining and the spring breeze is blowing.

The day of the sword master and Yin Li's martial arts competition has finally arrived.

On the square of Shushan, there are crowds of people.

The news of Yin Li's challenge to the Juggernaut has already spread throughout Shushan.

All Shushan disciples ran over to watch this wonderful duel.

The collapse of the Demon Locking Tower was a major blow to Shushan.

Everyone hopes to regain their faith in this competition.

Juggernaut is undoubtedly the strongest person in everyone's mind.

Countless people were rustling and talking to each other.

Liu Xu and the others walked out from a corner of the square. Yin Li was wearing a light white dress, looking cool and moving.

All the disciples in Shushan were stunned.

"Yin Li, don't be nervous, just stay in this state! With the sword as a teacher, you will definitely win." Liu Xu encouraged.

"Master, I will definitely win." Yin Li said firmly.

"Well, let's go!"

With firm steps, Yin Li walked towards the square in the distance.

A large piece of land was vacated in the center of the square, and the disciples of Shushan waited patiently.As Yin Li approached, all the noises subsided.

On Yin Li's back was a long blue sword with no scabbard, only the blade.

On the long sword, there is actually no feeling, empty, ethereal, as if it doesn't exist.

Everyone froze when they saw the long sword.

But then, he laughed again, so what if it was a magical weapon?

This level of fighting is not something that weapons can take advantage of.

Yin Li walked to the square, then closed his eyes and adjusted his state.

She had waited for decades for this moment and was not in a hurry.

The entire square fell into silence, waiting for the arrival of the Juggernaut.

The sun was slowly rising from the east, and everyone's breathing could be heard clearly.

The disciples of Shushan suddenly felt that they were actually worried about this game.

The quiet faces of Liu Xu and the others didn't look like they were pretending.

Although the middle school disciples' belief in the writing of the Juggernaut is extremely fierce, but this wave of doubt can't be stopped at all...

A deep sigh sounded.

The Juggernaut finally appeared.

The gray-white robe appeared in the distance, reflecting the morning sun, ethereal and agile.

The Juggernaut seems to be one with nature, unfathomable.

After a few movements, the Juggernaut appeared on the square.

With calm eyes, even if he saw Yin Li's womanly appearance, he only showed a slight smile.

Just like admiring flowers and plants.

Juggernaut, has been completely heartless and loveless.

His way is great love and ruthless.

"You're still here," said the Juggernaut.The tone is gentle and calm, without the slightest emotion.

"You think I'm you? I only know how to escape." Yin Li slowly opened his eyes and said coldly.

"Life and death have their own destiny. Cuihua's death cannot be prevented by me. Everything has already been predetermined, why bother to be persistent?"

"Shut up." Yin Li's face turned cold.

With a bang, he pulled out the sword in his hand, and Yin Li's gaze was as intense as fire, like an erupting volcano.

The momentum of the whole person climbed step by step.

The sword light was icy cold, and the blazing sun couldn't dispel the chill. Yin Li gently raised his sword, pointed at the sword master, and said nothing.

Accumulate Qi.

This is Yin Li's temporary crouching, and Liu Xu taught her a trick.

He kept storing his own anger and killing intent, and waited until everything reached a certain critical point before suddenly erupting.

This kind of tactic may be useless against other top experts, because the other party will not give you such a long time to prepare, but the sword master still has a trace of guilt for Yin Li deep in his heart and will not stop him.

Let Yin Li show off his strengths, then subdue her, and then convince her with reason.

This was the original plan of the Juggernaut.


"Heavenly Sword Promise..."

The cold voice fell, the icy sword fell, and the mighty aura of the whole world fell.

Yin Li swung a sword that had been brewing for a long time, and in an instant, the situation changed, and it actually moved the general trend of the world.

The power of this sword surprised even the Juggernaut on the opposite side.

The sword energy was overwhelming, mobilizing the spiritual energy of the entire world. The slowly descending sword energy seemed to split the entire Shu Mountain in two, and the aura that seemed to be an envoy made people surrender.

"What kind of trick is this?" The Juggernaut couldn't help being surprised.

The trick of becoming one with heaven and earth is not something that can be created simply. Finally, the Sword Master dare not underestimate Yin Li.

Immediately enough spiritual energy, Taoist robe whistling, one by one cyan Tai Chi diagrams were swung out, hundreds of sword energy interlaced in the air.

The gigantic sword of the sky collided fiercely with the unfathomable and natural Taiji diagram of the sword master.

A dazzling light exploded between the two, and all Shushan disciples couldn't help closing their eyes.

The entire land of Shushan was shaking.

In the hearts of the Shushan disciples, the ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

The fierce collision was not over yet, Yin Li rushed out quickly, sharp earth thorns suddenly appeared on the ground, flames burned in the air, there were also icy ice arrows, and powerful wind-type Taoism.

What's more difficult is that among them, there are one or two strange southern border witchcraft, hidden weapons, and so on.

"My child, I really... have suffered for you." Said the Sword Master.

How can one learn such Taoism skills?

There was a trace of sympathy for Yin Li in the sword master's heart.

Just as he was about to raise his hand, the Juggernaut suddenly discovered that the aura was not working smoothly.

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