Suddenly, a thin, long black line swung from the tip of the sword.

Space is broken.

The cracks in the space are very thin, but they are extremely sharp, and they continue to spread forward.

Dozens of afterimages burst instantly.

The Juggernaut's heart rose to his throat. With such a powerful weapon, he might be wiped out in ashes as long as he touches it once.

Moreover, looking at Yin Li's appearance, he was a little surprised. The sword master speculated that it was also the first time Yin Li used this sword, and he didn't know it had such a powerful power.

"If she is familiar with this sword, I am afraid there will be no suspense in this competition."

"We can't let her take the initiative, we have to solve it as soon as possible."

"If you use this sword to perform sword art, what will be the consequences?"

The Juggernaut almost didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he acted quickly.

The power of the peak of the Kongming Realm was exerted, and the figure of the Sword Master moved rapidly.

Turn left, turn right, up, down.

Countless afterimages appeared, and beads of sweat appeared on the forehead of the Juggernaut.

At this critical moment, Yin Li must be taken down with one move.Even if you can't, get rid of her weapon.

Do your best.

The Juggernaut turned sharply, and finally caught Yin Li's obvious flaw, stretched out his hand, and was about to flick the long sword.

Suddenly, his body couldn't move.

"Don't worry!"

A joking voice sounded in the Juggernaut's mind.

The Juggernaut encountered the scariest thing ever. He couldn't move his whole body. Yin Li's long sword drew a sharp arc and stabbed the Juggernaut.

The long sword flicked lightly, every half of the sword had aura.

Because the power of this sword cannot be controlled by anyone other than Liu Xu.

The aura cannot penetrate the blade.

Even if Liu Xu lent it to Yin Li temporarily, Yin Li could only use sword moves.

However, sword moves are enough.

The Immortal Execution Sword slashed across the body of the Juggernaut in an instant, and the Juggernaut suddenly became able to move and fled quickly. A corner of his Taoist robe was chopped off by the sharp sword.

Even, just brushed slightly, and did not touch.


"You can call me the best male ticket."


Just as the Juggernaut was about to speak, he suddenly found that he couldn't speak.

Someone secretly tampered with it, making the Juggernaut unable to speak.

Who is it?Why do you want to do this?Just now, why didn't you continue to hold him, but let him go?

"Why? Because I can't let Yin Li find out that I've done something wrong, and I have to make Yin Li feel that she got revenge on her own."

It was this voice that sounded in the Juggernaut's mind again.

The fear of the Juggernaut now is the same as that of Li Xiaoyao back then.

Being able to see through people's thoughts and hear people's inner voices, is this still a human being?

What kind of magic is needed to do this?

The Taoism of clairvoyance and ears has been spread, but the Taoism of reading other people's thoughts has never been heard by the Sword Master.

"Don't be surprised, this is just a small use of mental power. Well, you continue to fight. I won't make a move until the critical moment... By the way, how about the few sword intents just now? I specially left on the sword."

The Juggernaut forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart so as not to let himself be distracted.

People in the dark are scary, but the Juggernaut cannot die.

Once he died, it was hard to predict what would happen to the entire Shu Mountain.

Even, the Juggernaut was also connected at this moment with the fusion of the Demon Locking Tower.

Yin Li swung his sword over again, and the sword master fled desperately.

With the aura under his feet, the Juggernaut ran desperately, grabbing a flaw in Yin Li, the Juggernaut stretched out his hand again, and the speed was extremely fast, counting to the sword aura, and rushed out.

The space ahead suddenly distorted.

The sword spirit of the Juggernaut just disappeared, and once again missed the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

The Juggernaut calmed down, analyzed calmly, and slowly competed with Yin Li.

Yin Li's use of the Zhuxian sword became more and more smooth, and space cracks kept appearing on the field.

The thin black line seems to be able to cut through everything.

The Juggernaut knew that it was something that could not be touched, otherwise, he would die.


The Juggernaut found that he couldn't shout anymore.

However, a powerful sword energy still swung out, aimed at a weak spot in Yin Li, and rushed over quickly.

As he gradually exhausted himself, Yin Li had more and more flaws.

After all, wielding this heaven-defying artifact consumes a lot of energy.

If it weren't for Liu Xu's secret control, Yin Li might not even be able to swing a sword.

The scorching sword energy dazzled the eyes, and ran straight towards Yin Li.

However, this time it was even more outrageous.

A huge handprint suddenly appeared in front of the Juggernaut, and with a "boom", it crushed his sword energy into powder.

"No, didn't you mean that you don't want Yin Li to find out?" The Sword Master couldn't help but said.

Suddenly, Juggernaut found himself able to speak.

Looking at Yin Li, he found that Yin Li didn't seem to hear him, and continued to fight with people with his sword...

A man who looks exactly like the Juggernaut is fighting fiercely with Yin Li.

It was an illusion, a good trick to make Li Daitao stiff.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1395 Killing one's father to prove the way

On Yin Li's hand, a blue glow shone, and he fought fiercely with the "Sword Master".

And the real sword master, not only Yin Li, but even the Shushan disciples watching the battle below, seemed to be invisible.

Juggernaut, excluded...

"How, how is my avatar technique performing?"

It was this joking voice again.

But this time, the Juggernaut saw the deity.

With a handsome face, he looked no more than eighteen or nineteen years old.

A domineering aura belonging to a king and an evil aura intertwined on his body.

This is a person with a laissez-faire personality.

"You are, Liu Xu?"

The Juggernaut recognized it.

Many years ago, when he was enlightened, the Juggernaut once met Liu Xu.

However, almost nothing has changed between Liu Xu now and Liu Xu back then.

The roar in the ears continued. Liu Xu and Juggernaut were in the square, but no one noticed.

That phantom Juggernaut has replaced the real Juggernaut fighting.

Liu Xu said with a smile: "That's right, it's me. Don't you think it's troublesome to cheat all the time? I'll just make a fake you, wait for that you to fall into the street, and then replace you. How about it, like a genius idea?"

However, the seemingly warm smile made the Juggernaut feel a bone-chilling coldness.

"What's your purpose?"

"Um, do you really want to listen?" Liu Xu asked.

The Juggernaut looked at Liu Xu vigilantly, puzzled.

Liu Xu said with a smile: "Actually, I miss you at that time. You were young, handsome, and you had a blast with Mrs. Sweeper in Yihonglou. You are really amazing!"

The Juggernaut widened his eyes and pointed at Liu Xu.

"Uh, this is what you want to hear, so don't blame me. Well, I'll pretend that you stole the scripture pavilion, so I won't say it to hurt you, lest you be sad." Liu Xu continued.

In the eyes of the Juggernaut, fire has already burst out.

Back then, he was even punished to face the wall and think about his mistakes because of this incident.

The elder who went down the mountain to investigate happened to run into the sword master who was entangled with a sweeping aunt, which can be described as embarrassing.


Even the Juggernaut has deep self-cultivation, so he couldn't bear it anymore.

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