Frowning, the Juggernaut thought of something bad.

Looking at the palm of his hand again, a black spot appeared, obviously, it was poisoned.


Yin Li's attack came in the blink of an eye, the Juggernaut hurriedly dodged to dodge, and at the same time quickly circulated his aura to force out the toxins.


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Chapter 1393 Zhu Xian came out, the world was shocked

"Brother Liu, tell me, can sister Yinli win?"

"Originally, I shouldn't be able to win. After all, the cultivation base of the Sword Master has risen a little... You see, this guy's eyes are still a little red. It seems that while the death of the Sword Immortal Jiu hit him, it also made him lose his strength." His mood has risen again."

"He has reached the peak of the Kongming Realm." Ling'er on the side said softly.

"Well, indeed, it's not easy. However, Li'er took my 'Xianxian Sword', hmph. Even if I can't hit him, if I manipulate it myself, can there be any accidents?"

"But, isn't that considered cheating?"

"As long as we don't tell Yin Li, how will she know? It's enough to solve her knot."

"But Dad, besides killing the Juggernaut, is there any other way to get rid of Sister Yin Li's knot?"

"...The Juggernaut is not a good person anyway, so it would be nice to kill him along the way."


The tragic fate of the Juggernaut, in fact, was doomed from the moment Liu Xu saw him unhappy.

The fight between Yin Li and the Juggernaut on the field has reached a fever pitch.

Yin Li did not hold back the tricks taught by Liu Xu, and used them one after another.

Stones are flying in the center of the square, sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the sound of jingling can be heard endlessly.

All the Shushan disciples could no longer see the fighting figures, but they still kept their eyes wide open, watching in the gray dust and dazzling sword aura, unknowingly, nervous sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"Wind Thunder Sword."

Another move that no one has seen before.

The wind and thunder are intertwined, as well as Shushan swordsmanship.

After the fusion of Wuling Xianshu and swordsmanship, the effect is very remarkable.

The Juggernaut has a superb cultivation base, but it is quite a headache to face Yin Li's endless stunts.

He even planned a series of words to persuade Yin Li to give up his hatred. The Sword Master attacked again and again, trying to subdue Yin Li, but was interrupted by Yin Li's strange moves every time.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of successive explosions swayed in the square, like thunder rolling in the sky, sharp cyan wind blades, and violent thunder and lightning rolled and boiled on the square, as if they could blow up everything.

The cyan Taiji diagram and peaceful sword energy sprang out from time to time to defuse Yin Li's moves. Although the sword master has been suppressed by Yin Li's various strange moves and passively defended, he is able to handle it with ease.

On the other hand, Yin Li was a little tired.

After all, in terms of cultivation, Yin Li has reached the peak of the Void Returning Realm under Liu Xu's double cultivation, while the Sword Master is the peak of the Kongming Realm.

Compared with Juggernaut, Yin Li was a big level behind.

The further you go to the back, the bigger the gap between the levels.

If it weren't for the powerful moves taught by Liu Xu, Yin Li would have been defeated long ago.

Sweat ran down Yin Li's cheeks, and Yin Li's body shook slightly, revealing a flaw.

The Juggernaut had sharp eyes and seized this opportunity in an instant.

Stretching out his hand and pointing, the sword energy flowed swiftly towards Yin Li, and the long sword in Yin Li's hand fell to the ground with a "snap".

The Juggernaut waved his hands, and streams of aura continued to wrap around and spread towards Yin Li.


The Juggernaut put his fingers together and let out a dark shout.

Immediately, strands of aura were like ropes, quickly entangled Yin Li who had just lost his weapon.Circle by circle, Yin Li was bound.

In a split second, the Juggernaut turned defeat into victory.

A truly experienced master can seize the smallest opportunity.

The disciples of Shushan off the court instantly boiled up.

"The head has won! The head has won!"

"The master is really powerful."

"Shushan Taoism is invincible in the world."


The heat wave was like a wave, and the sword master looked at Yin Li calmly, his face was calm.

After a pause, the Juggernaut said: "Son, stop! You are extremely talented, and you will surpass me one day in the future, but you are now..."

As the Juggernaut was talking, he suddenly froze.

A blue light suddenly bloomed behind Yin Li.

The sword that was carried on Yin Li's back from the beginning trembled suddenly.

With just a few tremors, the Juggernaut's binding technique instantly burst.

Even without the blade touching the rope, it cut off the tough aura chain.

Yin Lishen stretched out her white jade hand, and the blue long sword jumped into her palm as if driven by something.

The blue and blue Juggernaut is empty, ethereal, unable to feel anything.

Yin Li looked at the long sword, his eyes filled with confidence again.

The sword master looked at the sword in Yin Li's hand suspiciously.

He couldn't feel anything about this sword.

Even, if the sword wasn't in front of him and he saw it, the Juggernaut would even feel that it didn't exist at all.

"This sword..." The Juggernaut frowned.

"This is the sword that kills you."

Yin Li raised his sword towards the Sword Master.

Yin Li was still reluctant to defeat the Juggernaut with powerful weapons.

However, since there was no other way, and Liu Xu didn't want to make a move, this was undoubtedly the best way.

The tip of the sword moved inch by inch, and the space even trembled slightly.

A stronger and stronger sword intent enveloped the Juggernaut.

Every time the tip of the sword moved up, the sword intent became stronger. The Juggernaut even felt that the person standing in front of him was not a person, but a god-like existence.

The tip of the sword is pointing at the Juggernaut.

In an instant, the wind surged.

There was no sword move or aura, but a coercion on the sword spread all over the sky, rushing towards the Juggernaut.

The Juggernaut's brain seemed to be hit by something, and he lost consciousness for an instant.

It was as if a towering sword split his whole body in half.


There was a violent roar in the brain, and when the sword master came back to his senses, he found that Yin Li had already reached his side with the sword, and he was only three inches away from stabbing his Yuexiong mouth.


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Chapter 1394 The best male ticket, Li Daitao stiff

"What kind of sword is this?" The Juggernaut was still afraid.

Biting his own tongue, the Juggernaut used pain to keep himself awake for the first time.

He guarded his heart tightly, not letting his thoughts be repelled by the sword intent.

The Juggernaut quickly swung out dozens of Tai Chi diagrams, blocking Yuexiong one by one.

At the same time, hundreds of sword qi shot towards Yin Li.

Yin Li swung his sword down.


Taijitu is vulnerable to a single blow, broken like tofu.

Hundreds of sword qi hadn't even touched Yin Li. Under this sword, they retreated and disappeared one after another, just like seeing the king's subjects.


"not good."

The Juggernaut quickly backed away, his body skills were running to the extreme, and dozens of figures appeared in an instant, and he quickly avoided it.

However, something even more surprising happened.

Yin Li grasped the long sword and slashed horizontally with all his might.

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