After all, his Dao has not yet been completed, it is only the realm of emptiness.

State of mind, it is impossible to be flawless.

Many things from that year have been unresolved, which is the flaw in the heart of the Juggernaut.

Liu Xu stretched out his hand lightly, and poked the sword master's chest with his finger in the air.

A bloody hole popped out of the mouth of the Juggernaut's Yuexiong.

The heart was pierced.

The whole person was immobilized by Liu Xu's mental power and could no longer move.

"Finally, let's talk about something that makes you gratified! Compared with your junior brother's body, you still have a whole body, which is really good."


With red eyes, the Juggernaut rushed towards Liu Xu, shouting.

"Everything is for Yin Li, this is probably the legendary killing of fathers to prove the truth!" Liu Xu slightly tilted his body, avoiding the Juggernaut.

The stunned Juggernaut rushed forward and coincided with the Phantom Juggernaut.

Yin Li stabbed out with a sword, which happened to be aimed at the Yuexiong mouth of the Juggernaut.

Just as the Juggernaut was about to move, Liu Xu threw out a slowing spell.

The action of the Juggernaut slowed down a bit.

Yin Li's sword accurately and coincidentally pierced the Yuexiong mouth of the Juggernaut, and landed exactly where Liu Xu penetrated.

"Perfect." Liu Xu snapped his fingers and said triumphantly.

A generation of great sword masters was killed by Liu Xuyin just like that.

Liu Xu didn't feel any guilt in his heart, he could kill even the Jiu Sword Immortal he admired without guilt, let alone an annoying Sword Master?

Liu Xu dodged and returned to the field, pretending to be there the whole time...

After Yin Li killed the Juggernaut with his own hands, his own consumption was also extremely huge.His body trembled, and he was about to fall down in an instant.

"Be careful, apprentice."

Liu Xu quickly stepped forward, and hugged Yin Li's tender woman Qiao's body.

Ling'er and the girls also came over to check on Yin Li's situation.

"Master, I, I have revenge." Yin Li said with a smile.

"Yes, revenge." Liu Xu said.

"Master, I, I killed him with my own hands." Yin Li's voice was as thin as a thread.

"Well, that's right, your mother, and the unfair treatment you have received have all been rewarded." Liu Xu patted Yin Li's shoulder and comforted him.

The strange tone contained some kind of hypnotic effect, making Yin Li gradually fall asleep.


Whispering softly, Yin Li lay in Liu Xu's arms and slowly fell asleep.

Her icy face finally showed some relief...

Liu Xu handed Yin Li over to Cai Yi and Jiang Wan'er to take care of her.

He took the Zhuxian sword and flicked it lightly.

The blade of the sword screamed violently, as if it was happy to return to its master.


On the other side, beside the Juggernaut...


"The master is dead."

"No, the master will not die."

"Revenge for the head."


Countless Shushan disciples surrounded Liu Xu and the others.

Several core disciples were guarding the body of the Juggernaut, crying out in pain.

In everyone's mind, the Juggernaut is invincible and the spiritual pillar of Shushan.

The death of the Juggernaut can even be said to mean the decline of Shushan.

A gleaming sword gleamed brightly in the sunlight.

All the disciples of Shushan had awe-inspiring killing intent.





Waves of shouts drowned Liu Xu's people.

The Shushan disciples have already started forming formations, ready to attack.

Liu Xu glanced roughly, and there were nearly ten thousand disciples up and down the entire Shu Mountain.

Moreover, everyone has a good cultivation base. Except for the Rising Sun Sect, there is almost no second party force that can be compared.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1396 Slash the mountains with one sword, the new master of Shushan

Liu Xu slowly raised his long sword, ignoring the anger of many Shushan disciples, and lightly slashed his sword.

The flow of sword light is completely different from when it is used by Yin Lai.

Like silent music, and like ding-dong running water, the sword light swayed out gently and slowly, obviously very weak, but it kept spreading in the air, traveling far, far.


A mountain range in the distance was suddenly cut off, the huge mountain toppled down, and fell to the ground with a "boom", the ground was shaking, and the swords in the hands of the Shushan disciples were clanging.

"Yin Ruozhuo, the head of Shu Mountain, died at the hands of his daughter Yin Li. It is his own business. You outsiders, what are you talking about?"

Liu Xu's loud voice spread throughout the audience, and all Shushan disciples froze for an instant.

The head's daughter?

Everyone looked at Yin Li's face again, and found that he was indeed somewhat similar to the Juggernaut, and with such a high talent, they might really be the daughter of the Juggernaut.

A Shushan disciple stepped forward and said, "Since she is a daughter..."

Liu Xu typed out a magic formula, and the disciple was immediately speechless.

Looking around, Liu Xu continued: "The so-called 'teaching cannot be left without a master for a day', the envoy of God has just rumored that I will be elected as the next head in Shushan. I don't know, who is willing to come forward?"

Liu Xu's eyes swept over everyone one by one.

Letting out a little bit of aura, it is extremely difficult for everyone, even if they move a little.

Several core disciples of Shushan were furious and wanted to curse, but unfortunately they dared not speak out again in front of Liu Xu's power.

Besides, the power of the Rising Sun Cult is not something they can resist.

There was only one core disciple with a heart-wrenching look in his eyes.

After glancing at several people around him, he said with difficulty: "This gentleman, I, I am Wang Xiaoer of Shushan, I don't know, I don't know what the name of the gentleman is?"

"Okay, it's up to you. From now on, you will be the head of Mount Shu and the head of the Church of the Rising Sun. In the land of Mount Shu, a new Temple of Gods will be built soon, and you will be in charge. Do you understand?" Liu Xu said decisively.

"Ming, understand." The disciple said in a daze.

"Shushan School, change its name to the branch of the Rising Sun Sect in the future, Shushan Church!"

"Yes." Although he was a bit deceitful, but facing such a big temptation to directly become the head of the Rising Sun Sect, this Shushan disciple couldn't help but be moved.

"Okay, this thing is called a sleepy dragon lock. It can lock people who are a level higher than yourself. If someone refuses to accept it, you can beat him until he accepts it. I will defend you in front of God Envoy."

Liu Xu threw out a small gadget, which was actually a toy that Anu tinkered with. Its ability is so bad that it is estimated that it will not work after ten or so times...

Some small thoughts of several core disciples also fell silent.

Thousands of disciples in Shushan were all silent.

The Rising Sun Sect is very powerful, and everyone knows about it.

This time, Shushan was directly incorporated, and no one thought of it. However, since the few leading disciples did not resist, why did they, the low-level disciples, bother?

There is nothing wrong with believing in the Rising Sun Sect.

What they didn't know was that Liu Xu had already used spells to seal the mouths of several core disciples who just wanted to refute.

Everyone is counting on others to succeed, and the result is that no one succeeds.

People will gradually get used to many things.

When the doctrines of the Rising Sun Sect are plastered everywhere in Shushan, even if they do not believe in the Rising Sun Sect, they will be slowly affected.

Coupled with Liu Xu's envoy's favor plan, Mount Shu will soon become history.

Liu Xu waved out a few untraceable auras, which left behind on several diehard and Shushan disciples.

After a few days, these people will die suddenly.

At that time, no one dared to resist anymore.

With little effort, the entire Shu Mountain was covered.

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